I happen to be on a Thor kick after seeing the new movie (twice). I know there's been some debate on how to build Thor, so for now I'm going to avoid him, Loki, and Odin, and work on the following (based on MARVEL's interpretation, not Norse mythology directly):
*Balder (the Brave) Odinson, Asgardian of Light and former Monarch [X]
*Sif, Female Warrior [X]
*Heimdall, Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge [ ]
Warriors Three
*Fandral (the Dashing) [ ]
*Hogun (the Grim) [ ]
*Volstagg [ ]
Balder (the Brave) Odinson
High Concept: Asgardian God of Light and Prophecy
Trouble: Key to Ragnarok
Other Aspects: (Former) Monarch of Asgard, Widower, Swordsman Warrior, Staunch Ally of Thor, Love-Hate for Karnilla
Legendary: Weapons, Endurance
Epic: Lore, Athletics, Conviction
Fantastic: Might, Discipline
Superb: Resources, Alertness, Survival
Great: Contacts, Intimidation, Presence
Good: All other skills default to Good or higher.
[+0]Wizard's Constitution- Balder ages very slowly, as most of the Asgardians do.
[-4]Supernatural Strength- Balder can lift 35 tons (50 tons in role as Monarch)
[-4]Great Glamours- Balder can shield himself (and Odin's steed) from mortal eyesight.
[-2]Channeling (Pyromancy)- Balder can generate heat and light, but it is weaker than is contemporaries of other pantheons.
[-4]Supernatural Speed
[+1]The Catch- Mistletoe is Balder's one true weakness (although Odin's powers presumably apply as well), affecting the following:
[-4]Supernatural Recovery- Balder heals much faster than any mortal, and can perform at peak capacity for a full 24 hours.
[-8]Physical Immunity- Balder cannot be killed by mortal weapon.
[+1]Additional Catch- In addition to the mistletoe, the Immunity only applies to Balder when he is in the Asgardian dimension.
Equipment: Norn Stones (occasionally), Asgardian mounts, interdimensional portals, a pair of swords, occasionally Sword of Frey (not included in this write-up)
Refresh Cost: -24
Total Refresh: 4
High Concept: Female Asgardian Warrior
Trouble: Eyes only for Thor
Other Aspects: Affection for the Worthy, Understand the Mortals, Unrequited Love from Balder, Cold Weapon Mastery, the late Mrs. Chambers
Epic: Weapons, Fists
Fantastic: Endurance, Conviction
Superb: Lore, Might
Great: Discipline, Alertness
Good: Survival, Presence
Fair: All other skills default to Fair or higher.
[+0]Wizard's Constitution- Sif ages very slowly, as most of the Asgardians do.
[-4]Supernatural Strength- Sif can lift 30 tons.
[-4]Supernatural Speed
[+1]The Catch- Sif's power is potent primarily in Asgard, affecting the following:
[-2]Inhuman Recovery- Sif heals faster than any mortal.
[-6]Mythic Toughness- Sif can take all kinds of damage and still not go down.
Equipment: Dimension-traversing Sword from Odin
Refresh Cost: -15
Total Refresh: 5
Special Thanks to Belial for strength calculation.