Author Topic: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion  (Read 6061 times)

Offline arsieiuni

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DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« on: March 14, 2011, 12:20:33 AM »
It's been a while since I posted here. I really loved this forum last year when I was running my DFRPG game but that fell apart pretty quick due to lack of interest from one of my main players (he was really trying to get me to run one of my other games instead... sad because he's a huge Dresden Fan and he just didn't give the game a good try. Sigh.)

Anyway, what I've been doing lately with DFRPG is a little weird probably. My mate and I had a White Wolf Scion game running for years between the two of us and we loved it but it was such a bloody mess to run because... let's face it... White Wolf did a poor job of creating a storytelling system. Combat in that game got ridiculous fast. So finally we had the idea to move the characters and setting into a system that might run smoother. We got this idea briefly after my DFRPG fell apart. And guess which system I had fallen in love with for its ease of movement at that point...

So we started attempting to re-write each of our Scion characters (11 between us...) into DFRPG. You know what we found?

DFRPG housed those Scions and presented their concepts EASIER and BETTER than White Wolf's Scion system ever did.

We created all the same powers, re-worked the mechanics into Fudge, and found that we had more room to work with on each character as well as that we could balance them much better.

I am still floored at how well this worked out. Fudge is a fantastic system. Never underestimate it! But the DFRPG specifics are more flexible than you might imagine also and that's one of the points I meant to make here.

Anyway, I'll share some of those writeups later if anyone is interested. :)


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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 02:33:23 AM »
I'm definitely interested.

I haven't played Scion, but what I've heard says that it's a high-powered game along the lines of Exalted.

Exalted, by the way, is super hard to translate into DFRPG.

So I'm surprised and interested when I hear that Scion translates well.

Offline arsieiuni

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 03:14:04 AM »
Ironically we've talked about how easily Exalted could be run in DFRPG also. lol
There again, my mate is an actual genius with a super-talent for breaking down systems (and is working toward publishing a gaming system that we've had in the works for 8 years now) and is responsible for our conversions mainly.

Scion is a White Wolf setting that casts you as the child of a god or goddess from any pantheon really. Your main nemesis are the Titanspawn, or essentially, anything that hates you which is mostly everything except other Scions and maybe humans of some sorts. Generally, you're a heroic character who will ultimately become a god if you work hard enough at it. It translates amazingly because there's even a system in Scion similar to Fate Points (Called Legend) that power most of your abilities. They are even explained as being very similar to Fate points. They are the scion's pull on destiny.

Albeit, before anyone jumps me, my mate and I tend to houserule and homebrew a lot... But this works well for us. And as an idea... these aren't horrible things to do in a DFRPG game either, just powered down if so.

We ran with 45 Skill points and 15 refresh to start because by the time we converted them, our Scions were nearing Demi-god level (a changeover that seriously jumps their power in Scion).
That and we built like 4 of them and agreed upon the average refresh NEEDED to recreate what they already had for powers in white wolf.

Here's one example:

Tora Thorsdottir     (Pantheon: Aesir) (Pantheon Power: Unstoppable(One extra stress box of each type))

High Concept: Honorable Warrior, Daughter of Thor
Trouble: Is This What's Right? (She's conflicted over her morals.)
Other Aspects:
Family First
Thifnir (Her magic hammer)
Always Up For a Challenge
Indomitable Defender
Stubborn as a Norseman/Short Fuse

Skills: (Cap: Fantastic)

6 Might, Endurance
5 Conviction, Intimidation
4 Athletics, Presence
3 Discipline, Rapport
2 Survival, Stealth, Alertness
1 Craft: Metalworker, Driving, Scholarship

Stunts and Powers:
-4 Supernatural Strength
-4 Supernatural Toughness
-1 Bless This House
-1 Flight
-2 Righteousness
-1 Tora Smash (Stunt: Might for Weapons or Fists)
-1 Thifnir: +2 (Weapon 3)
     -2: Channeled Lightning Evocation
     -1: Never Far From Reach (Returns)

Total 14 Refresh Adjustment
(+6 For lifting/breaking, +4 Damage, grapple+2 and 3 stress, +2 when using might to modify another skill check)

P 9
M 5
S 5
Armor: 2 Natural, 2 Physical

+1 Mild Physical and +1 Mild Mental

Here's her Character Phases Worksheet. The stories are such a short summary... there's a lot of depth to these characters.

Phase Aspect: Family First

Raised on a farm in Canada by a gothi of the Norse reconstructionist faith, Tori Erikson's only real friend was her cousin, Senna. Her father taught her the ways of her heritage and she grew a deep love for her family, small though it might be. If there is one thing she will always fight hardest for it is her kin.

Rising Conflict:
Phase Aspect: Thifnir

When a Valkyrie attacked Senna calling her "Lokispawn", Tora defended her without question. Unexpectedly, the hammer she always wore at her throat grew to a rather large size in her hand and mimicked abilities credited to Mjollnir such as returning when thrown. It's not the same thing, but it's not to be disregarded, for sure.

The Story: (First Adventure)
Phase Aspect: Always Up For A Challenge
Story Title: Apparently, It's Good For Some Things (This is a joke on the lyric "War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!" and is kind of an in-joke with my mate.)
Guest Starring: Aaron Aristaeus, Scion of Ares

Since childhood, Tora has never been able to turn down a good challenge. It's just in her nature. However, when she and Senna learned they were descended from Thor and Loki, it kinda upped the ante. Meeting Aaron, Scion of Ares, really helped Tora to realize what heights she could rise to. Since then, she never balks at an opportunity to challenge herself.

Guest Star:
Phase Aspect: Indomitable Defender
Story Title: Hel's Come Home (sic)
Whose Story? Who Else was in it?: The Scion Band and the Dark Scions

Once she'd joined with the Scion Band, Tora knew that she would do her best to protect her new friends. They were like new family to her, and she would never let them down while she was still breathing. One fateful encounter pitted her against a sea of undead souls and she simply showed her friends what it means to be a living bulwark.

Guest Star Redux:
Phase Aspect: Stubborn as a Norseman/Short Fuse
Story Title: At Least She's Honest
Whose Story Was this? Who Else was in it?: Senna

Tora has finally accepted the fact that she bears the classic Norseman traits of stubbornness and having a short fuse. Of course, Senna helped her grow those traits, especially in the latter case. It's worth it to have always had Senna with her. And now she realizes Senna's purpose may be annoying, but it's necessary.

Anyway... If you want to see some more, just let me know. That's a good example though of how we've been able to represent the same powers. Very easy actually.

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 03:32:35 AM »
Exalted in DFRPG? I'll believe it when I see it. Motes =/= Fate Points. How would you model Heavenly Guardian Defence? Or Infinite Archery Mastery? Or Wyld Shaping Technique? Or Harmonious Academic Methodology? And those are just Charms, not full characters.

Anyway, Tora looks good, albeit overpowered. Tora Smash is definitely more than one stunt, and the pantheon power really shouldn't be free.

And yes, I want to see more.

Offline arsieiuni

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2011, 05:03:40 AM »
I haven't any evidence to back that one up. It was not my idea. I don't know Exalted actually. Just saying.  I should be fair on that. Sorry...

Tora isn't overpowered for our setting or for the balance of the game. It runs like a dream this way. Unstoppable (The pantheon power) is pretty much just exactly the same power as her pantheon had before translated into DFRPG (albeit we did NOT use the core book's pantheon power for Aesir in Scion because it was retarded. Our version was a fan-made power that was actually in line with all the other pantheon's purviews in power and usefulness).
All the Scions get one free pantheon power. It's not something they can choose and it's offset by the balance of being BOUND to their divine natures.
Essentially, they get some kind of support from their pantheon in the form of a very appropriate power. (Each pantheon has it's own specific power. No choices here. Senna, also of Aesir, also has Unstoppable. All the Greek Scions have "Arete" which gives +1 skill to a certain skill set.)

Tora Smash might be more than one stunt... Technically. But we did this for a very specific reason. It's because Tora works entirely off of her strength in a fight. One stunt lets you use Might instead of Fists or Weapons. Essentially, letting it be both was more of a flavor thing for her because she mostly just hits things with her hammer... but she's not particularly skilled with a hammer. There's just a lot to be said for a super-strong person hitting you with a hammer, however.

Anyway... it's just the two of us playing so as long as we're both happy with the power balance it's fine. I rather like how much smoother this runs than Scion though. :)

I'll post a few more then. :)

Offline arsieiuni

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2011, 05:17:31 AM »
One of my mate's scions...

Aaron Aristaeus ("The Best")     (Pantheon: Dodekatheon(Greek)) (Pantheon Power: Arete: Combat (+1 to a specific Skill Set ))

High Concept: Scion of the Soldier (Ares)
Trouble: But War... War Never Changes
Other Aspects:
Raised in an Olypian Training Camp
Durendal - Blade of Roland
Master of Weaponry
Wants To Be A Hero
The Slayer of Canopus, Undefeated in Battle

Skills: (Cap: Fantastic)

6 Weapons
5 Athletics
4 Might, Discipline
3 Endurance, Conviction, Presence, Intimidation
2 Scholarship, Lore, Stealth, Survival, Contacts
1 Alertness, Performance, Rapport, Empathy, Driving, (Resources*)
*We didn't charge for Resources. They were just placed for free in the appropriate place, as long as they maintained the skill pyramid. This is because in Scion, resources are not paid for. They are just a part of the character's background. There are many reasons for this.... But anyway, just fyi.

Stunts and Powers:
-4 Supernatural Speed
-2 InhumanToughness
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Recovery
-1 Any Weapon Will Do (Any attack can use Weapons at -1)
-1 Off Hand Weapons
-1 Wall of Death
-1 Armor Breaker (Negate 1pt Armor for Scene per Fate Point Spent)

Total 14 Refresh Adjustment

Durendal: weapon 2+3
 Desert Eagles: weapon 2+3
 Thanatos bracer & boot blades: weapon 2+3
 also: grenades, assault rifles, sniper rifles, etc
 ballistic armor, armored trenchcoat, bracer & reinforced hag-toe boots

P 6
M 4
S 4
Armor: 1+2 Physical


I'll also comment at this point...
We are more concerned with mimicking the same abilities they had in White Wolf and it running smoother than the overall power level.
Instead of refreshing at a rest however, they refresh off of something directly relative to their natures (As per refreshing Legend in Scion).
So for example, a rest doesn't give a refresh for Aaron. He gets a refresh when he truly excells at something.

Tora refreshes when she successfully defends someone. (This doesn't happen per enemy or anything. It's more like... when a refresh would occurr normally, they get one if they have fulfilled the requirement. Possibly during an ongoing encounter if something that REALLY DEEPLY fulfills their requirement happens.)

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2011, 05:21:22 AM »
Exalted in DFRPG? I'll believe it when I see it. Motes =/= Fate Points. How would you model Heavenly Guardian Defence? Or Infinite Archery Mastery? Or Wyld Shaping Technique? Or Harmonious Academic Methodology? And those are just Charms, not full characters.

You do it mostly by converting the Exalted setting, and ignoring the Exalted system. One billion unique and kludgy charms would indeed by difficult to directly convert.
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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2011, 05:50:16 AM »
This one is one of mine. Kinda funny. He's a reincarnate of Ravana. (The Hindu Scions are considered to be reincarnations of the gods rather than children of them. This is extra funny because one of the other scions is a Scion of Rama. If you don't know, they're mortal enemies in the Hindu lore. Ravana totally stole Rama's girl. Protip: Ravana is typically considered a villain, except in Sri Lanka where he's considered a great ruler and generally awesome.)

A fun thing to know going into reading this one... He recently joined the Scion Band by double-crossing a guy he was originally helping to screw the Scion band over. He did this because during the part where he was supposed to be sabotaging a part of the Scion Band from rejoining the rest, he fell absolutely head-over-heels in love with Layla, the Scion of Anubis, a very innocent and shy Buddhist. (Yes, Scion of Anubis and Buddhist).

Samae Ravas     (Pantheon: Brahmain (Hindu)) (Pantheon Power: Instant Karma *(Freely Tag an Aspect per Person Per Scene) )

High Concept: Sovereign Hedonist (Scion of Ravana)
Trouble: Layla's Chalk Line
Other Aspects:
Prince of Sri Lanka
Sword of Ravana
Playboy Charmer
Haters Gonna Hate
You Got Me On My Knees (Loves Layla)

Skills: (Cap: Fantastic)

6 Endurance
5 Rapport
4 Presence, Resources*
3 Weapons, Conviction, Deceit, Contacts
2 Discipline, Performance, Intimidation, Might
1 Alertness, Athletics, Driving, Lore, Scholarship, Empathy, Fists

Stunts and Powers:
-2 Inhuman Strength
+1 (Human Form)
-1 Cloak of Shadows
-3 Incite Emotion: Corruption
+Lasting Emotion
-1 Beast Change (4 arms)
-1 Inhuman Recovery
+2 Catch: True Heroism (Which is pretty rampant in this setting)
-2 Superhuman Composure
-1 No Pain, No Gain (+2 Mild Physical Consequences)
-1 Wall of Death (Spray Attacks with Melee)
-1 Lush Lifestyle (Resources at equal level)
-1 Sex Appeal (+2 Seduction)
-1 Shameless (+2 Mild Social Consequences)

Regain Fate: When someone learns by his example.

Total 14 Refresh Adjustment (Base 16. Samae was a little more powerful than the rest of the Scions due to story.)

Sword of Ravana: Not an item of power. All it does is replicates itself into the hands of the wielder to fill all of their hands. So if he has 2 hands, he has 2 swords. If he has 4 hands, 4 swords. It's a cosmetic advantage. He could just carry more swords if he wanted. At least, it didn't seem worth making a whole item of power over. I was planning instead to possibly upgrade it when they get some more refresh awarded and thus have him to have unlocked some more of its powers via understanding and at THAT point make it an item of power.

P 4
M 4
S 6
Armor: 2 Social Armor

+1 Mild Physical, +1 Mild Social

I do have the background sheet for him. (Yay!) But I'll note his back story wasn't as tied in with the others because he came into the game rather later on.

Phase Aspect: Prince of Sri Lanka

Samae was born Prince of Sri Lanka. He worked up a double as soon as possible and left him to officially rule the country in his stead. He still pulls some strings and he's rather wealthy from this background, however it's more likely to be used against him than for him.

Rising Conflict:
Phase Aspect: Sword of Ravana

Being the re-incarnation of a man said to have 10 heads and 10 sets of arms would kinda suck... unless you also had an artifact weapon that made all of those arms you'd inherited kinda useful. Maybe there's more to be learned of this item's power later on...

The Story: (First Adventure)
Phase Aspect: Playboy Charmer
Story Title: Bruce and Tony are My Homies
Guest Starring: The Ladies...
Samae's whole life has been an adventure. If by adventure, you mean sex. Samae is the ultimate lady's man. Cool, sexy, tall-dark-handsome and supernaturally desirable. Samae was born with a silver tongue, and he knows exactly how to use it. Puns all intended. He has spent most of his life to this point enjoying the luxuries of being a wealthy, attractive man.

Guest Star:
Phase Aspect: Haters Gonna Hate
Story Title: They See Me Rolling...
Whose Story? Who Else was in it?:
Samae is so used to people hating that he really just doesn't give a shit anymore. It makes it very easy to deal with criticism and to maintain a very high level of self-esteem when you've learned to let everything roll right off. Samae has no trouble shrugging a shoulder at the hatin'. It's hard to make him look the fool.

Guest Star Redux:
Phase Aspect: You Got Me On My Knees (Loves Layla)
Story Title: Darlin', Won't You Ease My Worried Mind...
Whose Story Was this? Who Else was in it?: Layla

And then... everything changed.
He was supposed to sabotage her group from making it to their destination and deliver one of her friends into the hands of one very villainous man... But there was just something in her eyes and the way she looked at him... Maybe he could be the settling type after all... Maybe.

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2011, 05:56:51 AM »
I suppose that converting the setting of Exalted is doable. But I think you'd lose the feel of the game, since so many setting elements are perfectly represented mechanically in Exalted.

Anyway, I probably shouldn't have used the word overpowered for Tora. It has pretty negative connotations, and I didn't mean to bring those in. What I was trying to say is that she's got more power than her refresh indicates.

Ironically, these guys are probably about as powerful as the PCs in my current game. Who had to pay for everything, and got more refresh to do so with.

By the way, I like this Refresh requirement idea.

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2011, 09:18:56 PM »
I should talk to my former-Scion-now-TORG storyteller about this. The DFRPG system would easily remedy the old Glass-Jaw Ninja issue we had with the Scion system.
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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2011, 11:16:59 PM »
I think that while these characters would be considered overpowered if inserted in a standard DFRPG game, they are probably just fine in a DFRPG-powered Scion game, since the extra benefits (like the Pantheon power) are additions to *all* of the characters.  Ie, the characters are balanced with respect to each other, not with respect to DFRPG characters.  You could just as easily charge X refresh (whatever amount that is) for the Pantheon power, then give every character an extra X refresh, but why bother, if every character has that?  Well, unless you wanted to mix characters from both systems into a crossover campaign.

Great idea!  I hope it works out, and perhaps you could jot down a game summary or two some time...

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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 02:36:04 AM »
I should talk to my former-Scion-now-TORG storyteller about this. The DFRPG system would easily remedy the old Glass-Jaw Ninja issue we had with the Scion system.
I am not sure what you mean by a Glass-Jaw Ninja issue. Ninjas (being quite literally faceless mooks) are supposed to have glass jaws. I think that a god versus a horde of ninjas is supposed to be more a case of Mace Windu versus droid army rather than Malvora versus ghouls.
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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 03:33:49 PM »
Glass-Jaw Ninja is a term that describes a character that is ridiculously difficult to hit, but should you manage to make that hit, goes down easy. This is a common problem in White Wolf games because the stats and abilities used to hit/avoid being hit are the same while the stats and abilities to do damage/resist damage are different.

In our Scion game, for instance, everyone in the party had magically enhanced dexterity making it insanely difficult for us to hit and insanely easy for us to hit others, but none of us had magically enhanced stamina which made being hit a very bad thing or magically enhanced strength meaning that when we hit the bad guys (all of whom had enhanced stamina) we didn't do much damage. This made combat situations terminally long and boring.
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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2011, 06:24:11 PM »
Instead of refreshing at a rest however, they refresh off of something directly relative to their natures (As per refreshing Legend in Scion).
So for example, a rest doesn't give a refresh for Aaron. He gets a refresh when he truly excells at something.

Tora refreshes when she successfully defends someone. (This doesn't happen per enemy or anything. It's more like... when a refresh would occurr normally, they get one if they have fulfilled the requirement. Possibly during an ongoing encounter if something that REALLY DEEPLY fulfills their requirement happens.)

So how many FPs do you get during a refresh? I really like this idea.

This isn't D&D where you can have a team of psychopathic good guys running around punching everyone you disagree with.
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Re: DFRPG for White Wolf Scion
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2011, 10:01:22 PM »
Exalted is not that hard to mod to DFRPG here is an example of a charm I have done previously  

Borders of Kaleidoscopic Logic Form (Requires: A 50 Refresh Sidereal)
-20 Refresh

When you spend a fate point you can do a mental attack on your enemy at weapons 20 (roll conviction) if the enemy is taken out they become a clone of you which you can control.

You see not overpowered at all  ;)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 10:18:39 PM by ways and means »
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