(21:19:25) (Fitzroy): wait
(21:19:31) (Fitzroy): I forgot body armor
(21:19:40) (Elena/GM): @Fiztroy; yeah, you forgot armor
(21:19:43) (Alice): (except for alice, if shes socializing with a dude)
(21:19:51) (Rocky): Rocky hunkers down and weathers the blast, grunting as it washes over him
(21:20:20) (Rocky): He rumbles "Might be more. Stay behind me"
(21:20:20) (Fitzroy): Fitz: FP:1 P OXO, Armor:2 M OOO S OOOO (Mild Physical)
(21:21:07) (Fitzroy): Rocky would need to prepare a block for someone to do that
(21:21:19) (Rocky): (what skill should I roll to give myself the aspect "walking wall" that folks behind me can tag for defense?)
(21:21:22) (Rocky): or do that.
(21:21:24) (Elena/GM): With the landmine "cleared" the hard way, the group hears a terrifying roarr from the gateway's chamber!
(21:22:14) (Elena/GM): OK guys, roll to resist supernatural intimidate as the big guy passes through.
(21:22:34) (Elena/GM): You take the difference as social stress
(21:22:36) (Fitzroy): Social or Mental?
(21:22:44) (Rocky): what skill to resist?
(21:22:47) (Elena/GM): Social
(21:22:47) ChatBot: (Rocky) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+1+1=3.
(21:22:52) ChatBot: (Fitzroy) rolls 4dF and gets 0+0+-1+-1=-2.
(21:22:57) (Fitzroy): +3
(21:22:59) (Elena/GM): You can use Rapport or Discipline
(21:23:13) (Fitzroy): Deceit (False Face)
(21:23:16) (Rocky): total +5
(21:23:24) ChatBot: (Alice) rolls 4dF and gets -1+0+0+-1=-2.
(21:23:42) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets -1+1+0+1=1.
(21:23:54) (Fitzroy): These things are rigged
(21:24:00) (Elena/GM): That was Intimidate 7
(21:24:02) (Fitzroy): /shrug
(21:24:07) (Fitzroy): christ
(21:24:15) (Rocky): so 2 social stress? ok
(21:24:16) (Elena/GM):
![Huh ???](https://paranetonline.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif)
(21:24:18) (Fitzroy): buddha
(21:24:36) (Alice): (Alice is at P OOXO(OO) M OOOO S OOOX)
(21:24:37) (Fitzroy): Fitz: FP:1 P OXO, Armor:2 M OOO S OOOX (Mild Physical)
(21:24:49) (Rocky): P oxoooo(oooooo) M oooo S oxoo
(21:24:50) (Elena/GM): Physical OOOX armor 3, Social XOOO Mental OOXO, extra mild consequence
(21:25:27) (Elena/GM):
![Huh ???](https://paranetonline.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif)
(21:25:35) (Elena/GM): Just testing connection
(21:25:41) (Rocky): got it
(21:25:45) (Fitzroy): okay
(21:25:54) (Rocky): so, what's the next move?
(21:26:31) (Elena/GM): The entire group feels a foulness creeping into the world as something massive passes through the gate. They'd better stop it before more cross over...
(21:26:35) (Fitzroy): "We Kill it"
(21:26:45) (Rocky): (that was ooc.)
(21:26:49) (Fitzroy): Alright
(21:26:52) (Fitzroy): I can do that
(21:27:21) (Rocky): I just had a stupid idea.
(21:27:37) (Fitzroy): Fitzroy spends an supplemental creating a True Seeming Hand Grenade
(21:27:42) (Elena/GM): Better stand ahead, Rocky. That thing might be more dangerous than all four of the horrors says Elena
(21:28:06) ChatBot: (Fitzroy) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+0+0=1.
(21:28:07) (Elena/GM): LOL!
(21:28:10) (Rocky) steps forward, a look of determination and thought on his face.
(21:28:18) (Fitzroy): -1 for Supplemental
(21:28:25) (Fitzroy): +5 to throw grenade
(21:28:29) (Fitzroy): Weapon:4
(21:28:41) (Fitzroy): mouth of the portal
(21:29:08) ChatBot: (Alice) rolls 4dF and gets 0+0+-1+-1=-2.
(21:29:11) (Elena/GM): test
(21:29:21) (Rocky): (getting it.)
(21:29:35) (Rocky): (we're into initiative, right?
(21:30:03) (Elena/GM): tst
(21:30:18) (Fitzroy): We see you
(21:30:22) (Alice): Alice's frown deepens (tagging the Focused Mind Aspect) as the ground around the portal begins to move, narrowing the portal ever so slightly. Then spikes sprout from the narrower entrance.
(21:30:38) (Alice): (Placing two aspects, Constrained Gate and Spiked Entrance)
(21:31:03) (Fitzroy): You got that idea from the anti-rape condoms
(21:31:19) (Alice): (No, but it is a good idea anyway)
(21:31:44) (Rocky): With a set face, Rocky charges the emerging Outsider, intending to bodily force it back through the portal
(21:31:57) (Elena/GM): Damn. Think I lost a post
(21:31:57) (Fitzroy): yes
(21:32:05) (Fitzroy): charge into the grenade blast
(21:32:14) (Rocky): this is *after* the grenade blast.
(21:32:19) (Rocky): And besides, this is Rocky, he'll be fine
(21:32:40) (Fitzroy): *creates True Seeming nuke*
(21:32:44) (Fitzroy): j/k
(21:33:12) (Elena/GM): The thing roars as the grenade hits but not in pain. The walls shake and suddenly Alice is under assault by a deluge of nightmares too terrible to behold
(21:33:28) ChatBot: (Alice) rolls 4dF and gets 0+0+-1+0=-1.
(21:33:39) (Alice): (Discipline defense of 4)
(21:33:42) (Fitzroy): Sounds bad, I'd invoke
(21:33:55) (Alice): (I'll wait till I find out how bad the attack is)
(21:34:15) (Elena/GM): (the thing reacts to your messing with the Gate. That is a weapon 4 attack at + 8
(21:34:38) (Fitzroy): mental?
(21:34:43) (Elena/GM): Yeah.
(21:34:59) (Fitzroy): tres ouchy
(21:35:16) (Elena/GM): She should probably tag an aspect and invoke, too.
(21:35:29) (Fitzroy): She'd need a +3 to meet it and a +4 to beat it
(21:35:32) (Alice): (Well, how many fate points do we get, cuz I only see one)
(21:35:34) (Fitzroy): that's a mean attack
(21:36:29) (Alice): (yeah Im not sure I can do anything but soak a consequence regardless of what I do)
(21:36:48) (Rocky): what level consequence?
(21:36:57) (Alice): (well right now Im looking at a moderate
(21:37:00) (Fitzroy): at least Moderate I think
(21:37:26) (Rocky): at least it's not bad enough to change one of your aspects to "Quivering Wreck"
(21:37:32) (Rocky): permanently
(21:37:36) (Alice): (True)
(21:38:01) (Elena/GM): Or "insane and unnatural"
(21:38:05) (Fitzroy): We should attack the cave
(21:38:31) (Alice): (hrm, I can reroll and hope for something higher than my -1, but unless I roll a 2 or better its inferior to just invoking, in which case I take a mild)
(21:38:40) (Alice): (and 4 stress)
(21:38:46) (Elena/GM): Quick, guys, I got half an hour.
(21:39:05) (Elena/GM): It's four in the morning where I am and I must sleep sometime
(21:39:16) (Alice): (I'll invoke my trouble Fighting Against Nightmares for a +2 bonus, and take a mild mental)
(21:39:34) (Elena/GM): OK.
(21:39:42) (Elena/GM): Initiative is still the same.
(21:39:48) (Rocky): so my turn?
(21:39:55) (Alice): (Alice is at P OOXO(OO) M OOOX S OOOX, FP: 0 and one Mild Mental Consequence [Shaken])
(21:40:10) (Elena/GM): So it is Alice's turn; she can see huge tentacles extending through the gate.
(21:40:11) (Fitzroy): Attack zee cave ceiling!
(21:40:56) (Elena/GM): (the big guy beat us at initiative)
(21:41:16) (Alice): (i thought I just went, I placed the aspects on the portal)
(21:41:36) (Fitzroy): What did Rocky get to do?
(21:41:40) (Alice): (
![Huh ???](https://paranetonline.com/Smileys/default/huh.gif)
(21:41:48) (Elena/GM): (no, that was when we were still out of combat, like throwing the grenade ahead of us)
(21:41:49) (Alice): (As far as I know initiative has been severely screwed)
(21:41:54) (Alice): (ahh)
(21:42:02) (Elena/GM): Rocky got to move the 2 zones between,
(21:42:13) (Elena/GM): Now he's in the same room as the creature.
(21:42:22) (Rocky): Hehe...
(21:42:42) (Fitzroy): I just realized I don't need to make grenades
(21:42:57) (Fitzroy): I can make explosive-tipped arrows!
(21:43:05) (Alice): Alice shudders at the nightmare she just experienced, but resolutely begins to spin about in a haphazard dance. The Smaller Portal with its spikes begin to rotate like a inverse sawblade.
(21:43:09) ChatBot: (Alice) rolls 4dF and gets -1+1+1+1=2.
(21:43:23) (Alice): (+13 to Hit, Weapon 6)
(21:43:34) (Fitzroy): +13?
(21:43:41) (Elena/GM): he tagged aspects
(21:43:43) (Alice): (2 + 7 + 2 Tags)
(21:43:48) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 1+-1+-1+1=0.
(21:44:13) (Fitzroy): haha
(21:44:36) (Elena/GM): OK, that's 8 stress. The big guy is kind of tickled.
(21:44:52) (Alice): (before or after armor)
(21:44:56) (Alice): (?)
(21:45:08) (Elena/GM): After armor.
(21:45:17) (Fitzroy): It has a +8 defense?
(21:45:30) (Elena/GM): Not really.
(21:45:36) (Alice): (well, it took 8 stress so presumably it has atleast supernatural toughness)
(21:45:54) (Rocky): I'd peg it at post-mythic toughness.
(21:45:56) (Elena/GM): The tentacled Horrors had mythic toughness.
(21:46:01) (Rocky): if 8 stress is "tickled"
(21:46:14) (Alice): (It has hulking size and mythic probably, then)
(21:46:18) (Elena/GM): And they were at less than half the refresh.
(21:46:31) (Fitzroy): alright me
(21:46:32) (Rocky): I'm surprised it doesn't just have Physical Immunity with some unknown catch.
(21:46:41) (Fitzroy): Supplemental to make explosive tipped arrow
(21:46:47) ChatBot: (Fitzroy) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+-1+-1=-1.
(21:46:50) (Fitzroy): aiming
(21:47:00) (Fitzroy): +5
(21:47:00) (Alice): (you should veil us first)
(21:47:14) (Fitzroy): only one supplemental
(21:47:17) (Alice): (We need to be defensive, I think)
(21:47:37) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 0+-1+1+-1=-1.
(21:47:42) (Elena/GM): Success
(21:47:46) (Elena/GM): on the aim
(21:47:53) (Fitzroy): alight, I'll aim with just an arrow
(21:47:53) (Elena/GM): Next character?
(21:47:56) (Fitzroy): and veil us all
(21:48:13) (Rocky): prob'ly me. Grappling the tentacles
(21:48:17) ChatBot: (Rocky) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+-1+0=0.
(21:48:29) (Alice): (you can only grapple if there is a consequence on them)
(21:48:42) (Alice): (if there isn't a consequence or aspect you can tag you cant)
(21:48:46) (Rocky): or another taggable aspect
(21:48:57) (Alice): (So which aspect are you tagging?)
(21:49:49) (Elena/GM): Guys, I only got 15 minutes...
(21:49:53) (Rocky): I forgot the aspect bit. working out my action
(21:50:23) (Alice): (Why dont you try to break the gate?)
(21:50:36) (Alice): (Presumably without that its screwed, you have a massive break bonus)
(21:50:39) (Rocky): works for me. Might to tear down the gate?
(21:50:47) (Elena/GM): Nope
(21:50:50) (Fitzroy): I think the gate is metaphysical
(21:50:56) (Fitzroy): go for the ceiling
(21:51:07) (Rocky): fine. Might to collapse the ceiling.
(21:51:08) (Elena/GM): It's a gateway like into the NeverNever only to the Outer Gates instead
(21:51:29) (Elena/GM): OK, roll.
(21:51:34) (Alice): (Ahh I was under the impression it was a stone gate that sort of held the effect in place, so Im not sure my aspects would have worked)
(21:52:01) (Rocky): invoking my Sentient Stone Golem and DON'T HURT MY FRIENDS aspects for +4 to the roll
(21:52:02) (Elena/GM): (they would. Alice alters reality)
(21:52:11) ChatBot: (Rocky) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+1+0=2.
(21:52:18) (Fitzroy): you have two fate points?
(21:52:23) (Rocky): yep
(21:52:26) (Rocky): intentionally.
(21:52:28) (Alice): (yeah, he does)
(21:52:35) (Rocky): 17 Might to collapse the ceiling
(21:52:50) (Fitzroy): damn
(21:52:57) (Fitzroy): that's pretty nice
(21:53:01) (Rocky): if I have any overflow, I'm making like a shepherd and getting the flock out.
(21:53:09) (Alice): (Wow)
(21:53:18) (Rocky): were there any other taggable aspects on the scene?
(21:53:20) (Elena/GM): OK, I am giving the stone ceiling of a 4-zone room about as much "toughness" as a vault door.
(21:53:29) (Rocky): If so, I'm taggin' 'em
(21:53:40) (Elena/GM): No other aspects I can see.
(21:53:48) (Rocky): oh, and my fists count as Weapons: 4
(21:53:50) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 0+1+-1+1=1.
(21:55:03) (Alice): (I think he just brought down the ceiling)
(21:55:20) (Fitzroy): twice
(21:55:23) (Fitzroy): =p
(21:55:43) (Rocky): per the book, breaking a vault door is a +12 challenge.
(21:55:44) (Elena/GM): Much of the ceiling collapses over and around the gate, several hundred tons of rock at least. The weight of the rocks is tremendous, crushing everyone beneath, narrowly missing Rocky as he runs away.
(21:56:01) (Rocky): I was the only one in melee range, wasn't I?
(21:56:02) (Alice): (rofl)
(21:56:13) (Fitzroy): I was already gone =p
(21:56:20) (Fitzroy): ranged expert =p
(21:56:54) (Elena/GM): (I count the falling rocks as a +15 environmental attack and a difficulty 15 "block" to escape if you are buried)
(21:57:08) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets -1+0+1+1=1.
(21:57:22) (Fitzroy): I think Fitz and Alice are fine
(21:57:56) (Alice): (Yeah, Im a zone away from where Rocky broke the ceiling)
(21:58:18) (Rocky): Rocks Fall... Nobody Dies?
(21:58:25) (Fitzroy): lawl
(21:58:29) (Rocky): oh, did you want me to roll defense vs. the falling rocks?
(21:58:31) (Elena/GM): The horrible being is half-buried under the rocks momentarily but you can still see it moving and it is growling angrily.(takes 10 stress)
(21:58:47) (Elena/GM): you don't need to roll defense
(21:58:52) (Rocky): cool
(21:58:55) (Fitzroy): Is there ceiling left to break?
(21:59:08) (Fitzroy): (such and odd question)
(21:59:10) (Elena/GM): Yeah, it's a big cave.
(21:59:11) (Alice): (Alice's Turn?)
(21:59:24) (Elena/GM): And it is Elena's turn, then the creature's
(21:59:31) (Alice): (Ok)
(22:00:00) (Elena/GM): Elena gathers a massiveamount of magic and throws it right at the creature!
(22:00:08) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+0+1=2.
(22:00:11) (Alice): (Remember we are veiled, and it is pinned)
(22:00:22) (Alice): (The only one not veiled right now is Rocky, and Presumably now, Elena)
(22:00:26) (Elena/GM): plus a fate point makes control of +19
(22:00:40) (Elena/GM): At weapon 17
(22:01:20) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 1+1+0+-1=1.
(22:02:01) (Elena/GM): OK, the thing takes a 12-stress hit. It growls really angrily.
(22:02:21) (Elena/GM): (outsiders are VERY resistant to magic)
(22:06:04) (Elena/GM): the huge mass of tentacles moves through the rocks as if they weight nothing, throwing them aside like feathers. It runs up to Rocky and smashes with great sreength
(22:06:05) (Fitzroy): It's taken... a 10 and a 12
(22:06:08) (Alice): (No, so far its taken, an 8 stress hit, a 10 stress hit, and a 12 stress hit)
(22:06:37) (Elena/GM): (it moves 2 zones and hits with a weapon six at +6)
(22:06:43) (Alice): (so that means its probably at P OOOOOO(OXOXOX) )
(22:06:51) ChatBot: (Elena/GM) rolls 4dF and gets 1+0+1+1=3.
(22:06:59) (Alice): (it has to roll alertness versus mals deceit)
(22:07:06) (Elena/GM): OK, that is Weapon 6 at final roll of 9
(22:07:08) ChatBot: (Rocky) rolls 4dF and gets -1+-1+0+0=-2.
(22:07:11) (Elena/GM): vs rocky
(22:07:44) (Elena/GM): (it doesn't need to roll alertness - it can see through the veil just fine)
(22:07:46) (Alice): (11 stress)
(22:07:51) (Rocky): Defense 2
(22:07:59) (Alice): (how does it see through the veil?)
(22:08:01) (Rocky): ouch.
(22:08:03) (Alice): (Does it have The Sight?)
(22:08:22) (Rocky): P oxoooo(ooooxo)
(22:08:26) (Alice): (12 stress with a Defense 2, actually, I thought you had a +5 dodge)
(22:09:13) (Elena/GM): (It has a similar sense to the Walker guy, following its targets regardless of trickery or blocks or distance.)
(22:09:31) (Elena/GM): And it is 28 refresh.
(22:09:33) (Rocky): (wait, forgot my armor)
(22:09:52) (Rocky): (defense 4, actually. and armor 3)
(22:09:52) (Alice): (I included your armor)
(22:10:03) (Rocky): (oh, ok.)
(22:10:10) (Alice): (Defense 4 with armor 3 would be 10 stress)
And after that the GM went to bed, we'll continue it later, and If I remember, I'll post up the continuation.