Author Topic: guh i need help with desitions and time (and spelling but not the point)  (Read 2648 times)


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okay just had an idea
however i am already writing a long project and my idea is for another poserble story
but it is just in the planing stages and unfortunetly i know i have little time
and i need to decide now witch one to do this weeked as i wont get to write again till next weekend if not for 4 weeks
any advice please

Offline Zuriel

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If you've got this great idea for another story but don't have time to write for a while, just write down the major points you want to use, in a list or anyway you want, but just get it down on paper/on you don't lose the ideas.  You can always go back and add to it, then when you're ready to write, your notes will help tremendously.  I keep a spiral notebook for the thoughts I get when I'm in the middle of something else and my computer is turned off.  Argh.  That way I don't lose anything, because if I don't write it down, it simply vanishes into thin air!   :-\
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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der that is a good idea
my note pad just ran out of papper i need a new one
stupid biology notes  ::)
thanks Zuriel

Offline Zuriel

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You're welcome!

I don't know where I'd be without my notebooks.   :)
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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in a bad mood, very confused and up a creek with out a paddle?  ;)

Offline Zuriel

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Hahaha...LOL!  Exactly!   :D

And I'm not cute when I'm grumpy.
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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no but this is

i have now got my paddle again still up the creek though  :-\

Offline Zuriel

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Awww...he's adorable!   :D  He looks so comfy and content.

Wish I could take a nap right now.
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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that was earlia this year
she is sleeping though
they both are

back on topic
um spelling guh
i should re write the english language it would be easier  ::)

Offline Zuriel

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Oh, sorry.  "She" is adorable!  Is your other dog a she also?  What are their names?

If you want to rewrite the English language (and it could use it), you're gonna need a bigger notebook.   ;)
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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lol yes i would
i think i shall re write it or start to
and call it dislexic english
first to go is capital letters  ;)
no this one is the he
(see my last post in selibrating pagres and words ect thread i gave you there names)

Offline Zuriel

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A "he" and a "she" - that's nice...and I did, of course, see their names in the other thread.

Good name for your new English.  And capital letters are overrated anyway.   :)

Ok...I hit 200 I can officially sign off and get busy!!!

Take care and good luck doing whatever it is you're doing.   ;)
"I exist, therefore, I obsess."


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i thought it would be an apropreat name
also that is the new spelling of that condition
okay be safe and have fun being busy
i am going to re write the english language
any OCD people with spelling twitches be worned  :P