Author Topic: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion  (Read 6889 times)

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2010, 05:37:16 PM »
I think you're underestimating the creativity of players. When I last ran Wheel of time I had three channelers who were neither Asha'man or Aes sedai (or windfinders or kin or wise ones or damane or any other established organization for that matter). There's a lot you can do if you assume that Robert Jordan simply hasn't shown us the whole world yet.

Also there's no reason why you couldn't just use the current counterspell rules for unraveling weaves.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2010, 05:42:34 PM »
They could be escaped damane. Or runaway accepted. Wilders are possible. Or Black Ajah / Dreadlords. Or even Forsaken.

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2010, 05:48:17 PM »
No I'm talking female paladin who uses her sword as well as channeling to uphold her principles or a male martial artist who uses weaves to enhance his body or breathe fire or a male grifter who uses weaves to slightly enhance his presence and help him cheat. I have some creative players.

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2010, 06:27:00 PM »
These are all effectively wilders. As in "not formally-trained channelers that use the Power in fairly specific ways."

Offline sinker

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2010, 06:54:44 PM »
Except the pally and the martial artist both belonged to secret organizations who had trained them.

Offline stocke2

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2010, 09:18:17 PM »
in any case, over uses of power will bring suspicion or fear from the populous, that is just the state of affairs in the world....and worse if the seanchan find out...or the white tower

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2010, 04:43:58 PM »
How much refresh would the Warder Bond cost?  How about Dreaming? Being a Wolf Brother, or a Sniffer?  The One Power isn't the only weird in the setting recall.  Is Mat's Luck just an aspect of a ton of Fate points and some mortal stunts or is it an ability that chewed up Refresh?  I think the Fate system could handle Wheel of Time as well as most (certainly a bit better then the first try at d20 did, although I've seen a conversion into Saga Ed that's much better), it'd just take a bit of work and some new abilities.
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Offline babel2uk

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2010, 05:18:08 PM »
Is Mat's Luck just an aspect of a ton of Fate points and some mortal stunts or is it an ability that chewed up Refresh?

I'd say it could easily be handled with the Aspect of "Dark One's Own Luck". Part of me wants to say that ta'veren ought to be a power - it certainly can have huge effects on the character and those around them, but since people aren't usually permanent Ta'veren (with noteable exceptions) I'd be more inclined to model it as a temporary sticky aspect. Invoking that for effect along with "The Dark One's Own Luck" strikes me as a great way to model Mat's inability to lose during his night preparing to leave Tar Valon. The book after-all doesn't dwell on each game, just gives a sense of the mounting winnings as he feverishly makes his way around the city. I can see a couple of compels in there as well forcing him to keep on playing even though he's getting seriously freaked out.

Offline stocke2

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2010, 08:16:51 PM »
wolf brother could be done with some powers like superhuman smell, superhuman hearing, and a feat for talking to wolves, plus a feat for dreamwalker that could also be taken by others to be able to enter the dreamworld

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2010, 08:19:38 PM »
not sure that i would make superhuman smell, because it can be nullified by someone who knows about them like using something with a stong smell ammonia or something. possibly even placing a taggable aspect

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2010, 08:35:14 PM »
Personally I'd do Wolf Brothers senses with Echoes of the Beast.

Offline Belial666

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2010, 03:11:42 PM »
You have training and/or inborn ability to control your own dreams by entering the world of dreams in a controlled fashion.
[-1] Dreamwalker - at any time when sleeping you can enter the world of dreams. Once there, you are aware of the nature of the dream (unlike those that go there accidentally) and have some minor control of your appearance equivalent to human guise.
[+0] Prophetic Dreams - you occasionally get dreams of the possible future. These show important events for the world or at least a nation in general, not minor, everyday life occurrences. If you also have Dream Mastery, you may also attempt to interpret them and get a possible foreknowledge advantage but this requires a fate point.
[-1] Swift Transition - You can enter the world of dreams at any time by entering a shallow trance. You are still aware of your physical surroundings but if forced to action in the physical world, the trance ends. Entering the world of dreams in this way makes you weaker in the dream, imposing a -1 penalty to all actions you take there.
[-2] Dream Mastery - You have great talent or have had intensive training in Dreamwalking. The world of dreams is your Demense. In addition, while in the dream you may travel between locations that you know -or greatly need to be in- instantly.

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2010, 08:59:22 PM »
What do you think a good way to show the Warder bond would be?

Offline Belial666

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2010, 09:47:25 PM »
A warder should have Inhuman Toughness (catch being the One Power) and a True Strike equivalent - they are considerably more resilient and better at combat than they were before the bond. However, they also got Senses 1, which reflects their tie to their AS, and a +1 rebate for the obedience and their life being in their hands. For the AS, the bond is actually a spell effect, albeit a permanent one.

So effectively, the Warder Bond is a fairly powerful Transformation spell that gives permanent powers. If the bonded guy has no refresh open to pay for its 2 refresh total cost, they have no free will at all, being just extensions of their AS. (except the AS are not supposed to use it for that). If they do have refresh left, they are not pawns and they can resist it - though the AS shold be able to more easily control them with further bindings like Moiraine did with Lan. (treat this as their high concept)

Offline Kaldra

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Re: Wheel of Time DFRPG conversion
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2010, 12:57:10 PM »
if you have no objections i, or you your self could, would like to post this onto the custom powers thread in the resources board.