As the fourth installment in my series of evocation I've decided to focus on the element of water! I'm not totally bulloxed on ideas for this evocation but it isn't the easiest for me by any means, so please feel free to spitball any and all ideas. Once again, please don't go into other elements as there are other threads for those discussions. Also please don't debate legality of spells, it doesn't matter to me if its black, white, or polka dotted magic. I'm only after ideas so I and other spell slingers don't have to go with the same look each and every time.
Water, is possibly the strongest force on the planet. It crumbles mountains, destroys homes, snuffs fires, drowns the strongest beasts, and can bring even the mightiest structures on the planet to their' knees. Whether it be a might river smashing its ways over a damn, the riptides of the ocean, or the slow moving destruction that is a glacier water is a force to be reckoned with, respected, and feared.
1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use water magic?
2. What is a single target interesting way to use water magic?
3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use water magic?
4. What is an interesting way to block using water magic?
5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with water magic?
6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for water magic?