Kentucky Fried Shuriken - Finger Lickin' Death.
Nah, women are just batshit crazy ALL the time!
Susan had a basket full of goodies that turned out effective in Grave Peril. It was mostly Holy Water, Garlic, and a cross or something.Someone in Changes said that (click to show/hide)the most ancient Rampires can creat flesh masks that can protect them from direct sunlight.
Got it. A basket of Rampire killing goodies it is. And, if I get hungry, thirsty or need a prayer I'm covered Thanks, Serak!
OK, then we'll have to declare a truce for
The basket itself was a part of her Little Red Riding Hood costume
Is MarsCon accorded neutral ground?I can't wait to eat meet everyone.
Whew! Glad you reminded me... I was puzzling how to look tough and deadly to Rampires while carrying a I don't have to...nanny nanny boo boo Rampires. Of course, I could go as Susan wearing a Red Riding Hood outfit.....nah...that's just too weird for words.
Weren't some of you people supposed to be WORKING today???LMAO!!!!
Well, if you couldn't do that with your bulls***, Leonard, I suspect the lad's impervious.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
The corollary to this is:All play and no pay makes Jack a homeless boy.