Since this is an active post, and the discussion has shifted somewhat to one's like or dislike of present tense, I thought I'd throw something of mine out.
In my WIP, (3rd person, past tense, multi-POV) there is a character who, for this discussion is best described as a bard (i.e, magic in her songs).
I'm no Tolkien, and have no plans to try and write any songs, but I do describe what the songs are about (mostly ballads and tales of heroes, etc.), mixing the words/import of the song to match the activities taking place around her.
But what I've been doing is witing the song descriptions in present tense.
One, it (hopefully) makes it easier for the reader to differentiate between the song and the surrounding "live" action, and two ... well, it just feels right.
So far, the mix seems to work well enough, but I've no idea if it's too far out of current convention, etc.
Any thoughts?