Author Topic: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!  (Read 2559 times)

Offline JudasIscariot

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So my friends and I recently started playing DFRPG and I have been having a flood of Ideas for characters, and how they work. One in particular is the newest character I am trying to create. The only base i have for him is the main idea. Which is. A hand to hand combat expert who has sponsored magic "Lyssa" (the Greek Goddess of Rage, Madness, Frenzy and Rabies) the way i want him to work is to be fueled off of rage, but there is no real way to measure that in this system. Also Magic seems to be just a thing to Project as an attack or effect the surrounding area. when i would like this character to Work more on inner stuff, such as Buffing his power and giving bonuses to Fists and endurance for the explicit purpose of solving all problems with raging violence. Can anyone help suggest some ideas? or a system that can cooperate with FATE and portray this style of character.

Offline UmbraLux

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2012, 03:11:17 AM »
Have you looked at the emotional vampire powers?  Add feeding dependency linked to strength (or other) powers and you have powers fueled by rage...  ;)

Welcome to the forums by the way!
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Offline crusher_bob

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 03:15:45 AM »
Some variant of the feeding stress mechanics may work here.

Is the intention that he start out with an 'anger pool' that he uses to activate his powers, and then he was to go off and chew stinging nettles or something to get it back, or is the idea that he effectively gets stronger as he gets angrier?

Offline Rougarou

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 03:16:11 AM »
You could use biomancy via Thaumaturgy with Evocations ways and means (which is part of Sponsored Magic) to place aspects like "Charged with Anger" on yourself which you can then tag on a Fists roll. That's the easiest way I see to model this.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 03:17:40 AM »
What exactly do you mean when you say that the character is fueled by rage?

Does he need to "use up" his anger to use his supernatural abilities? Does doing so make him calm?

Or does he just need to be angry in order to be super?

Or is it something else?

All that aside, you might be better off using magic that isn't spellcasting here. Inhuman Strength could easily be narrated as an extension of your Sponsored Magic.

And of course there's always Magical Self-Enhancement.

Offline JudasIscariot

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2012, 03:34:20 AM »
thanks for the quick replies all of these are great ideas, and yes Crusher_bob had the idea about right. I would like him to become a stronger fighter as his anger rises.

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2012, 03:43:44 AM »
Then one possible way of implementing that is with the human form limitation.

For example:
-2 Inhuman strength
+1 Human form, covering:
-2 Supernatural strength

So, if you are just 'normally' angry you are only inhumanly strong, but if you get really angry, you become stronger, but it's obvious that you are no longer normal/human.

Another thing to loot at is the beast change power, that allows you to represent getting better at splitting skulls as you get angry, and forgetting all about your flower arranging skills.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 03:48:43 AM »
A Human Form hack might be your best bet.

At anger level 1, has these Powers.

At anger level 2, has these Powers.

At anger level 3, has these Powers.

You'd need to nail down what it means to be angry. You'd also have to rewrite Human Form. But those things are both manageable.

Actually, now that I think about it, the Catch rewrite that I stole from Becq might work here.

PS: bob ninja-ed me.

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2012, 03:58:03 AM »
A Sacred Guardian Hack could work (take mental stress to boost attack) as your rage is feeding your strength. Personally Sponsored Magic also would work as magic attacks are 100% superior to most other kinds you could make a rage powered fist attack as a spell with the associated mental stress (fist flavored magic) and still represent your concept quite well.   
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Offline JudasIscariot

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2012, 03:59:51 AM »
thats the main issue, and I'm glad you guys addressed it, measure "Anger" is something that needs to be defined. My GM suggested the amount of consequences or stress boxes could measure it, so if i get hit with a stress 4 hit I can access 4 refresh worth of powers. though as he said that is very risky.

I do how ever like the last three posts those are both really good ways to look at it. and a great way to build the character if nothing else, but yes the measuring anger is awkward. 

Offline JudasIscariot

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2012, 04:04:56 AM »
Also i apologize for not being clear before hand, yes an "anger pool" is kind of what i was going for.

Also the method of how the rage works, would be Build up. so like he gets really mad and sees red removing his brains limits on his body.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 04:10:47 AM by JudasIscariot »

Offline Radecliffe

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2012, 04:59:48 PM »
You GM could have you roll against Discipline (or some other appropriate skill) periodically as an attempt to either make yourself angrier or to control you anger as the situation dictates and depending on what state you are going for.  Success shifts can be split between control and duration.

For example:

  • You want to get angry(or angrier.)  There are no special circumstances so the GM sets a Average target.  If you get 4 shifts of success you can split between gaining anger "levels" and duration.
  • Assuming there is a max level of anger, once you are there staying there should be fairly simple barring extenuating circumstances.  However, there should be a downside to all that rage.  Your control should be spotty at best.  If I were GM's I'd be doing compels regarding doing property damage, fighting with your companions, threatening innocent bystanders or even taking off on your own to rampage.
  • Coming down off the rage should be more difficult under normal circumstances.  That might be a Great target with shifts split between losing anger "levels" and duration to your next roll.
  • Certain factors can add or detract from the target for a roll.  The bad guys just pumped you full of drugs and you are flying higher than a kite.  It might be tough to get angry in that situation.  Or in a rage, you backhand some kid across the street because he got in your way and the emotional shock of what you did makes it harder to keep your mad on.

Just some thoughts.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 06:15:11 AM by Radecliffe »

Offline Zenjoriki

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2012, 03:38:45 AM »
Sounds like it would be easiest to stat as a regular lycanthrope, add in Demonic Co-Pilot with "Rage" as it's pourpose. And if you would like more power pick up Modular abilaties and use it with whatever special effect you would like.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: I have this idea, and no one can make it work. Help Please!
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2012, 06:13:34 AM »
So, JudasIscariot, which of these many options do you plan to go with?

And do you need any other help with the character?