Author Topic: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)  (Read 73168 times)

Offline DoTArchon

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After seeing a few people asking for explanations of the acronyms we use here, I thought I'd put a small dictionary (alphabetically of course) together for newcomers:
(Please add any I've missed (that are actively used in the threads) to the thread and I'll add them to the OP.)
Dresden Files

The Books (and other works)
AM = Depending on context of post either Aftermath (short story) or Ancient Mai
BAT = Big Apocalyptic Trilogy - The final 3 books of the Dresden Files (projected to be books 21-24 but could be as late as book 24-26)
BR = Blood Rites (book 6)
CD = Cold Days (book 14)
DB = Dead Beat (book 7)
DF = Dresden Files
DFRPG = Dresden Files Role Playing Game
DM = Death Masks (book 5)
FM = Fool Moon (book 2)
GG = Goul Goblin, Original graphic novel
GP = Grave Peril (book 3)
GS = Ghost Story (book 13)
MM = Mirror Mirror (book 17)
PG = Proven Guilty (book 8 )
PT = Peace Talks (book 16)
SG = Skin Game (book 15)
SF = Storm Front (book 1)
SK = Summer Knight (book 4) (or the actual summer Knight)
SmF = Small Favour (or Favor, depending on region ;)) (book 10)
TC = Turn Coat (book 11)
TDF = The Dresden Files
WN = White Night (book 9)
WttJ = Welcome to the Jungle, the original DF Prequel Graphic Novel.

Al - Alfred (Demonreach)
AM = Depending on context of post either Aftermath (short story) or Ancient Mai
BM = Bolshevik Muppet
DR = Demonreach
DV = Dresdenverse
Eb = Ebenezar
EBG = Eldest Brother Gruff
Eeb/s = Red Court Assassins
GC = Depending on context of post either Grey Cloak or Grey Council
GK = Gatekeeper
HWWB = He Who Walks Behind
HWWB4 = He Who Walks Before
LtW = Listens to Wind (Injun Joe)
Nemfection = Nemesis infection
SK = Summer Knight (book 4) (or the actual summer Knight)
TTH = Time-travelling Harry
TWC = The White Christ (use of this term and TWG helps insulate fictional theorizing from encroaching on RL religion / TT)
TWG / WG = The White God
WK = Winter Knight (rarely used for White (vampires) King)
Yrrah = Mirror Mirror (i.e. alternate universe) Harry

Groups and Places
AT = Arctis Tor
BC = Depending on context of post either Black Court (vampires) or Black Council
BCV = Black Court vampires
Blampires = Black Court vampires
DR = Demonreach
GC = Depending on context of post either Grey Cloak or Grey Council
Jampires = Jade Court vampires
JLC = Justice League of Chicago
KotC - Knight(s) of the Cross
LC = Little Chicago
LoOn = Lords of Outer Night
NH = Nickleheads (The Denarians)
NN = Nevernever
Rampires = Red Court vampires
RCV = Red Court vampires
SC = Senior Council
SoI = Spirit of Intellect
WC = Depending on context of post either White Court (vampires) or White Council
WCV = White Court vampires
Whampires = White Court vampires
WK = Winter Knight (rarely used for White (vampires) King)

Codex Alera

AF = Academs Fury (book 2)
CA = Codex Alera
CF = Captains Fury (book 4)
CuF = Cursors Fury (book 3)
FLF = First Lords Fury (book 6)
FoC = Furies of Calderon (book 1)
HIB = Her Imperial Bugginess (Vord Queen Prime)
PF = Princeps Fury (book 5)

The Cinder Spires

CS = The Cinder Spires
TAW = The Aeronaut's Windlass (book 1)

General (This is the first and only forum I've ever posted on (And I might not be the only one). I still have to sometimes ask what these are :D)

AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AoE = Area of Effect (seen it used in some threads, adding it in)
ASoIaF = A Song of Ice and Fire (Books they based Game of Thrones on (We have a lot of George R.R. Martin fans here, so this comes up fairly often))
BB = Brain Bleach
BTW = By The Way
ETA = Edited to Add (or Estimated Time of Arrival in military context)
FIFY = Fixed It For You
FTW = For The Win
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
GRRM = George RR Martin
IDK = I Don't Know
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
ILG = Industrious Little Gnome, better known as Priscellie
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Honest?/Humble? Opinion
IRL = In Real Life
JB = Jim Butcher
LFG = Looking For Group
NPH = Neil Patrick Harris
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
OP = Original Post
POV = Point Of View
QFT = Quoted for Truth
RaFO = Read and Find Out (I believe originally sourced from Robert Jordan when people asked him for hints about the Wheel of Time)
SHOV = Secret Hollowed Out Volcano shhhh it's a secret
Smex = You don't want to know
TT = Touchy Topics (A board that no longer exists)
(ttW) = TVTropes (ttW) Warning, Obligatory warning that must follow any link to tvtropes.
WAG = Wild Ass Guess
WOJ = Word of Jim (with a special shout out to Serack for all his awesome work on the WoJ board)
WRT = With Respect To (as it pertains to)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 08:32:33 PM by Serack »

Offline Sm0kEyNy

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 03:47:59 PM »
Nicely done but you forgot FTW=for the win an im assumeing u left out lol rofl lmao an all the varients for the reason if ur on the internets u should know them by now
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Offline peregrine

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 04:06:31 PM »
This is a really great idea.  I'm glad you thought of it.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 04:43:36 PM by peregrine »

Offline BobForPresident

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2011, 04:42:50 PM »
BfP...Bob For President!!!!  ;D
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Offline shades of grey

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2011, 05:37:31 PM »
BB - Brain Bleach

Offline DoTArchon

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2011, 05:38:34 PM »
BB - Brain Bleach

Don't know how I missed this one, thanks Shades

Offline shades of grey

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2011, 05:40:21 PM »
You forgot Smex too.

Thought I'd give you the bleach first though.


Offline DoTArchon

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2011, 05:45:37 PM »
This is a really great idea.  I'm glad you thought of it.

Apologies Peregrine, I don't often go into the non-spoiler Dresden board, hadn't seen that you did the same thing.

You forgot Smex too.

Thought I'd give you the bleach first though.


Hadn't forgotten, was hoping to avoid it. Still gives me nightmares

Offline co99p

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2011, 10:46:01 PM »
How about
EB = Ebenezar    and the Ebs - Murderous Red Vampire couple

and the Jampires - Jade court vampires - only vulnerable to beatboxs
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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2011, 10:49:39 PM »
How about GK?  It stands for GateKeeper Grey Knight  ;D
No hurling on the shell, dude, OK?  Just waxed it.

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2011, 03:10:07 AM »
PG = Proven Guilty (book 8)
Might want to turn off bb code there, like this [nobbc](book 8)[/nobbc] (note that I used it twice so you could easily copypaste the visible text into your post).

Offline Shecky

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2011, 03:51:18 AM »
Might want to turn off bb code there, like this [nobbc](book 8)[/nobbc] (note that I used it twice so you could easily copypaste the visible text into your post).

Or cheat by simply inserting a space after "8". Faster. Just as unnecessary as the no-bb-code code, so speed works as well.
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Offline DoTArchon

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 04:38:14 AM »
Might want to turn off bb code there, like this [nobbc](book 8)[/nobbc] (note that I used it twice so you could easily copypaste the visible text into your post).
Thanks, hadn't spotted that. Fixed it.  :)

Offline OZ

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2011, 04:46:01 AM »
I like it. I've been lurking around long enough to recognise most of the acronyms but I don't belong to any forums but this one and occasionally find myself saying, "What?" when presented with a new one.

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Offline shades of grey

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Re: - A Dictionary (could contain some spoilers)
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2011, 08:22:52 AM »
SHOV - Secret Hollowed Out Volcano