Thank you again to all FORTY SEVEN people who participated in this. You've definitely made a big chunk of my work easier, and I really appreciate that. ALL OF YOU get a free PDF of Don't Rest Your Head.
SPECIAL THANKS to Karevala, who knocked it clean out of the park with a truly stunning number of contributions. Karevala, you are a research MACHINE. I'd love to give you a free PDF of Spirit of the Century as well as the Don't Rest Your Head one, if you don't already have it.
To claim your reward, drop me an email at evilhat AT gmail DOT com. Tell me your forum name, and please put 'Quote Contest Reward' as the subject line.
When I get your mail, I'll add you to the Evil Hat Bookshelf -- you'll get two emails, one giving you your username and password (if you don't already have one on the bookshelf), and another letting you know that your "prize" has been added to your account and is ready for download.
So, if you're on this list -- let me hear from you!
- Angel of Murphy
- Beamer
- Bynjaimyn
- Claire
- Drali
- Echo
- Elorex619
- Foxdorean
- JennyJingle
- Jon
- Kapitein_Iglø
- Karevala
- King of De Nile
- Kiriath
- KreenWarrior
- NightProtector
- Redwulf25_ci
- Shandra
- Simon Hogwood
- Sir lerks-a-lot
- Slife
- SoulCatcher78
- Sway
- Talandar
- Zenitharmon
- [beatle mania]
- alucard04
- bugdog
- cybrgrl
- elmago79
- gabrion
- glmagus
- jadesymb
- jtaylor
- laurelei23
- loulou
- maieo
- mickalickahi
- mikeryan
- patsully98
- ponbern
- prime_spirit
- rma1979
- theboatman
- tootalltipton
- vengefulpixie
- wired_wrong