People likely aren't responding because this is a massive task.
Alertness:Attention!: Way too powerful (you might as well not have alertness at that point if one of the other members of your party does)
Traffic Watcher: Doesn't make sense. Why are you getting a flat +2 to Alertness while in your car? That would be sitting down on a moped and suddenly being able to react to danger faster. It should be +2 to watching for a tail or something. Alternatively it could allow one to modify alertness by driving when in a car.
Inspector: Does not make sense at all. Alertness is about the ability to react to changes in environment and is only for passive not active examination.
Notice the Unseen: This allows one to add three to notice magically hidden things. That most certainly does not qualify as "very, very narrowly defined"
Athletics: Excellent Mount: Having someone on top of you should not increase your athletic ability. This stunt should only be used to remove a penalty, if it were to exist at all.
Highly Mobile: Doesn't that impede on the Speed powers.
Land On Your Feet: This seems rather powerful for an ability that doesn't require a fate point.
Burglary:Five-Fingered Discount: This needs to be limited in what you can find and how long it takes to find it. It should also be used at a penalty as compared to resources.
Burglar's Signature: This allows you to invoke an aspect to add +2 to burglery. Isn't that how things normally work?
Contacts: Friends Everywhere: That is both way too powerful and doesn't make sense fluffwise. It completely negates a penalty of four or greater. Fluffwise it basically states that even if you are Outside the outer gates, you have friends. Unless breaking the laws of magic is central to your character, that would make no sense.
Conviction: Stubborn Faith: This can be quite broad given how many actions could go against the character's faith. Two minor consequences might be too much.
Shield Of Faith: Power and fluffwise this makes no sense.
Religious Contacts: This needs to be a whole lot less broad. Anyone who shares your religion? That's a whole lot of people depending on the religion you choose. This can basically be used to replace Contacts in its entirety. It should only be when dealing with religious leaders and such.
Lay On Hands: That should be a supernatural power.
Actual Priest: This needs to be better written and have a new name. Furthermore, it really should only be used to determine you knowledge of your religion's doctrine, not overall religious knowledge.
Craftsmanship:Do You Like It? I Made It Myself: This should only provide a bonus when using weapons you made yourself. Replacing attacking skills with Craftsmanship is beyond powerful.
Bricoleur: Way too broad. You get straight bonus to "to make creative and resourceful use of whatever materials are at hand (regardless of their original purpose)." So that is pretty much everything your crafting. For example, you could make creative use of metal to craft a sword. In fact I would completely replace this entire skill tree with the Scavenger stunt and maybe enhancements to it.
Big Pocking Wrench: This stunt almost seems like a joke. Why would one get a bonus to fixing things with a wrench? All a wrench does is tighten and loosen things. Now the breaking bit of this stunt is relatively reasonable, though I would instead make it so that large wrenches no longer count as improvised weapons. Also unless the wrench causes pock marks, it needs a new name.
And now to skip ahead to my favorite skill, Resources.
Resources:Wealth Beyond Imagination: Major fluff problems. Why do you have more money to buy expensive things than you do cheap things?
Prized Possession: Finally, a drastically under powered stunt. A single item that is two above your resources score isn't worth refresh.
Access Pass: This doesn't really seem to be a resources stunt so much as a scholarship stunt that lets you bypass resources. Furthermore, why is it always Superb? It would seem to make more sense to simply allow you to replace your resources with scholarship for getting that library (ie: since you have more knowledge you get a better job and thus access to better resources)
Professional Gambler: This would seem to be a purely gravy train stunt. It is a +2 to all resources half the time which is not a narrow application. It needs penalties.
Sponsored Resources: I personally would tend toward this stunt being a 2:1 trade (+2 to resources for every point of sponsor debt) but still capped at +4.
Other (not as detailed notes):Feint: Too powerful and doesn't make sense.
Disciplined Body: Doesn't make sense.
Unbroken Composure: Fluff problems. Avoiding Surprise is about reacting fast enough, not keeping calm enough to react. It doesn't matter how composed you are if you don't have time to react to being shot in the back.
Trained As A Unit: Beyond powerful.
Instinctive Defence: See above.
Gunner: Fluff problems. Why would someone with great driving but horrible guns suddenly be able to use a vehicle mounted minigun well?
Backlash Absorber: There is a side bar that talks about how bad an idea a stunt like this is.
Inexhaustible Power: This is not a narrow use, this should only give you one mild consequence at most.
Spell Resistance, Fireproof, and Was That Supposed To Hurt?: Those are supernatural abilities.
The King Still Stands: Still not a narrow use. Also fluff problems.
No Holds Barred Beatdown: Too powerful.
Destroyer Of Abominations: Too powerful, most evil creatures will count as offensive to your faith for most religions.
Brutality and Extreme Brutality:

You are skipping the entire stress track. If there was a facepalm smilie I would be using it right now.
Touch Of Emotion: Severe fluff problems.