Not a great weekend for me writing-wise.
Glared at the book that comes before the Thing I Am Supposed To Be Working On, which i want to get in shape to be mentioned/sent in with the next draft of that Thing, somewhat less than happily. (The beginning is OK. The second half is OK. One of the viewpoints is good all the way through. But the second quarter or so of this book sucks cold potato soup through a straw by the gallon, and I think I have to basically crush fifteen chapters into nine to make it work, which plays merry hell with the structure. I've figured out a goodly bit of how to do it, but that does not make the actual doing any more appealing.)
Did a polish based on my first couple of beta comments on the Thing I Want To Be Working On, which was pleasingly straightforward. That is fairly close to ready to be out there, I think.
And looked through a very different project I set aside a few years back for not knowing where it was going clearly enough after the first 50kwords. It still seems to have strong points and I still do not see what to do with it next.