Author Topic: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)  (Read 3933 times)


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Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« on: September 16, 2011, 06:43:10 AM »
Crimson Court Vampire

Description: While making an effort to do so they appear to be as human as anybody else. Perhaps a little pale but other than that, average. When they call on their supernatural abilities however, their guise of humanity falls away revealing a deadly almost alien grace with few wasted movements.

What We Know: After Harry destroyed the Red Court a few of the survivors traded what liquid assets they still had in order to "purchase" a few members of the White Court. Figuring that the White Court's methods must have had something to do with why they are the only surviving Court, they sought to adopt their positive qualities and discard some of the weaknesses of their own vampiric nature. By calling on certain Names, and getting the attention of certain Entities, they were able to accomplish their goals. Only time will tell if their gambit was successful. This new burgeoning court has decided to call itself the "Crimson Court", in homage to their former allegiance while maintaining a distinction between the old and the new.

Powers: Narcotic venom, a sensitivity to emotions, nasty fangs, and a whole mess of badness. Strong, Fast, quick to recover, they are a potent supernatural threat.

Weaknesses: Their nature is both more demonic than that of a white court vampire's and less inhuman than a red court vampire's. They are vulnerable to holy items and a person or object infused with a true emotional counter to their psychic hunger.

High Concept: Crimson Court Vampire

Alertness: Fair (+2)
Athletics: Good (+3)
Deceit: Good (+3)
Discipline: Good (+3)
Endurance: Good (+3)
Fists: Fair (+2)
Intimidation: Fair (+2)
Might: Good (+3)
Presence: Good (+3)
Rapport: Good (+3)
Stealth: Fair (+2)
All other skills vary depending on the abilities and experience of the vampire.

Powers And Stunts
-1 Addictive Saliva
-1 Blood Drinker
-1 Emotional Vampire
-1 Incite Emotion (Lust)
-0 Human Guise
-1 -Claws (Fangs)
+1 -Feeding Dependency
-2 --Inhuman Strength
-2 --Inhuman Speed
+3 --The Catch (as WCV +Holy Stuff)
-4 ---Supernatural Recovery


Notes: Often upgrade their Incite Emotion with “At Range” at least, or pick up a second emotion. Inhuman Strength and Inhuman Speed can be upgraded to Supernatural. Very strong Crimson Court Vampires may have Inhuman or Supernatural Toughness (though it is rare). Addictive Saliva and Incite Emotion can be used together, allowing the vampire to roll deceit at a +4 bonus in a consequential contest, addicting the victim to the emotional rush and their narcotic saliva at the same time. Fair attacks at Weapon: 4 with their inhuman strength and claws. Some few members of the Crimson Court exhibit an intensely powerful inner demon, as the entity is a combination of that which makes a Red Court and a White Court vampire. Those who do so may also purchase the Demonic Co-Pilot power. The Crimson Court's have mixed their Emotional Hunger and Blood Hunger into one demonic entity, thus their Hunger Track can be satisfied by either blood, emotion, or both.

Total Refresh Cost: -9
« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 08:12:29 PM by KOFFEYKID »

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2011, 11:12:37 AM »
Not that I go around making a lot of creature templates, but at first glance it looks like you've made a pretty useful, somewhat stereotypical "sexy vampire".  Someone wanting something more akin to a True Blood/Anne Rice vampire could probably start here, and IMO that's a good thing.

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2011, 02:19:24 PM »
I like it - in the 'for what it's worth' category.

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2011, 07:19:27 PM »
Two things I see. First what does the feeding dependency relate to, the blood drinking or the emotional vampire? Both? At the very least you should clarify that.

Second I would switch the emotion to fear. Much easier to evoke while you're drinking their blood. Then again, I suppose the whole narcotic venom would help with the whole lust thing... I suppose there are upsides to either and you could probably have both if you wanted.


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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2011, 08:13:02 PM »
Both, and I've clarified that.

As for using Fear, really it depends on the vamp in question, they are like WCVs in that respect.

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2011, 12:40:48 AM »
Backstory-wise: Could be they were practitioners who had made it to Jaguar initiate among the Reds' hierarchy of not-quite-vamped-out-yet human servants. That's why they were able to survive the end of Changes without instantly aging to death or anything else.

They later traded that Talent (or refined it) for their current state.

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 01:11:47 AM »
Meh, there's plenty of different reasons why there could be more red court running around. Personally it seems to me that the likelihood of survivors is pretty good, considering the definition of the spell, and since we see the world through Harry's (flawed) view I don't see any problem with it.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2011, 03:07:41 AM »
Looks like a good idea.

Do Incite Emotion and Addictive Saliva work together that way by the RAW? If not, a -0 upgrade power allowing them to might be reasonable.

Would you call these PC-appropriate?

Would you consider Flesh Mask and Cloak Of Shadows as options?

Not a huge fan of the sample character format where the character gets oodles of skills at Good, but that's just me.


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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2011, 06:43:34 AM »
Addictive Saliva + Incite Emotion: It seems like it could work that way, you kiss somebody with wet (addictive saliva coated lips) and incite their lust, bada-bing. Its sort of similar to laying down an aspect first.
Cloak of Shadows - Sure
Flesh Mask - No, I wanted them to be a good mix of White Court Vamp and Red Court Vamp, the biggest impediment to a good mesh was "being bat ugly" as their true form. Plust with their amazing psychic power + addictive saliva giving them a native +2 bonus to all social rolls seems *very* overkill.

PC Appropriateness - Yes, there is a reason I made sure they were Refresh appropriate for submerged games

Offline Howl

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2011, 08:09:24 AM »
Very interesting idea mixing the White Court and the Red Court. I like the concept.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2011, 09:25:46 PM »
Makes sense.

Except for the thing about Flesh Mask giving +2 to all social rolls. It strikes me as a very bad idea not to enforce the "when appearance is a primary factor" thing.

PS: What would you change about Flesh Mask if applying it to a character who isn't hideous underneath?

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 03:44:30 PM »
Makes sense.

Except for the thing about Flesh Mask giving +2 to all social rolls. It strikes me as a very bad idea not to enforce the "when appearance is a primary factor" thing.

PS: What would you change about Flesh Mask if applying it to a character who isn't hideous underneath?

I'd still let people take it.  It gives players a way to smuggle things places and conceal weapons.  I may even let players take an additional -1 refresh on it.

-1 Shed: You may shed your flesh mask to gain a bonus in escaping grapples or to fit through slighlty tighter areas, granting an additional +1 (2?) in these circumstances. (Not like a snake, more like a Nuwisha [Were-coyot]) in Old World of Darkness.)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Crimson Court (My Attempt at a Pink Vampire)
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2011, 06:19:44 AM »
Definitely +2. Otherwise it's inferior to a stunt.