Author Topic: New Power: Force of Will  (Read 3958 times)

Offline vultur

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New Power: Force of Will
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:11:08 PM »
Force of Will [-?]
Your will is so powerful that it can directly attack or restrain other minds.

Skills Affected: Conviction

Musts: Your high concept must represent being an entity of great power; this power is generally found on gods, ancient or godlike beings such as the Lords of Outer Night, and similar higher-end supernatural heavyweights.

Mental Attack. You may roll your Conviction as an attack skill against a creature no more than one zone away, dealing mental stress if successful. The target defends with Discipline.
Restraining Will. By concentrating your will on one creature no more than one zone away, you may use your Conviction as a block against all actions of that creature.
Enhanced/Potent Mental Attack. [-1/-2] Mental attacks with this power become Weapon:2 or Weapon:4, respectively.
Telekinesis. [-1] You may use Conviction for the 'Breaking Things' and 'Lifting Things' trappings of Might, moving physical objects with sudden bursts of applied will.


How much should this cost? -2? -3?

Offline Gatts

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 11:25:08 PM »
Description: You can exert physical force with the power of your mind alone.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline
Mind Over Matter. You may use your mind to exert force upon targets within your line of sight. This allows you to use all applications of the Might skill at a distance, using your Conviction skill instead of your Might skill. You may also perform other physical tasks mentally with your line of sight, using your Discipline skill to represent your dexterity.
Telekinetic Attacks. You may make physical attacks and maneuvers against targets within your line of sight using your mental powers. These attacks and maneuvers are controlled with Discipline and may be made with or without a melee weapon. Attacks made with this power without a weapon are weapon: 2.
Blades Of Force [-1]. When using Telekinetic Attacks without a weapon, your attacks are weapon: 4.
Force Field [-1]. You are protected by a shell of telekinetic power. You may use your Discipline skill to defend against physical attacks or to create physical blocks.
Telekinetic Self-Propulsion [-2]. Your telekinesis is strong enough to let you carry yourself. This allows you to fly as though you had the Wings power, using Discipline instead of Athletics to move around in the air.
Metaphysical Strength [-0]. (Requires Inhuman Or Better Strength) Your Strength powers apply to your Telekinesis rather than to your physical body. This increases your Conviction when using it to lift or break things, helps with your mental grapples, and increases the stress inflicted by your Telekinetic Attacks.
Unification Of Mind And Body [-1]. (Requires Metaphysical Strength) Your Strength powers apply to both your Telekinesis and your physical body. This provides all the benefits of Metaphysical Strength alongside all the benefits of ordinary strength.


Offline Silverblaze

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2012, 02:56:53 AM »
Force of Will [-?]
Your will is so powerful that it can directly attack or restrain other minds.

Skills Affected: Conviction

Musts: Your high concept must represent being an entity of great power; this power is generally found on gods, ancient or godlike beings such as the Lords of Outer Night, and similar higher-end supernatural heavyweights.

Mental Attack. You may roll your Conviction as an attack skill against a creature no more than one zone away, dealing mental stress if successful. The target defends with Discipline.
Restraining Will. By concentrating your will on one creature no more than one zone away, you may use your Conviction as a block against all actions of that creature.
Enhanced/Potent Mental Attack. [-1/-2] Mental attacks with this power become Weapon:2 or Weapon:4, respectively.
Telekinesis. [-1] You may use Conviction for the 'Breaking Things' and 'Lifting Things' trappings of Might, moving physical objects with sudden bursts of applied will.


How much should this cost? -2? -3?

They already have much of this under incite emotion.

Offline vultur

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 05:31:16 AM »
Hmm, I guess merely making a Conviction-based version of Incite Emotion (At Range) is pretty close. It's a totally different flavor though - no "emotion" involved - so I'm not sure exactly what the limits on the maneuver aspect would be. (This one is just blocks and attacks.)

(This is in preparation for statting out the Lords of Outer Night, by the way.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 05:39:29 AM »
"KICKED UPSIDE THE BRAIN" is a totally valid aspect to make with a maneuver.

Offline vultur

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2012, 06:29:11 AM »
"KICKED UPSIDE THE BRAIN" is a totally valid aspect to make with a maneuver.

Yeah. I meant 'limits' as in that the maneuvers from Incite Emotion have to be linked to a specific emotion (or more than one, with that upgrade).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 07:16:07 PM »
Anything that's suitable for the effects of raw will on someone's brain could be a valid maneuver for Divine Will. So no OVERWHELMED WITH CURIOSITY, but plenty of KNEEL BEFORE THE THRONE.

Offline Zenjoriki

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2012, 02:21:23 AM »
I stated this power on "Incite Emotion". Base the emotion on "confusion" or similar and I would recommend using Conviction or Presence instead of Deceit or Intimidation, but at -4 Refresh (Incite Emotion -1; @ Range -1; Lasting Emotion -1; Potent Emotion -1; total -4) you would have a 4 shift mental weapon (that’s battlefield grade weaponry!) with a range of 1 zone that does not cause the character mental stress like casting does. Most things wouldn't last long against this. Options: +1 zone per additional point of refresh maybe pick up a stunt to allow you to "Spray" with the power as well. All in all a very powerful ability.

Offline vultur

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 06:50:36 AM »
Good thoughts.

Maybe something like:

Incite Emotion (Awe/Overwhelmed; At Range, Lasting Emotion, [Potent Emotion]) [-3 or -4]*

*Lords of Outer Night use Conviction rather than Deceit as the skill for this power.

How much should a zone-wide upgrade cost, BTW? I don't think any of the beings we've seen necessarily *have* it, but it seems like something a Great Dragon or Old One might be able to do.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 06:39:54 PM »
I'd charge a Refresh for using Conviction with Incite Emotion, personally.

Anyway, I just searched the Custom Powers Master List and found this:

Incite Emotion trappings:
Emotion Burst [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may take a -2 penalty to your roll in order to have Incite Emotion affect everyone in a zone.
At Long Range [-1]: Requires At Range trapping. You may use Incite Emotion on a target up to three zones away
Resonant Emotion [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Lasting Emotion
Attacks and blocks made with Incite Emotion gain a +1 bonus, and aspects placed with Incite Emotion maneuvers are automatically sticky.
Heart-String Virtuoso [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Resonant Emotion
When tagging an aspect placed with your Incite Emotion power, you gain a +1 bonus, for a total of +3.
Emotional Control [Incite Emotion Upgrade; -1]
Musts: Incite Emotion
You may use Discipline instead of Deceit or Intimidation for your Incite Emotion power, and gain a +1 bonus when doing so.
Incite Crowd [-1], upgrade to Incite Emotion
You may use Incite Emotion against multiple targets simultaneously, as per the Spray Attack rules, splitting effort between targets, or, for a -2 penalty, against everyone in the zone you occupy, excluding yourself if you wish.  The benefit of this upgrade cannot be used in conjunction with the benefit of At Range.  Though you may possess both and use them both, you cannot use them both in the same action.

Obviously, this all needs a revision. But maybe it'll serve as inspiration.

Offline vultur

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2012, 12:55:04 AM »
I'd charge a Refresh for using Conviction with Incite Emotion, personally.

Why - because spellcasters will already want to have that skill so high? What about its use by non-spellcasters (I'm not sure *all* the Lords of Outer Night *necessarily* were)? OTOH, faeries with Incite Emotion (like nixies) already get a "double use" out of deceit with (Greater) Glamours and Incite Emotion... though, yeah, it's not nearly as broad as it is with spellcasting.

BTW, do you think a Breath Weapon variant that used Conviction would cost an extra refresh? Or "half" a refresh (thus a Weapon:3, -3 Refresh version)? Or as-is?

Anyway, I just searched the Custom Powers Master List and found this...
Obviously, this all needs a revision. But maybe it'll serve as inspiration.

Cool, I'll think about the possibilities there.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2012, 04:30:22 AM »
I'd charge a Refresh because it's a stunt. Moving the Incite Emotion trapping to another skill.

As for Breath Weapon, I rewrote that so that Discipline was one of the choices for a skill to use. But I'd charge a refresh for using Conviction nonetheless.

Those Incite Emotion upgrades are on my list of things to revise eventually, by the way. If you'd like to do that here, I'd be glad to help or to steal from your work.

Offline Zenjoriki

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2012, 01:46:42 AM »
I don't believe that I would charge a refresh. I would simply treat it as a unique power using the mechanics of Incite Emotion as the mechanics of the new power. I believe that is the best way to maintain balance. i.e. to simply take existing powers and rework them to fit the story of your character. But, say, if I were to take a White court Vamp and give him/her the ability to use a different skill to control their standard set of powers with, then yes I would definitely require a stunt for the skill I would be using. You could maybe justify accomplishing the same thing with a unique use of the "Echoes of the Beast" minor power. Say a Vampire that focuses on feeding from minor talents therefore morphing his power into something more akin to sorcery or Channeling creating a type of focused practitioner. Taken to it's logical conclusion that could be totally awesome.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2012, 11:30:26 PM »
Well, options are a form of power. If you can use Incite Emotion with whatever your highest skill happens to be, it's more powerful than it is normally.

But this is honestly kind of minor.

I would caution against requiring a stunt for this for WCVs and not for another character type, though. That amounts to a tax on a character concept. What if the WCV was some other creature with the same powers?

Offline Zenjoriki

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Re: New Power: Force of Will
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2012, 01:10:25 AM »
I completely understand the concept and concern for balance between character concepts, but for me story and character concept is second only to everyone having a good time. Wich is what is so awesome about DFRPG, Story is king! My point was more that instead of creating a brand new power simply take what is already there and make it fit your character concept... I'm pretty sure the designers would be cool with it :) The trick is to make up a character that is so cool that the GM is like "Yeah man... I see how that fits. Looks good to me. Roll with it". The point where these types of power modifications fall apart is when you are dealing with a player who is trying to power game, or in other words is just building his character around power.