Author Topic: Cleaning Up The Stunt List  (Read 38088 times)

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #255 on: February 19, 2012, 08:59:42 PM »
I like it.

Though I will point out that replacing a trapping of one skill to another is all many sunts do.  Craftsmanship ----> Guns.  This also adds a damage.  Seems like it could be argued it does too much.

I as always question it's balance (the +1 stress inflicted part) when it comes to stacking (or the potential stacking of) stunts.  I espeically worry since the stunt is for a ranged weapon. 

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #256 on: February 19, 2012, 09:10:59 PM »
Prized Possession: this one is in red.  I stated a long time ago in htis thread that completely removing a stunt seems like a bad idea.  That we should leave ideas here for others to use or draw inspiration from.

I'd like to retract that in this case.  The stunt isn't powerful enough to be a stunt.  it is a one time use effect.  This can easily just be a house rule to a character in a game or represented by an aspect ("my great aunts diamonds"). If we as a community want to leave it one the list use that strikethough option. Then note the forums deemed it too weak for a stunt. 

Stunts in green: too magical for a stunt?  Likely so yes, however they are properly balanced (in most cases) and costed for a stunt.  I like the idea of a notation that Pure Mortals cannot take this stunt
Option 2: Make them powers and juice them up a little bit.

Option 3: offer a house rule expanding what refinement can do and make these -1 refresh version of refinement?

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #257 on: February 20, 2012, 07:02:10 AM »
Way Of The Gun was discussed in replies #82, 83, 84, 93, 99, 100, 101, and 102. Have you read those posts? Because if you have, this discussion will be easier and will make more sense.

I agree completely about Prized Possession.

I really dunno what I'm gonna do with the green spellcasting stunts. I really like them, but they're caught halfway between stunt-hood and power-hood.

I really hate the idea of making stunts that mortals can't take. Stunts that mortals have no reason to ever take? Fine. (Though there are such things as common rituals and temporary powers...) But stunts that mortals can't take are not okay.

Anyway, if you have any more ideas for how to deal with them I'm interested.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #258 on: February 20, 2012, 05:24:31 PM »
Way Of The Gun was discussed in replies #82, 83, 84, 93, 99, 100, 101, and 102. Have you read those posts? Because if you have, this discussion will be easier and will make more sense.

I agree completely about Prized Possession.

I really dunno what I'm gonna do with the green spellcasting stunts. I really like them, but they're caught halfway between stunt-hood and power-hood.

I really hate the idea of making stunts that mortals can't take. Stunts that mortals have no reason to ever take? Fine. (Though there are such things as common rituals and temporary powers...) But stunts that mortals can't take are not okay.

Anyway, if you have any more ideas for how to deal with them I'm interested.

Way Of The Gun conceded, mainly because I don't care enough to argue it. I read the posts, I'll keep my reservations to myself.

I agree there shouldn't be stunts mortals can't take. 

We could just leave them as is; allowing Mortals to take them and do nothing with them, but that really is just arguing semantics. (Pointless vs Can't Have...the words may have very different meanings but in a gaming setting the result is the same.)

Other than naming the spell related ones as refinement or making them better and making them powers - we are left with "Pointless Stunts for Mortals". Which the latter will definitely be the easiest route.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #259 on: February 20, 2012, 10:09:31 PM »
Hey, if you have reservations, I'd like to hear them.

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #260 on: February 21, 2012, 09:37:42 PM »
I already read the posts about the skill swap from craftsmanship to guns.  People think that does too little.  They wanted a stress added.  I don't think it is required or particularly like the idea.  It seems like a stunt and a half. Otherwise weapons needs a similar stunt reskinned. Honestly, I already said this and people disagreed. Which is fine, but it's just a circle of opinions. (hence the reason I chose to keep my reservations to myself rahter than go in circles.)  Mainly because I am very opinionated and don't expect my min will change on the subject; I also assume others (not all) are similar in mindset to myself.

I honestly can't find the page where the book limits stunts stacking.  I tried finding it and can't.  I have a deep seated dislike for too many damage and +X to hit stunts stacking up to make a combat god.  This stunt seems like it could add to the problem and prove to have utility benefits.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #261 on: February 22, 2012, 07:16:44 AM »
True, you haven't convinced me. But I nonetheless appreciate hearing it.

Stunt stacking is addressed on YS page 148 paragraph 3.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #262 on: February 22, 2012, 02:14:15 PM »
I found the stunt stacking part.

In theory, a GM can rule the +1 is allowed since it isn't +2.

However, that's house ruling a house rule and cannot be stopped.

I retract my worry about the stacking issue now.

I still feel that since many stunts just move a trapping to a new skill the bonus damage is outside the realm of a normal stunt, but i'm seriously going to stop harping on it.

Thanks for listening all the same, but I hope you understand why I wish to avoid the circular argument.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #263 on: February 23, 2012, 01:19:57 AM »
Alright then, let's leave that be.

Now for the first few purple Presence stunts:

I think I'm going to drop Excellent Speaker and Trainer Of The Unit. The former because it's redundant with Artistic Spirit and the latter because it's just lame.

Pretty Fly For A Dead guy looks okay, not sure why it's purple. I think I'll leave it as is.

Any complaints?

For reference:

Excellent Speaker: Public speaking is an everyday thing to you. Increase whatever skill you use to make speeches by one and don't reduce it if your Performance skill is lower.
Trainer Of The Unit: You can control people better because you trained them. Increase all social skills by two when using them on a character with the Trained As A Unit stunt. This bonus stacks with the one provided by Trained As A Unit.
Pretty Fly For A Dead Guy: It’s not easy to pull of the “decomposing carcass” look, but you manage it somehow. Ignore two shifts worth of social penalties from Living Dead.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #264 on: February 25, 2012, 03:41:33 AM »
Silence = approval.

Now for the rest of the purple presence stuff.

Regal Attitude: You understand how to be powerful, which is much more difficult than it sounds. As long as you are in a position of obvious power, add one to your Presence and Intimidation skills.

Blanket additions to Intimidation are bad. And a Declaration-enabler is more interesting anyhow.

Regal Attitude: You understand how to be powerful, which is much more difficult than it sounds. Use your Presence skill plus one to make Declarations related to power and who has it in any given social situation.

Respect The Power: You have an inherent advantage in social conflict because of your personal power. When dealing with people who have exceptional reason to respect your authority (like cult members for a cult leader or bureaucrats for a politician) add one to all of your social skills.

Boosting all social skills is too strong: I was wrong to think that Marked By Power should be emulated by stunts. Now this will be a Presence boost only. A lot of overlap with Authority Figure, but oh well.

Respect The Power: You have an inherent advantage in social conflict because of your personal power. When you are in a position of obvious power, add two to your Presence skill.

Professional Attitude: You take your job so seriously that it’s hard to believe that you have a life outside of it. Add one to all of your social skills when at work.

Boosting all social skills is too strong: I was wrong to think that Marked By Power should be emulated by stunts. Now this will be a Presence boost only. Was going to make a much more severe edit to this one, but this ought to be enough.

Professional Attitude: You take your job so seriously that it’s hard to believe that you have a life outside of it. Add two to your Presence skill when you are at work.

Social Weaponry: The right gear can make a lousy point seem brilliant. Pick an item and a social skill. As long as you possess that item, all social attack that use that skill inflict two additional stress. Don't pick a pair that makes no sense, please.

Too general; I'd rather use specific examples for this. I'll replace this with a Rapport weapon stunt.

Nothing Suits Me Like A Suit: The right suit can make a lousy point seem brilliant. If you're so well dressed, how could you possibly be wrong? As long as you are wearing a tailored suit, your Rapport attacks inflict two additional stress.

Welcome To My World: In your domain, you are more confident and people treat you better. Pick a place. Add one to all of your social skills when in that place.

Boosting all social skills is too strong: I was wrong to think that Marked By Power should be emulated by stunts. Now this will be a Presence boost only.

Welcome To My World: In your domain, you are more confident and people treat you better. Pick a place. Add two to your Presence skill when in that place.

Bolstered Presence: A person with some minions is always more powerful-seeming than someone with none. Add two to your Presence skill as long as you have some subordinates around.

This looks fine to me...I guess I won't change it.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #265 on: March 03, 2012, 02:32:54 AM »
Everybody's Buddy: People like you. Use Rapport instead of Contacts for the Knowing People or Gather Information trappings.

One stunt per trapping. Splitting this in half.

Everybody's Buddy: People like you. You may use your Rapport skill for the Knowing People trapping of the Contacts skill.
Chat Up The Crowd: The difference between small talk and an information-gathering campaign is nothing more than scale. You may use your Rapport skill for the Gathering Information trapping of the Contacts skill.

Good Cop: Kindness is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When working together with someone who has the Bad Cop stunt, add two to your Rapport skill.

Copying what I did with Bad Cop here.

Good Cop: Kindness is more effective when given a basis for comparison. When making maneuvers to assist someone who has the Bad Cop stunt, add two to your Rapport skill. In addition, your social Rapport attacks inflict two additional stress as long as you tag or invoke an aspect created by someone who has the Bad Cop stunt as you make them.**

My Crowd Likes Me: You get along well with certain people. Choose a type of being (eg. horror movie fans, summoned creatures). Increase your Rapport skill by two when dealing with that type of being.

Just needs a tweak to fit the new guidelines.

My Crowd Likes Me: You get along well with certain people. Choose a type of being (eg. horror movie fans, summoned creatures). Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to on that type of being. This bonus does not apply to attacks or to defence rolls.**

Excellent Negotiator: You’ve been trained to negotiate the best deal possible. Add two to your Rapport skill when there's money at stake.

Just needs a tweak to fit the new guidelines.

Excellent Negotiator: You’ve been trained to negotiate the best deal possible. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it as a defence when there's money at stake.**

Interviewer: You have been trained to ask effective questions. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to extract information.

Just needs a tweak to fit the new guidelines.

Interviewer: You have been trained to ask effective questions. Add two to your Rapport skill when using it to extract information from someone. Reduce the bonus provided by this stunt to one when it applies to a social attack.**

If you have an objection, please say so. If you have no objections, please say so. Just say something, please, so that I know you're paying attention.

This whole exercise is a bit pointless if nobody says anything.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #266 on: March 03, 2012, 11:24:50 AM »
Everything's looking great. (I actually read this and the custom powers master list very regularly, I'll try to post more.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #267 on: March 03, 2012, 09:38:05 PM »
Thanks much, it's great to hear that.

Sometimes I worry that I'm doing everything wrong but nobody is bothering to point it out.

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #268 on: March 04, 2012, 01:19:31 AM »
Thanks much, it's great to hear that.

Sometimes I worry that I'm doing everything wrong but nobody is bothering to point it out.

If you can count on anything... it is people willing to complain argue or point out flaws; especially on the internet.  Trust me, if there is a problem, you'll know.

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Re: Cleaning Up The Stunt List
« Reply #269 on: March 05, 2012, 05:28:02 AM »

I've often seen flawed homebrews go utterly without comment before, because nobody could be bothered to critique. Nice to hear that that won't happen to me anymore.

I guess that I have enough of a "rep" here to attract criticism. That's something I've noticed on many RPG boards; the more established you are, the more attention and commentary and editing your homebrew gets.