Author Topic: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**  (Read 239999 times)

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #255 on: August 03, 2011, 03:16:29 AM »
But she didn't KILL them.  She manipulated the situation to cause the deaths, but she wasn't the killer.  Subtle but important distinction.
The moribund equine has been more than sufficiently flagellated.

Offline xakko

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #256 on: August 03, 2011, 03:26:10 AM »
But she didn't KILL them.  She manipulated the situation to cause the deaths, but she wasn't the killer.  Subtle but important distinction.
like I said, she danced along the edges of the law, not that she broke it.

but then, i would ask if there were situations where she used her power when it wasn't necessarily the right thing to do, if she was slipping into her old habits she's fought so hard against.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #257 on: August 03, 2011, 06:17:55 AM »
But she didn't KILL them.  She manipulated the situation to cause the deaths, but she wasn't the killer.  Subtle but important distinction.
It is only a violation of the first law if the killings were human. What is human in respect to the first law may sometimes be debatable but the servitors of the fomor do not consider themselves human and maybe the white council will agree with them.

WG+++: The White God is Mister.

Offline Bobtheskrull

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #258 on: August 03, 2011, 06:57:12 AM »
Whats going on with BOB!?

Offline Arjan

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #259 on: August 03, 2011, 11:01:59 AM »
Whats going on with BOB!?
He is not gonna tell you  :(
WG+++: The White God is Mister.

Offline eshadow

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #260 on: August 03, 2011, 01:03:46 PM »
Just finished the book last night--got it Saturday and tried to savor it a bit. Before I read everyone else's post, I just want to say---wow!!!!  This was awesome and so worth the wait!!!  Thank you, Jim, for such an amazing story!

Offline eshadow

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #261 on: August 03, 2011, 01:23:07 PM »
Mac.  I think this is the first story without Mac, and I honestly missed his wise council and good beer.  Admittedly, Harry can't eat/drink but I wonder if Mac would have reacted/sensed/known about Harry's presence, which would have given us some clue about who/what Mac is.

I agree. I miss Mac, but I can understand putting Harry in the pub as a ghost would not have followed well in the story. Still, I'd love to know who/what Mac really is---I keep thinking he's something much more than he appears.  Maybe next book.....

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #262 on: August 03, 2011, 03:55:02 PM »
I agree. I miss Mac, but I can understand putting Harry in the pub as a ghost would not have followed well in the story. Still, I'd love to know who/what Mac really is---I keep thinking he's something much more than he appears.  Maybe next book.....

BAT actually.

And what happened when Bob and Evil Bob threw down?  I wanted to see the results of that fight.
The moribund equine has been more than sufficiently flagellated.

Offline eshadow

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #263 on: August 03, 2011, 06:42:38 PM »
Was there ever a real chance of a Harry/Molly romance?  Even leaving apart the age difference, the sheer inappropriateness of a romance between a wizard and his apprentice, and the Doom of Damocles, you'd think even Harry would know better than to risk being torn limb from limb by the only dark power that even he fears.   I refer, of course, to Molly's mother, Charity.  And Michael would let her do it.

LOL!!!!   And even if Molly and Harry far outline Charity, I think she could break every rule of death/ghosts/the afterlife to make Harry's life miserable if he hooked up with Molly :)

Thank you for that image and that laugh!

Offline fz1bill

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #264 on: August 03, 2011, 08:52:52 PM »
 I enjoyed this book of the DF but as some others have mentioned it all seems a bit downer. The way I would describe it is that it is like traveling to the old communist block in Europe. Life seems normal, but there is always something hanging over your head.
 That said, I enjoyed the story. I especially like Molly coming into her own. Harry always needs to make a mistake to gain wisdom, (the Lecter Specters), and manages to squeek through at the end. Among Pilots there is an old saying: You need to fill the bag of experience BEFORE the bag of luck is empty! I hope Jim won't go totally spider-man on us and NEVER allow Harry enjoyment. There needs to be some release for him. It isn't impossible to have a happy ending occasionally. Murphy needs a vacation, it was had to read some of her parts. That also means that Jim did an excellent job of drawing you into the characters. Lastly since almost the entire book was set up for the next episode we DON'T WANT TO WAIT A YEAR FOR THE NEXT ONE!
Bill J 

Offline LaLongueCarabine

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #265 on: August 03, 2011, 09:27:34 PM »
Maggie with the Carpenters?  Well duh!  I was screaming at Susan in the Changes almost the entire book.
(Funny the odd looks you get when screaming at a book.)

Harry planning the Winter Knight's demise was epic, but using Molly (How could you Harry?)
Although making Harry the Winter Knight is like giving the ring of power to Gandalf the Grey.
He could never let that happen, but he was going to save his daughter first and then take him self out.
I love this guy, can't help himself, he's a freaking superhero.

The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.  Wizard's 2nd rule

Offline JEdward

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #266 on: August 03, 2011, 09:47:23 PM »
I agree. I miss Mac, but I can understand putting Harry in the pub as a ghost would not have followed well in the story. Still, I'd love to know who/what Mac really is---I keep thinking he's something much more than he appears.  Maybe next book.....

Maybe Mac has a special 'Ghost Brew'?

Offline ozzy421

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #267 on: August 03, 2011, 09:52:29 PM »
The book was great but it kind of bugged me how Harry and several other characters were bad mouthing all of Harry's decisions from Changes. He was in a horrible situation with no perfect outcome but I don't see how it could have gone down any better than it did.

If he hadn't gone after Maggie than Macoy and Harry would have died and the Red Court would have crushed the White Counsel easily considering the shape they were in at the time. No White Council and a victorious Red Court would have made a the problems they are having right know look like a joke.

If he hadn't killed Susan than his entire group including himself, Maggie, and Susan would have been killed. After than the Red Court would have eventually overwhelmed the Gray Counsel and probably killed most of them before they managed to escape.

And finally you can't really say that having Molly help Harry kill himself is entirely Dresden's fault. There was the small matter of the fallen angel pushing him over the edge at the crustal moment, not to mention the fact that to actually pull of the suicide there really wasn't much choice other than to involve Molly. She was the only one who could actually pull off the magic required.

Offline KurtinStGeorge

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #268 on: August 03, 2011, 10:54:51 PM »
Some random thoughts on Ghost Story and what comes next; some of which may contradict each other.

As at least one other reviewer has said, Ghost Story is a bridge story between the younger Harry Dresden and the mature Harry Dresden.  There is no giant cliff hanger like at the end of Changes but there are an awful lot of smaller but important issues which have yet to be resolved.

For example, Mab now realizes she can’t just push Harry around like a meat puppet, but she’s Mab and she’s not going to back away from trying to mold Harry into a tool she can control.  Instead of directly controlling him or messing with his memory I think she will give him damned if you do and damned if you don’t decisions to make. 

Maeve doesn’t yet know she can’t push Harry around so their interactions should be a lot of fun.

Will Harry be able to get word out to the White Council and his friends that he is alive again?  Maybe not right away, perhaps Mab will want to use the new Winter Knight as a secret weapon on her enemies.  Perhaps HD will have to carry out a mission or two before he can get word out and go home for a visit.

What happens if Harry spends a few days in Fairy and the Nevernever?  Does he go back to Chicago and find out a year or more has passed?  At the end of GS it really felt like we were saying goodbye to a number of characters, maybe for a long time.

Who has Harry’s amulet and why, The Leanansidhe, Mab or a third party?

What does it mean to be the custodian of Demonreach?

What happened in the Bob vs. Evil Bob throwdown?

How will Felicia try to get back at Murphy?   What is her exact relationship to Lara and Thomas?  Whatever it is, she’s not going take the beat down Murphy gave her without retaliating through some cat’s paw.

Daniel Carpenter has some anger and self control issues.  Daniel’s been pissed off since Molly left home, leaving him as the oldest child of the Carpenter’s, with all the responsibilities that implied.  It appears to me Daniel wants to be one of the wielders of the two remaining Swords of the Cross.  Will someone like Felicia target him for manipulation?

Does Fitz have a larger role to play?  As someone who could hear Harry’s ghost does that make him an ectomancer?  Will he grow into someone who can wield one of the Swords?  How will Murphy react to him when they meet?

Did Abby survive the bullet wound she received? Will Helen Beckett become the temporary or full time head of the local paranet?

Is Molly really sane now?  Will the WC get off her case?

Will Karrin Murphy get any crazier or does accepting Harry’s demise allow her to regain her equilibrium, at least until she finds out Harry is alive?

Who or what is Marcone’s new troubleshooter, Mr. Childs?  Is he like Kincaid, only half human?  Why has Marcone left town in the first place?

I can come up with more questions and I haven’t mentioned the larger issues of The Black Council, the second traitor in the WC and the most important of all questions; when will Cold Days be released?

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Groucho Marx

Offline RoomersTheRed

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Re: Ghost Story Book Club - Chapters 46-FINISH **MAJOR SPOILERS**
« Reply #269 on: August 03, 2011, 11:23:45 PM »
Re: Mac and his lack of appearance...I just knew, KNEW that when he was looking for sanctuary right before the first dawn broke, he was heading to Mac's pub.  I was oh so wrong, of course, but that could have been fun!   ;D