Author Topic: Magical "Stunts"  (Read 2388 times)

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Magical "Stunts"
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:56:03 PM »
I'm considering introducing some magical stunts into my game (mostly with NPCs to add some surprise to the encounters).  Please critique.  I've included the page numbers of relevant rules for my own sake (copy and pasted from the Scrivener document I use for the game).  Each would cost a single refresh.  Ideally, I wanted to create options worth a refresh to a practitioner that weren't simply numerical bonuses and could make their casting a bit more unique (with the exception of mental compartmentalization, which is simply there so my players have an option when they go looking for stunts to give them more spells per scene).

Reactive Counterspell:
You may do a counterspell in place of a defense roll, making your Lore assessment as a free action.  Otherwise, treat the counterspell normally including taking mental stress.  (YS253) [Notes: This give the caster more options and is particularly against high control, low power practitioners]

Mental Compartmentalization:
You may take an additional minor mental consequence related to spellcasting.

Rapid Extension:
By inflicting a 1-stress mental hit on yourself, you may prolong a spell for a single exchange as a supplemental action.  (YS259) [Notes: This is trading 1-4 shifts depending on Conviction for the ability to do so as a supplemental action]

Shaped Effect:
You may ignore a target as part of a zone wide evocation attack.  Because you must control the energy around the target, the spell requires an additional shift of power for each target ignored. (YS251) [Notes: The power essentially represents it being more difficult to control and more stressful to cast, rather than actual power]

Reactive Block:
You may perform an evocation block in place of a defense roll.  Otherwise treat the block normally, including taking mental stress and rolling to control the effect.  Optionally, you may instead have the effect work as armor on a failed defense roll, taking mental stress and rolling control as normal.  (YS252) [Notes: This is less powerful than an enchanted item, but gives the option.  It can also be prolonged, where an enchanted item can't]

Rapid Thaumaturgy:
Choose a single type of thaumaturgy.  You may perform this with evocation’s methods and speed.  (YS288) [Notes: I don't like this costing 1 refresh for flavor reasons, but can't find a reason to justify increasing the cost.  Not sure if I'd allow it for thematic types]

Enhanced Item:
You may prolong an enchanted item effect as you would an evocation effect.  (YS259) [Notes: This could make evocation blocks useless for some casters, not sure if I like that]

EDIT:  It looks like something very much like Reactive Block is already on the stunt list.  Actually, I'm pretty sure I've seen a mental consequence adding stunt somewhere on the boards too.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 02:04:11 PM by InFerrumVeritas »

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 04:37:53 PM »
Rapid Extension:
By inflicting a 1-stress mental hit on yourself, you may prolong a spell for a single exchange as a supplemental action.  (YS259) [Notes: This is trading 1-4 shifts depending on Conviction for the ability to do so as a supplemental action]

I like the idea here but it gets a little weird in the execution. A supplemental action gives a -1 penalty to the primary action, but in this case the supplemental action must go after the primary action or there's nothing to extend. Would you require that a player declare that they were going to extend the spell before casting the spell? What about when they fail by one shift? Or better what if they fail by the number of shifts in the spell (and it all goes to fallout)? How does that work, since there's no spell to extend, but if they don't extend a spell then they wouldn't have a penalty which may have resulted in a successful spell which they would then have to extend giving them a -1 penalty, etc. ;)  I still like the idea, just wondering about the weirdness.

Shaped Effect:
You may ignore a target as part of a zone wide evocation attack.  Because you must control the energy around the target, the spell requires an additional shift of power for each target ignored. (YS251) [Notes: The power essentially represents it being more difficult to control and more stressful to cast, rather than actual power]

I would imagine that there's a point where this becomes less practical than a spray attack, but I don't see any real problems with it.

Reactive Block:
You may perform an evocation block in place of a defense roll.  Otherwise treat the block normally, including taking mental stress and rolling to control the effect.  Optionally, you may instead have the effect work as armor on a failed defense roll, taking mental stress and rolling control as normal.  (YS252) [Notes: This is less powerful than an enchanted item, but gives the option.  It can also be prolonged, where an enchanted item can't]

As you pointed out there are already stunts like this, and additionally there are house rules for universally reactive blocks as well.

Rapid Thaumaturgy:
Choose a single type of thaumaturgy.  You may perform this with evocation’s methods and speed.  (YS288) [Notes: I don't like this costing 1 refresh for flavor reasons, but can't find a reason to justify increasing the cost.  Not sure if I'd allow it for thematic types]

I'm all for this. It seems to give us the option of doing awesome Merlin style defensive wards or similar. I'm not sure what it might do to the balance. Usually evothaum isn't that powerful because it's tough to get more than 10-12 shifts in evocation, but I'm not sure what the high end of that could be (Sancta, what's Belial pulling these days?).

Enhanced Item:
You may prolong an enchanted item effect as you would an evocation effect.  (YS259) [Notes: This could make evocation blocks useless for some casters, not sure if I like that]

Dunno if I like this or not for the same reason.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 04:40:57 PM »
Rapid Thaumaturgy: I'd say no to this one.  See the example of kemmlerian necromancy.  I'd use a specialized sponsored magic for this instead.

Reactive Block / Counterspell: These should probably cost you your next action, to make them in line with stunts like riposte.  On the other hand, I'd probably merge the effects - make a single stunt that lets you cast a defensive spell, whether it be block or counterspell or whatever.

Enhanced Item: I'd allow this without needing a stunt, but I can see how that could be considered a houserule.

The rest of them look ok to me.

Sinker: Supplemental doesn't have to come after primary; you can totally extend a spell you cast last round.  That's rather the normal way to do it.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 05:01:52 PM »
@sinker:  I see Rapid Extension working like this.

Harry casts a 9 shift shield spell.  On his next turn, he uses Rapid Extension to prolong the spell (so that it lasts for this exchange as well) as a supplemental action, taking a point of mental stress.  He then casts an attack spell at -1 control.

Basically, it's for use on your next turn (although I suppose you could do it on your current turn, but it'd be inefficient), so that you can keep up that block or maneuver, or whatever one more round while you try to pull something else off.

@wyvern: For Rapid Thaum, it provides less of the benefits of sponsored magic (no debt, no specializations in the case of KN) but is half the cost.  I think it's balanced, but can understand why you'd want to go with SM.  I personally can envision characters who wouldn't want the debt/baggage possible with it, or who don't need the additional bonuses (or can't spend the extra refresh).  Also, KM gives you two disciplines (as well as specialization bonuses, etc) whereas this would just grant one.

For Reactive Block/Counterspell:  You can already use an enchanted item for this without taking an action (YS280).  This stunt just lets you do it if you don't have a pre-prepared item.  It's still causing stress/eating up resources, just letting you shift that stress from physical to mental and hopefully lessen it.  Riposte gives you an automatically successful action (and an extra action, really), so it takes your subsequent action.  This can still fail (control rolls), and doesn't do any more than simply defending would (except, hopefully, be more effective).

I keep going back and fourth on Enhanced Item: whether to houserule it or make it a stunt.  I'm afraid it may be too powerful for either in specific circumstances.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 05:03:24 PM »
Reactive Counterspell:
You may do a counterspell in place of a defense roll, making your Lore assessment as a free action.  Otherwise, treat the counterspell normally including taking mental stress.  (YS253) [Notes: This give the caster more options and is particularly against high control, low power practitioners]
This would take away some of the need for wizards to plan ahead rather than react to be strong. I would probably not include this, but that is just personal preference, mechanically I don't see any problem.

Mental Compartmentalization:
You may take an additional minor mental consequence related to spellcasting.
There are other stunts that do the same for other consequences/situations, so this should be good.

Rapid Extension:
By inflicting a 1-stress mental hit on yourself, you may prolong a spell for a single exchange as a supplemental action.  (YS259) [Notes: This is trading 1-4 shifts depending on Conviction for the ability to do so as a supplemental action]
I understand this different than sinker, especially since taking 1 mental stress to extend the duration is pretty much standard if you are already at your conviction level, powerwise.
My interpretation: Let's say you put up a shield spell that is about to expire, but you need to shoot at that one guy running while the other three are still shooting at you. You shoot with a supplemental action of extending the duration and the shield lasts another exchange.
This I like, it adds a bit drama to a fight by draining the wizards resources even quicker.

Shaped Effect:
You may ignore a target as part of a zone wide evocation attack.  Because you must control the energy around the target, the spell requires an additional shift of power for each target ignored. (YS251) [Notes: The power essentially represents it being more difficult to control and more stressful to cast, rather than actual power]
I can see this create all kinds of cool effects, so I'm all for it. It is going to be pretty impractical, if there are more than one or two friendly targets anyway.

Reactive Block:
You may perform an evocation block in place of a defense roll.  Otherwise treat the block normally, including taking mental stress and rolling to control the effect.  Optionally, you may instead have the effect work as armor on a failed defense roll, taking mental stress and rolling control as normal.  (YS252) [Notes: This is less powerful than an enchanted item, but gives the option.  It can also be prolonged, where an enchanted item can't]
It's basically moving a trapping to another skill AND you need to pay mental stress to use it. Feels balanced enough. Though enchanted items might be a better way to go, since you get 4 of them for 1 refresh.

Rapid Thaumaturgy:
Choose a single type of thaumaturgy.  You may perform this with evocation’s methods and speed.  (YS288) [Notes: I don't like this costing 1 refresh for flavor reasons, but can't find a reason to justify increasing the cost.  Not sure if I'd allow it for thematic types]
Look at sponsored magic, places of power. Those cost 3 instead of 4 refresh, because they are limited to a location. Now if you give a sponsored magic a similar limitation, only that it isn't geographical, you would be there. With evo+thaum it would only cost you 1 refresh, just like your stunt. I would prefer the sponsored magic solution here though, giving it a bit more flavour.

Enhanced Item:
You may prolong an enchanted item effect as you would an evocation effect.  (YS259) [Notes: This could make evocation blocks useless for some casters, not sure if I like that]
If I look at this correctly, then it should only effect blocks. I would probably let enchanted items do this anyway. That would be 2 uses and 2 actions spent for a prolonged shield or other block, which can be pretty long in a fight. RAW says an enchanted item always does the same thing, but I kind of see "putting up a shield" and "prolonging a shield" as similar enough to let someone do that without a stunt. And prolonging the effect of an enchanted item with evocation should work without it, too.
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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2012, 05:11:51 PM »
@sinker:  I see Rapid Extension working like this.

Basically, it's for use on your next turn (although I suppose you could do it on your current turn, but it'd be inefficient), so that you can keep up that block or maneuver, or whatever one more round while you try to pull something else off.

Ok, I totally get that now (and I really like it) but you've all admitted that it could be used on the same action. What would that look like?

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 05:13:27 PM »
Ok, I totally get that now (and I really like it) but you've all admitted that it could be used on the same action. What would that look like?

At least at my table, if a player wants to make a supplemental action after a standard action, they have to say so before rolling the standard action.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 05:37:06 PM »
What if the spell fails? Do they still have to prolong it even if it's not there?

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 05:43:52 PM »
What if the spell fails? Do they still have to prolong it even if it's not there?

Nope.  But it still fails.  They can't say "Darn, I failed by 1, so I guess I don't prolong it and succeed."  They're welcome to take different supplemental action though. 

That is, I require players to say that they are going to take a supplemental action after their primary action (so they get the -1).  I don't require them to say what that supplemental action will be.  This is particularly notable for speedsters in melee.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 05:51:38 PM »
Ok, just wondering how you might handle that bit.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 10:17:41 PM »
Some of these really seem halfway between stunts and powers...but that's beside the point.

I like Reactive Counterspell, it makes wizard fights less rocket-launcher-tag-like while not making wizards able to chump bruiser types. Though it is a bit too close to mandatory at high levels for my liking.

Mental Compartmentalization is underpowered, mortal stunts can provide 1 mild for anything or 2 milds for a limited purpose.

Rapid Extension seems kinda pointless. Why not just cast the spell with 1 more power?

Shaped Effect worries me, zone attacks are already really really good.

Not a huge fan of Reactive Block, it has the problems that Reactive Counterspell doesn't.

Rapid Thaumaturgy is boring but that's no big deal.

Enhanced Item doesn't look like it's worth a point of Refresh, unless of course you interpret the rules for enchanted armour generously.

PS: @sinker: Belial's most recent evocation was 16 shifts.

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 11:44:15 PM »
Reactive Counterspell:
You may do a counterspell in place of a defense roll, making your Lore assessment as a free action.  Otherwise, treat the counterspell normally including taking mental stress.  (YS253) [Notes: This give the caster more options and is particularly against high control, low power practitioners]
I suggest simply allowing this without charging a refresh.  A house rule in other words.  I'm a fan of giving wizards options to spend mental stress on that don't take out NPCs.  ;)

Mental Compartmentalization:
Sounds reasonable.

Rapid Extension:
By inflicting a 1-stress mental hit on yourself, you may prolong a spell for a single exchange as a supplemental action.  (YS259) [Notes: This is trading 1-4 shifts depending on Conviction for the ability to do so as a supplemental action]
Not certain I understand, is this a point of stress in addition to the point of stress spent in recasting the spell?  Also, is it meant to apply to spells which don't normally allow extending duration?  Finally, does Discipline still need to be rolled?

Shaped Effect:
Reactive Block:
Sounds cool.  I'd suggest reactive block as a standard rule / house rule though - perhaps limited to rotes, perhaps not.  (Not sure this isn't standard to be honest.  But the text isn't clear enough to make a good argument either way.)  Reasons are the same as above...mental stress spent on things other than attacking is a Good Thing (TM).

Rapid Thaumaturgy:
Choose a single type of thaumaturgy.  You may perform this with evocation’s methods and speed.  (YS288) [Notes: I don't like this costing 1 refresh for flavor reasons, but can't find a reason to justify increasing the cost.  Not sure if I'd allow it for thematic types]
Not sure I like making access to this easy.  I'd be tempted to limit it to sponsored magic.  If you are going to implement, I'd suggest limiting it to a single theme / specialty of thaumaturgy.

Enhanced Item:
You may prolong an enchanted item effect as you would an evocation effect.  (YS259) [Notes: This could make evocation blocks useless for some casters, not sure if I like that]
You can already gain an extra use via mental stress, not sure one way or the other about putting power directly in to duration.  Items are kinda broken already though, so I'm wary.

Edit:  One more issue with Rapid Thaumaturgy - it seems to give you something potentially better than Channeling or Evocation (depending on specialty limitations) for less cost.  I'd raise the cost to match Channeling or Evocation at minimum.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 12:08:44 AM by UmbraLux »
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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2012, 01:11:05 AM »
Edit:  One more issue with Rapid Thaumaturgy - it seems to give you something potentially better than Channeling or Evocation (depending on specialty limitations) for less cost.  I'd raise the cost to match Channeling or Evocation at minimum.

Actually, that raises an interesting question. What powers do these powers require?

PS: Evothaum isn't really that great. I honestly feel that 1 refresh is pretty pricey if you don't let people use evocation bonuses with it.

Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Magical "Stunts"
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2012, 03:34:48 AM »
Actually, that raises an interesting question. What powers do these powers require?

PS: Evothaum isn't really that great. I honestly feel that 1 refresh is pretty pricey if you don't let people use evocation bonuses with it.

I'll probably have to write in requirements, but basically all of these would require evocation or channeling, except the EvoThaum one, which would require Evocation/Channeling and Thaumaturgy/Ritual.

I'll work on final write-ups, as powers, but for my group, I'll just create a "Magical Stunt" category.