Congrats graduates!!
Icecream-what is next for you? will you ever be able to move from home? How be the doggy??
I'm working "casually" ATM , which has been more than full-time because the previous full time lab assistant left, so I got all her hours, but the new person starts today so they are going to be reduced very soon. In the mean time I'm looking for a job in food science, something like a lab tech role, but it's been a bit difficult.I've been applying for jobs all over the country, about 90% don't even reply.
Mousey is good although he is itchy, so that's been vet bills, very strict flea treatments,pregnizone, baths every week with oatmel shampoos and I've clipped most of his fur off too, but finally after a week of avoiding me he slept in my bed with me last night. He's finally forgiven me for the haircut, but it's better than having him scrating all the tim and getting matted fur.
How's bubs and your work going?