So the idea came up in another thread that with a magical maneuver you can place an aspect like "I'm a Bear" on yourself, as a sort of transformative effect.
I, of course, took it to a whole different place. If you use Mental magics to place an aspect like "I'm a Bear" on someone, does it count as Lawbreaking?
You won't be causing mental stress or consequences, yes, you would be tampering with someone's self-image, but it's in the most fragile (A character has 7 other aspects including High Concept to bring to bear against it) and transitory way (It probably won't last very long).
Then comes the question, "Why do it if it's so weak?"
Well, take the concept of "Magical Hypnotist." He should be able to induce mental illusions, Identity confusion, and even programmed responses to stimuli, through Mortal means. I can see these as different sorts of Maneuvers, temporarily combatting with the target's other Aspects with varying degrees of success (Which would explain why you cannot make someone do something through Hypnosis that they would never do normally).
With the power of Magic, doing such things should count as the magical equivalent of a simple action, but at what point does it move into Lawbreaking? These Aspects don't violate free will; although you think you're someone/something else, you can still make choices. That's what I thought was the corrupting factor of the 4th Law. No mind reading is done, so the 3rd Law is out, too.
Any opinions?