Skepticism beyond Reason [-1]
Description: People believe in many things. You believe they're idiots. Religion is hogwash. Monsters are just silly legends. Magic doesn't exist. You have faith in science and reason and nothing will sway you from it.
Musts: This power does not count as a supernatural ability, but every other supernatural power you take increases the cost of this power by 1. After all, it's hard to cast a fireball one round and then say you don't believe in magic the next. Your must have a high concept referencing your complete disbelief in the supernatural.
There Must Be a Rational Explanation: Your disbelief in the Supernatural is solid. You always have a +2 bonus to resist belief in the supernatural, and those trying to convince you get no benefit from declarations that are based on the truth of their claims or the strength of their conviction. You may defend against all such attacks with either conviction or scholarship. Treat any attempt to convince you of the supernatural, or any use of a supernatural power in your presence as a social attack.
True Nonbeliever: Your belief in science is absolute. Petty things like "witness accounts," "evidence," or "personal experience" won't shake your faith. You believe science holds the potential to solve all mankind's problems, if only it weren't held up by those superstitious flat-earthers. Symbols of science count as symbols of your faith, and satisfy appropriate catches on monsters. Your house and any place of science are treated as holy ground when you are present, and you raise their thresholds by 2.
I Don't Believe in Fairies: Your presence satisfies the catch on all faekind. Additionally, you deal damage against tulpas and any other constructs whose existence is based solely on belief in them.
This Can't Be Happening: [-1] Your utter disbelief in the supernatural gives you +2 to avoid the effects of any supernatural influence on you. However, you automatically oppose any helpful supernatural effects at +2 as well. By default you resist with the higher of conviction or scholarship.