Author Topic: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**  (Read 252060 times)

Offline john4200

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #375 on: August 15, 2011, 11:15:36 PM »
I wrote my reaction to Ghost Story the other day, I'll just copy paste it here:

Nice review. I agree with almost all of it, except "by enlarge"  ;D

Offline Bastard

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #376 on: August 15, 2011, 11:35:17 PM »
Nice review. I agree with almost all of it, except "by enlarge"  ;D

LOL, nice catch. Now the real question, to fix it or leave it as is? I've always erred in the side of funny, so let's keep it.

Offline emeraldsorcha

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #377 on: August 16, 2011, 01:40:59 AM »
I came searching for people to talk about this book with, as I just finished it last night.  I LOVE this book.  I love all the Dresden Files, tho CHANGES had me seriously worried for Harry (I felt he was rushing too fast, jumping without looking, and getting all kinds of f-ed up in the process), this book set those worries to rest.  I feel like Harry is back to himself (mentally and physically) and I just wanna give him a giant hug!  Yay!!  :)

Was anyone else bawling when he was not saying goodbye to Karrin and visiting Maggie and Mouse?  Holy crap. Tears are running down my face but I could not stop reading.  Ah.  Totally cathartic though, I really appreciated that, I felt it well done.  Thanks Mr. Butcher.

Totally stoked for the next one.  I think Mab is so interesting, I cannot wait to see where this goes.  Although, it may be good that everyone thinks Harry's dead if he's still gotta be the Winter Knight, even with his self intact.  I am very curious to see what happens.

Offline Bastard

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #378 on: August 16, 2011, 02:37:49 AM »
You brought up one point I wasn't considering, the part that everyone thinks Harry is dead. When we return in the next book, do you think everyone will still think he's dead? Like maybe he's been hiding for some reason or he's simply in the Winter Court so no one is aware he's alive?

I wasn't entertaining that idea, I thought that by the start of the next book the secret of his revival will be out already. But I like former idea better.

Offline TheWinterEmissary

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #379 on: August 16, 2011, 02:49:08 AM »
Most speculation around here seems to be that some people will know (obviously DemonReach, Mab, Uriel).  Some might suspect, like Butters who he actually spoke with briefly about the possibility.  And some may well have no idea, like Murphy. 

Jim could have everyone find out between books, but there should be all sorts of very interesting reactions (like the White Council who probably have made him somewhat hero-ish for wiping out the Reds & Kincaid who probably never fails a job) and Mab probably wants to remain quiet for awhile as she and Harry recuperate from all that they've been through.

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #380 on: August 16, 2011, 02:56:07 AM »
I came searching for people to talk about this book with, as I just finished it last night.  I LOVE this book.  I love all the Dresden Files, tho CHANGES had me seriously worried for Harry (I felt he was rushing too fast, jumping without looking, and getting all kinds of f-ed up in the process), this book set those worries to rest.  I feel like Harry is back to himself (mentally and physically) and I just wanna give him a giant hug!  Yay!!  :)


Was anyone else bawling when he was not saying goodbye to Karrin and visiting Maggie and Mouse?  Holy crap. Tears are running down my face but I could not stop reading.  Ah.  Totally cathartic though, I really appreciated that, I felt it well done.  Thanks Mr. Butcher.

Maggie & Mouse yeah, though I didn't feel the same about Murphy.  Personally, I'm somewhat tired of her character.  I was more touched by the scenes with Molly.   

Totally stoked for the next one.  I think Mab is so interesting, I cannot wait to see where this goes.  Although, it may be good that everyone thinks Harry's dead if he's still gotta be the Winter Knight, even with his self intact.  I am very curious to see what happens.

Yeah, Cold Days should be great, and hopefully we'll get to see at least some of the reactions when people find out he's alive.  Some will just be very happy, but others might be really interesting. 

Offline laura_be

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #381 on: August 16, 2011, 03:04:34 AM »
Was anyone else bawling when he was not saying goodbye to Karrin and visiting Maggie and Mouse?  Holy crap. Tears are running down my face but I could not stop reading.  Ah.  Totally cathartic though, I really appreciated that, I felt it well done.  Thanks Mr. Butcher.

Hi, and welcome! :)
I was right there with you, crying my eyes out at that end. I felt it was so difficult for Harry, so painful to say goodbye.
Somebody please ask Jim in the next Q&A? (since I probably won't ever get to): Murphy's role in the story, has it been planned since the beginning or has it evolved naturally over the course of the series? Is her future planned now?

DV laura_be V1.0 YR4 BK+ JB TH++ WG MC---- SH(Murphy+++++) TT--

Offline TheWinterEmissary

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #382 on: August 16, 2011, 03:12:15 AM »

Hi Bastard!  I believe that we've spoken very briefly on sffworld, where I go by AmethystOrator.  I hope that you enjoy it here.

I finally got around to reading the first 12 books (and Aftermath) in late June/early July, and while this is only my 2nd Urban Fantasy series (after Mike Carey's Felix Castor), I definitely enjoyed it as a whole. 

I had some problems with GS too, and it wound up being my least favorite of the installments so far.  For me, past the opening sequence, I thought the Big Bad and the fight against her was the most underwhelming in the series.  I did not like the way that some of Harry's associates and allies were acting in the book, which was part of the point, but knowing the why of something doesn't always equate to an increase in my visceral reaction to it.  I, personally, was also very much looking forward to seeing the WC's reaction to Harry's having killed the Red Court, and everyone's differing reactions to Harry being alive again.  Those were the big moments with which I had built up my expectations for the book.  And so, I couldn't help but feel somewhat "brought down". 

I didn't hate the book and the last of those hopes wasn't promised, just something that I had wanted to see, so I know that I can't in fairness be too aggrieved.  And I am pleased that we found out answers to a few of the questions that I was wondering about and at least checked in on a good number of people and places, but all of the factors from the previous paragraph helped to make this, for me, less than I had hoped for.  Still, I am optimistic for the future.  I feel that I will see at least some of what I am hoping for in CD, and I know that I will see more of the Fae (especially Winter), and as I am a big fan of books in which the Fae play a large part, then I feel secure that Cold Days will be more to my liking.

Ghost Story is also clearly a new stage setter, a bridge novel, to what one can consider the second act of the series. As such, it felt like the second book of a trilogy, and those always seem to be the toughest to write and are often the weakest of the books.

This is especially insightful, as, in recent interviews, Jim has actually said that Changes, Ghost Story & Cold Days are a trilogy within the series.  I don't have a link to the specific interview, but I'm sure that it's somewhere over in the WoJ (Word of Jim) section of the Board. 

Offline Bastard

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #383 on: August 16, 2011, 03:26:48 AM »
Sup TheWinterEmissary/AmethystOrator...

Don't recall having spoke with you any particular thread, but I recognize you from there sure. Since you mentioned that you have barely read any UF, I just posted a small list of recommendations that might be of interest to you:,946.msg1216045.html#msg1216045

I don't know how much I'll manage to stick around, there's too much discussion here so a bit hard to keep up for me. I'm a fan of smaller communities, but I'll try my best to stick around since I love Dresden.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 03:32:27 AM by Bastard »

Offline TheWinterEmissary

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #384 on: August 16, 2011, 03:50:57 AM »
Sup TheWinterEmissary/AmethystOrator...

Don't recall having spoke with you any particular thread, but I recognize you from there sure.

Mostly I've been reading the other-world fantasy, while from what posts of yours I've read I know that you are much more immersed in the Urban Fantasy area, so we didn't really "move in the same circles" as it were.  Either way, good to talk to you now. 

Since you mentioned that you have barely read any UF, I just posted a small list of recommendations that might be of interest to you:

Thank you very much, that's quite thoughtful.  I'm in the middle of some long series right now, such as the 11 currently published books in Michelle West's The Sacred Hunt/The Sun Sword/The House War, but I will definitely check into your recs once I whittle down some of my current stack. 

I don't know how much I'll manage to stick around, there's too much discussion here so a bit hard to keep up for me. I'm a fan of smaller communities, but I'll try my best to stick around since I love Dresden.

I'm relatively new myself, but I get the feeling that at least some of the activity is due to the publication of GS, and that things might slow down a bit shortly.  Either way, if you don't mind spoilers, I would definitely suggest looking into the Word of Jim.  There are some great insights into things I didn't realize from past books, and a few revelations on plot points that will be covered in the future books. 

Offline topsail25

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #385 on: August 16, 2011, 05:37:54 PM »
Totally stoked for the next one.  I think Mab is so interesting, I cannot wait to see where this goes.  Although, it may be good that everyone thinks Harry's dead if he's still gotta be the Winter Knight, even with his self intact.  I am very curious to see what happens.

     I have a feeling the largest part of the next book will be Harry learning the ins and outs of court life and acting in his capacity as Winter Knight- It will be interesting to see what Mab asks of him and how he goes about fulfilling his obligation while staying true to himself.  One of the biggest curveballs I anticipate will be how time will flow and if/when Harry makes it back to his old stomping grounds (especially after having to be "rehabilitated" by Mab) how much time will have elapsed......Could be running into a little Maggie that isn't so little!  I also can't wait to see how his status as Winter Knight alters preexisting relationships with those like Marcone, Vadderung (sp?), Lily/Fix, The Merlin, etc....

Offline Quester

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #386 on: August 16, 2011, 06:33:47 PM »
I wrote my reaction to Ghost Story the other day, I'll just copy paste it here:

I'll all I had mixed feelings with the book, though still a very enjoyable read to me, and quite excited with what's coming next. I liked how he brought Nick from the fist short story. I wonder if we'll see him again at some point, though I doubt it. Maybe a small cameo. With Murphy under Marcone and his vikings, the Harry vs Marcone plot just got that much interesting. Looking forward to Cold Days, and seeing where all our friends will be aligning themselves.

Don't see Murphy as working for or "under" Marcone. At worst she's useing the "devil" she knows the fight a "greater evil".

And I posted in another thread but thought I would post here as well. I know we've had lots of post argueing about rather or not fae can love or even feel emotions as we do. And I don't want to start that up again. But does it seem to anyone else that Mab has a a lot more the just possessive feeling for Harry. She just spent 3 months keep Harry alive. Spending an, arguable, ungodly amount of power. And most telling to me wasteing away her physical appearance (And the Fae are a very physical oreinated species, or at least seem to set a great store on it) to keep alive something she calls just a "tool". You don't spend that much time, effort and power on something you decribe as easly changedable.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 08:12:44 PM by Quester »
I won’t disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.

No matter where you go, There you are.

Offline svb1972

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #387 on: August 16, 2011, 08:17:33 PM »
That's because Mab is Molly.

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #388 on: August 16, 2011, 08:37:57 PM »
That's because Mab is Molly.


I suspect the reason has something to do with Maggie Senior's efforts on his behalf prior to his birth.  "In exchange for ???, you will do everything you can to Keep Him Alive", or something similar.

We already know he picked up [DFRPG-Speak] Inhuman Speed, Strength, and Toughness-and-or-Restoration, along with some MORE sponsored magic (soulfire is a souped up version of sponsored magic) [/DFRPG-Speak].

I also suspect he'll pick up Lasciel's coin at some point in the relatively near future.  The ultimate goal of the Knights of the Cross is to redeem not only the bearer of the Denarians, but the fallen angels within as well.  Harry's almost certainly has the best shot at it... particularly if he's receiving advice from Mab.

Furthermore, I imagine Harry + Lasciel will be working on getting Harry free of the whole Winter Knight thing.

Even without The Coin, Winter Knight Harry is going to be an Epic Mystic Wrecking Ball Of The Apocalypse, particularly while standing on Demonreach.

Laschiel may not be up on current events, but in terms of magic theory & soulfire in particular, I suspect she'll blow Bob (not like that) out of the water.

Get off my lawn.

DV 1.2 YR 8 FM <1 BK++ RP++ JB TH+ WG++ CL--- SW BC++ MC+ SH [Murphy++ Molly- Gerd++ Lea+ Lash++]

Offline lewis

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #389 on: August 16, 2011, 09:03:10 PM »
   One of the biggest curveballs I anticipate will be how time will flow and if/when Harry makes it back to his old stomping grounds (especially after having to be "rehabilitated" by Mab) how much time will have elapsed.

I hadnt thought about this at all but itll be interesting to see how time will flow.  That's only if he spends lots of time in the Unseelie Court, surely as the Winter Knight used for doing the Winter Queen's bidding in mortal affairs he'll spend most of his time in the normal world?