This refers to a bit of historical background for the next volume in the series of Thing I Want To Be Working On.
I have a human colony planet that is, between a combination of not having the right materials, losing some background knowledge, and having a government that is heavily down on research and progress and generally sort of stagnant, for the most part stuck at just-post-WWII tech levels. They have a fairly significant space presence, but it's been put there by brute force application of late 40s equivalent technology. (Sea Dragons!) They wanted to launch a large chunk of material to their moon for building with; a hundred-thousand-tonne or so total weight solid metal bullet packed with useful ores and things, launched with a suitably large nuclear explosion, and lithobraking on arrival. (Yep, there are bad consequences to setting off that large an explosion on one's planet; postulate a nihilistic imperium that is indifferent to some forms of collateral damage and actively welcomes others as signs of divine favour.)
I'm pretty good with most of what's needed to make this work - it's basically Jules Verne's Baltimore Gun Club writ large, except with realistic physics. My issue is that while smashing this thing into their moon and leaving a large crater with thousands of tonnes of metal buried in it is fine for delivering iron &c. one then intends to mine, I need somebody to hide a Significant Plot Object on the thing for later retrieval after its journey, and the Significant Plot Object has to make it through the journey intact. The Significant Plot Object can have plausible good real-world material strength (you can think of it as made of diamond or jade) but not be made of magic handwavium, and it can be cushioned by any plausible protective casing one could have made in, oh, 1948 (or say by 1960 if the technology to make it is something that works as an offshoot of tech development rather than having half a dozen other implications and obvious uses that mess up the setting) though the smaller and more discreet that protection is the better, and the upper limit would be, say, one standard shipping container; the object itself is small enough to hold in one hand.
So, anyone got recommendations for an engineering solution, or for good references/resources allowing me to figure one out ?
How in Sam Hell did I miss an Engineering thread!?! Im an engineer that designs industrial processing plants for the mining industry, and in college I designed wheels for a now-scrapped JPL lunar rover. So this will be all kinds of fun for for me.
I have several Ideas, but questions first:
How much in the way of Time and Resources are available to encode the Object?
How much time and/or privacy to attach/implant this Object?
How much information are we talking?
A data recording can be done with anything that has a lasting pattern, so the options are wide open. But size, time, and capacity will all be deciding factors. Your basic need is a recorded pattern that can survive physical impact and/or deformation, some heat (the impact will make a bit even if with no atmo) and misc radiation during space-flight. The temp swing on the moon is extreme (something like 40-400K shade to sun) so there is that even after impact. You also have to deal with some pretty abrasive dust. Magnetics are basically out, radiation, impact, or heat could threaten that. The intensity of both the Nuke to Launch and the comparable explosive compression on impact is even enough to cause crystaline changes in certain minerals.
Landing is just a deceleration problem, so a prepared landing target would help quite a bit. FIrst thing theu could do is pile up a bunch of moon-dust as a cushion. The biggest issue with a zero-atmo landing is that the object has to decellerate from space speeds in the distance between its ass and nose, since its hitting a stone wall (floor, I guess). IF you can give it a little more tome to slow down, it doesnt face near as much stress. Outside of a physical cushion, a magnetic counterpulse to rob it of speed as it comes in could reduce a lot of strain. Even a little atmosphere on the moon would simplify things greatly. If there is large-scale industrial work going on, a thin atmosphere of pollutants and industrial by-product could have been released from the Raw Materials they are crashing down and processing.
Offhand encoding options:
-Metal laminant
-DNA Encoding, requires sequencing tech, and/or massive (analog) computer
-Radioactive serial tracer
-crystalline lattice
Tell me if Im picturing the Industrial process correctly: They use a nuke and what is essentially a giant cannon to blast a material slug to escape velocity, presumably timed so that the trajectory will carry it to the moon. Id expect there to be some orbital way-station on one end or the other to do some course corrections, or else that is a 250,000 mile bullseye, and I would be very impressed. Once at the moon, it is crashed into a predefined landing site, where it crashes down, before some sort of sifter/excavator comes in and scoops up what’s left. Whats left will come in two parts; the buried core and the ejected scrap. At this point some machine or worker(s) are dispatched to dig out the primary core, while others sift out the scrap from the surrounding dust, to be sorted in the Factory.