Author Topic: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >  (Read 6021 times)

Offline hitokiri523

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2011, 07:30:27 PM »
wow thanks everyone for the help ok let me play out what i have for now.
ok we have a church that is gonna be desecrated with a little rape, spice it up with some torture, then wash it down with murder. throw in some desecration of the normal things in the church like alters and crucifixs. < this all will give the place a evil psychic scar and get rid of the holy threashold >
the church is closed for repair and that is when the ritual will take place.
since Jesus was suposebly crucified at 3pm. lets have the ritual happen at 3 am < the witching hour since we are going for evil >.
see if i can beleavibly throw in a storm for some elemental power boost.
I also thought to add the crown of the thorns and the whip that gave Jesus the forty lashes along with the spear of destiny, the shroud of turrin and the holy grail to be the five points of the pentagram so that the one true cross and the nails can be in the middle for the ritual crucifixtion will take place.
the ones doing the chanting and spell work will be in actual roman centurian armor for the ritualistic boost.
ok so taking the judas and jesus idea proposed by turan < thanks >
two will be in the center the jesus and the judas.
the Jesus will be fake crucified and will absorb the holy power from the seven artifacts into his body and then unknwn to him the judas is gonna slit his throat or better yet stab him in the side sense thats what happened and get the power from his blood.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 07:35:37 PM by hitokiri523 »

Offline hitokiri523

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2011, 07:33:29 PM »
and here is what i have going the Judas that stabs the guy that initialy gets the power is gonna be the centurian that originally stabbed jesus in the side on the cross.
My idea for this is that when he did that he was cursed by Heaven to be immortal and have a blood thirst < anything else that touches his mouth turns to dust and ash >
so he has been working towards this for a while.
< also im gonna have the necromancers just absorb the power from the artifacts because as a christian im kinda squimish of making a campaign where the bad guys are gonna try and eat Jesus' ghost. i have some stnadards lol >
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 07:36:54 PM by hitokiri523 »

Offline mithrandirthewhite

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2011, 07:40:41 PM »
heck, im Agnostic but I find this kinda squeamish.

Offline Haru

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2011, 07:44:55 PM »
The idea of the original centurion is brilliant. But I would incorporate the Barnabas idea here. Judas was the one who did the betraying, but he did not injure anyone, so (to me) it would seem somewhat off. Have the Judasing (is that a word?) happen beforehand and then have the centurion kill the Barnabas replacement. And then he turns to ashes whispering "Finally. Finally I can rest." or something like that.

Oh, goosebumps. I am so going to build this campaign for my table.
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Offline hitokiri523

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2011, 07:51:40 PM »
hahaha that was defenately quote worthy what you said white lol
and by all means Haru use this idea for yourself but if you get famouse i will demand royalties haha.
my original centurian though is gonna be the judas
look at it from his point of view.
he was cursed by God and he has been planning for centuries his revenge. Hes not the "Finally I can rest guy" hes the " im gonna turn this curse into your biggest regret. he wants to rape all of Gods creation in repayment for what he has suffered "
thats how it is in my mind at least lol

Offline Taran

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2011, 09:56:19 PM »
The idea of the original centurion is brilliant. But I would incorporate the Barnabas idea here. J

Do you mean Barrabas?  The murderer who was released so that Jesus got crucified?

Offline Taran

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2011, 10:08:07 PM »
Maybe the Judas character just tips off the PC's...

Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2011, 10:09:13 PM »
When I suggested a scandal in a church rendering it unholy, I meant something done by its parishioners.  An external desecration wouldn't go deep enough.  Like Items of Power can't be destroyed unless someone who had the RIGHT to use them turns them against their purpose, you would need a really widespread scandal within a church, something that really perverts its nature, to be a perfect base for a necromantic ritual.

Offline Taran

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2011, 10:12:15 PM »
When I suggested a scandal in a church rendering it unholy, I meant something done by its parishioners.  An external desecration wouldn't go deep enough.  Like Items of Power can't be destroyed unless someone who had the RIGHT to use them turns them against their purpose, you would need a really widespread scandal within a church, something that really perverts its nature, to be a perfect base for a necromantic ritual.

I agree with this.

Also, have you considered what kind of role a Denarian might play in such a ritual?  There's definitely room for a deeper plot.

Offline Haru

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2011, 10:17:07 PM »
Do you mean Barrabas?  The murderer who was released so that Jesus got crucified?

Yes, I did. Someone mentioned him before. I have no idea why I misspelled the name there. Weird.
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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2011, 10:24:01 PM »
@mithra:  This is DEFINITELY something the GM should seriously talk with the players about before springing it on them.

The elements that can make one group turn away in disgust could make another group of players really into the campaign.

Offline Blackstaff523

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #26 on: May 30, 2011, 06:21:24 AM »
hmmmyour right about there needing to be an internal scandle. hmm maybe throw in some mind magic to make the church goers do the torturing and killing.
but if they are doing it against their will will it still leave a deep enough psychic scar to cripple the holy powers of the church hmmm?

Offline toturi

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2011, 07:26:17 AM »
And perhaps the lead Necromancer needs him to:  he has to be killed, like Jesus was, with the PC's hopefully filling the roles of the Romans, and he'll take Jesus's power while dead (after which he can of course resurrect himself - who says only good guys need to take leaps of faith?).  Therefore, the key to victory is work out who is the situation's analogue of Barabbas and kill him.
But that necro-Judas also needs to be paid with the same amount of Coins and killed using a specific method with a specific Item.
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Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #28 on: May 30, 2011, 07:57:21 AM »
If you go with corrupting emotions, providing temptations, visions, etc...

For ex, have the sexy denarian chick seduce the priest, and at some point, she wants to have sex in the church, but can't because it is still holy, wouldn't poochum please desecrate his own altar, for sexy ol' me?

And worse, she made a video of some of the highlights...  So not only is there the desecration, but also the embarrassment of the parishioners.  So instead of rallying around the church, they don't want to be associated with it.

If you want to get more sinister,

Pervert the good works of the church.  The necromancers prey upon someone in the church food bank, conjuring up a hatred of the poor, or street people.  They convince him it is his own idea to poison the food the soup kitchen hands out, to get rid of all the beggars.

Perhaps the church is known for its hospice care.  The list of patients and their families is given to a bunch of vultures, selling funeral services, tacky memorial items, ambulance chasing lawyers and the like.

Might be interesting to have a scene afterwards, where some torn parishioner, who stuck with the church as long as he or she could, is informed that the troubles of the church started with actual malign intent, and wasn't simply the result of folly and ordinary human weakness.

Kind of daunting.  If it was just ordinary human frailty at work, the parishioner could just move on to a different church.  But few people expect to be tested like Job in the real world.  To find that someone working with demons was doing cruel things just to get you to abandon faith in something.  Especially if the parishioner then feels they failed, by NOT sticking with their church in its trials.

Got to give all those Champions of God some angst, you know?  ;)

Offline toturi

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Re: Campaign Help < new Dark Hallow >
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2011, 09:56:51 AM »
If you go with corrupting emotions, providing temptations, visions, etc...

For ex, have the sexy denarian chick seduce the priest, and at some point, she wants to have sex in the church, but can't because it is still holy, wouldn't poochum please desecrate his own altar, for sexy ol' me?

And worse, she made a video of some of the highlights...  So not only is there the desecration, but also the embarrassment of the parishioners.  So instead of rallying around the church, they don't want to be associated with it.
Unless the priest has True Faith in life and it is the Church of the Coming King. Then they have just reconsecrated the church and reaffirmed life!

So not only has there been consecration, and with the new sexy chick, the parishioners can't wait for the next worship session!  8)  :-*
With your laws of magic, wizards would pretty much just be helpless carebears who can only do magic tricks. - BumblingBear