Author Topic: Mystical Martial Artist help.  (Read 2555 times)

Offline Barodahn

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Mystical Martial Artist help.
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:28:25 AM »
So, working on a martial artist/mystical monk type
2 questions.  Would allowing Breath Weapon to be based on fists instead of weapons break anything? Ie.  Extend energy past his body?? ( I don't think so, but input is good right?)

2nd Question, With Feeding Dependency i want to make it be something more like Ki/Sleep dependency.  Instead of eating something, it is that he needs sleep and rest, using his powers makes him tired... and if he fails the check he simply passes out until he gets enough sleep.  How should the power be changed? It doesn't seem quite right... Stressful situations shouldn't trigger it for example...
Going to try and modify the tattoos of St Giles somehow to, something like "monk training"... but haven't figured out how to word it yet...

Any help is appreciated though I am sure will have more questions later ...

Offline ashern

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 04:09:26 PM »
I can't really see how basing Breathe Weapon off of fists would break anything, especially given the concept you're working with.  Seems fitting, and there's usually a variety of skills that can be used to aim supernatural attacks.

Personally I'd flavor it as he's learned a specific form of eastern Biomancy.  You take the powers you want, but then I'd roll discipline, or maybe endurance, to channel the body's energy properly, and resist taking additional stress.  Easiest way would probably be to keep the additional stress track, but say that the character has to "trance", or commune with ancestor spirits, or connect to the energy of the universe, in order to restore his strength.  Literally sleeping seems to be slightly gamey, since while he could be forced to fall unconscious, he would also always insta-restore his powers upon sleeping for any extended amount of time (unless you wanted to work something else more specific out).

Hope that helps any, cheers!

Offline wyvern

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2010, 04:44:20 PM »
Hm.  A slightly modified version of Demonic Copilot might work, actually; if you take the bonus from it, defend as normal, and the resulting mental stress / consequences go towards you falling over unconscious rather than going on a violent rampage.  Mechanically this seems pretty sound; but in terms of roleplay value it's got a lot duller teeth than the default Demonic Copilot power, so you might need to come up with some further limitation.  Depends on your GM / gaming group, really.

Offline mostlyawake

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2010, 04:53:14 PM »
Mechanically this seems pretty sound; but in terms of roleplay value it's got a lot duller teeth than the default Demonic Copilot power,

Falling asleep in front of your enemy is pretty bad...

Offline kihon

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2010, 09:03:08 PM »
Biomancy has a cool thread, about 7 pages back... take a look.

Offline Barodahn

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2010, 10:24:34 PM »
Hey, thanks for the help.  Moved a bit away from the feeding dependency and just went with it as my trouble... seemed simpler to me....

If people are curious and want to help me out a bit.....character that came from these ideas is below.

High Concept   
    Guardian of the Temple of Light         
     Mysical Abilities Require Ki         
     Warrior Monk   Self Evident      
Rising Conflict   
     Guardian Dieties   Symbols of his being a “guard” of them temple, they enhance his offensive and defensive abilities      
The Story   
      Journey to the west   Sent out to travel and see the world, help people, etc      
Guest Starring   
      Vow of Poverty   Obvious      
       Katsujin Ken    Oath not to kill      

Superb   Fists   
Great      Discipline, Alertness,  ??   
Good      Endurance, Might, Conviction   
Fair      Prescence, Lore, Scholarship   
Average   Resources, Empathy,    ??

What should 3rd great and 3rd average skills be? i can't figure out what would round him out....

Mortal Stunts      -8   2   
Unflappable                   -1   stunt, you may use discipline to defend against social attacks      
Return Strike           -1   As reposte, but for fists      
Item of Power           1         
Guardian Dieties      Silvery Black skin tight metal guantlets, symbols of the guardians of the temple.       
Weapon: 2            
Ryozan Blast          -2   As Breath weapon, uses fist skill instead of weapons,  force effect      
Powers (his own, not items)            
Seikuken                  -1   You may use fists to defend against ranged  attacks in all situation where athletics would apply.                       Mysical Training          -1   Due to your training at the temple, you Attack and Defense rolls with fists are made at +1      

Ryuusei Seikuken          -1   2nd Level of Seikuken.  When taking a full defense action, gain an additional +2 to the Roll.  This technique requires a calm mind and as such can only be used when such an aspect is in place, this may be done through a declaration (either by spending a fate point or a discpline roll)   
Korui Nuki                   -1   By concentrating all his stength in his strikes, all attacks that rely on muscular force are done at +2 on a sucessful strike, this is raised to +3 when breaking an inanimate object
Inhuman toughness     -2         
inhuman recovery          -2         
catch                          3   Mortal Fists, Research-able   (idea is for the temple to be a known force, and the only time they seem to get hurt and take damage is from a better martial artist then them...)

How does this all look?  I am considering doing away with the toughness and recovery all together... not sure it fits.   

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2010, 02:07:35 PM »
On Aspects:

The Trouble seems wrong, I'd go with that as a valid Compel option on his high-Concept, and something personality or circumstance based as his actual Trouble.

On Skills:

I'd grab Athletics at at least Average (Actually, bing honest, I'd grab it at Fair and drop Presence to Average), it's good for a lot more than just Dodging. As for the other Great skill, I'd personally take Rapport to give him some solid charm and Social Combat stuff, but any social skill would be equally reccomended. Though Rapport would let you drop Unflappable...

On Powers:

The Item of Power should only be a -1 Refresh cost due to the Item of Power discount.

Seikuken is actually identical to the Footwork Stunt, as a Power it would likely be somewhat better, meanwhile, Ryuusei Seikuken is highly underpowered, I suggest you just combine them into one -1 Refresh power. That's pretty well balanced, really.

Mystical Training looks perfectly well balanced, as does the Catch on the Toughness powers.

Korui Nuki  is overpowered, compare it to Claws. You're better off just grabbing Inhuman Strength, which you should be able to afford readily enough.

And finally, I reccomend picking up the Martial Artist stunt for this character. For reasons of appropriateness.

Offline Barodahn

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Re: Mystical Martial Artist help.
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2010, 08:15:34 PM »
Thanks.  That does round out the character a lot better.

Went with rapport as the great since that did let me get rid of unflappable.   
And the Item of Power bonus is only 1... just looks off because i use a spread sheet to build so looks weird when i copy it over.

Does the idea of his temple actually being in the NeverNever world?  It is a stronghold there, and they occasionally send emissaries to the world to see how things are going and for the monks to learn and whatnot?  Though... this might mean taking emissary of power... it kinda fits well with my idea of a trouble "unaware of the mortal world" he only knows about it through what they let him read at the temple....