Description: A magical cloak woven by Mother Winter. It grants a miniscule fraction of her limitless power to its wearer.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Athletics, Endurance, Discipline, Deceit
[-0] Purpose. The Cloak was made to serve the cause of Winter. It will not function except for those who are loyal to the Unseelie Court.
[-0] It Is What It Is. As named, it is a heavy, floor length cloak woven of a thread so deep blue as to be practically identical to the night sky. When worn by its owner under the stars, they are reflected in its threads as if it was a mirror. The interior is lined with pure white fur from what seems to be a polar bear, which never stains.
[-0] Unbreakable. The Cloak cannot be destroyed except through a ritual dedicating it to Summer in the presence of the Summer wellspring or the will of its weaver Mother Winter.
[+2] One-Time Discount. The Cloak is rather obvious, partly because of its resemblance to the night sky.
[-2] Faerie Glamours. The wearer of the cloak may use the Glamours power. Of note, when the power of Winter or any other true magic is used, any Seemings will vanish, revealing the cloak and wearer for what they are, and cannot be reapplied for the remainder of the scene, though veils made with this power will still work.
[-2] Winter's Blessing. The fabric of Mother Winter provides protection exceeding that of mundane steel. The owner of the cloak is granted Inhuman Toughness.
[+1] The Catch (Seelie Magic). The power of Summer burns away that of Winter, penentrating the Cloak's protection.
[-1] Flight. The owner of the cloak is granted the Wings power, as the cloak billows out and transforms into 30-foot wide wings that are white on top and black below. This may not be disguised by a Seeming, though the wearer may still be Veiled.