You can still play one without free will, and you can still take an Aspect for free will. Free will remains a metaconcept. Gangsters can lose it and fallen angels can gain it.
This is where we disagree. I've quoted several places where it says that freewill is key, that without it you are a "monster" (perhaps a human monster) that is a slave to your nature.
As to taking an Aspect to gain freewill, I see that as rules breaking as taking an aspect to fly. "I have freewill" is just as alien to Fae as "I can flap my wings and fly" is to a Pure Mortal.
Why would I need a template other then WCV to show you?
Because I asked you to show me a template in the RAW that allows you to play a True Fae. To connect the dots:
There is no Template in the RAW that allows you to play a True Fae.
There is a power that is restricted to True Fae.
Therefore there are powers designed for NPCs only.
Okay, no problem. So make one. You can do that.
Again, we are at the point where there in a power in the RAW that no PC can take in the RAW.
That's not what RAW is. Sidebars are never RAW.
We strongly disagree on this point.
Especially in this game where larges chunks of marginal writing is used.
It doesn't matter in this case since despite your relentless distortion that sidebar supports an argument which is not yours, but knowing what the RAW is is probably important. RAW is rules-as-written. Not rules-as-written-plus-interviews-plus-commentaries-plus-homebrew. It's just the hard mechanical rules (and any "soft" mechanics used to talk about those rules, like the guidelines to creating a stunt).
RAW = what is in the rule book.
But I now understand where you are coming from. You feel that if it isn't a mechanic then it is not part of the RAW. And I'll explain where I'm coming from: I feel that if it's in the rule book it's part of the RAW.
The fact that we have been using two different definitions for RAW explains why we can't agree on things. I'll point to page 10 of the RAW and say "See? No freewill = not a PC" while you look at page 10 and conclude "No mechanics on that page so it isn't part the RAW".