Author Topic: Exiled Seraphim Character  (Read 4589 times)

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Exiled Seraphim Character
« on: July 23, 2010, 06:51:51 PM »
I am preparing for an upcoming game and one of the character ideas I had was inspired by Armageddon's Exiled Angels.  One of the problems I am facing is coming up with an aspect that might make his true nature difficult to discern.  This seems important to me because I imagine a lot of supernatural powers would love to get their hands on a (relatively) depowered Angel. I came up with "What are you???" but that seems pretty weak.  Is this something that can be done with aspects or do I need to make it a power and spend refresh on it?

Any and all advice is helpful.  

TEMPLATE: Exiled Seraphim
HIGH CONCEPT: Exiled seraphim artist/bartender
TROUBLE: Caught between Heaven and Hell


ASPECT:  Old Habits Die Hard
Invoke:  To tap into his Angelic Heritage when faced with True Evil providing him with the strength he needs to triumph.
Compel:  Sal's nature makes it difficult to walk away from confronting True Evil it when he sees it.

As a baby Sal was left on the steps of St. James Cathedral and was raised in an orphanage.  Despite being a very bright and artistically gifted young man he was beset by nightmares of blood and constant visions of the supernatural that left him moody and disconnected.  He struggled with a righteous anger that nearly overwhelmed him when faced with acts of evil.  He has great natural ability with a sword and began training with one regularly to help him maintain the self discipline needed to control his anger.


ASPECT:  The Right Man in the Wrong Place  (got this from one of the lists on this forum)
Invoke: This aspect would work like the Spiritual Guidance effect of Guide My Hand power.
Compel: You are actually in the real wrong... wrong place.

While attending art school at the University of Washington Sal dreamed about a Red Court Vampire attacking a young couple. When he came upon the exact circumstances from his dream he leapt to the couple’s defense and defeated the monster barehanded all the while screaming battle cries in ancient Aramaic.  He had no idea what he was but felt a need to use his abilities to protect the world from supernatural predators. He discovered there are many supernatural creatures in Seattle and while he has the ability to recognize them they seem unsure what he might be. However, he only battles those who prey on the weak and innocent.  He works as a bartender at (insert name of whatever bar we come up with here) all the while struggling to make it as an artist.  The bar has gained a quiet reputation as a place where one can go if there is a problem that mortal authorities can’t handle.  


STORY TITLE:  Wayward Son
ASPECT:  What are you???

For years Salvador Delgado, orphan, struggling artist, bartender and defender of the innocent, has known he is different.  But he had no idea just how different until he battled a demon and discovered that he once was Remiel, Angel of Creativity, the Fire of God, granting the gifts of clairvoyance and psychic abilities and the patron of all things artistic.  His Divinity had somehow been stripped from him along with his memories and he is now mortal. Facing off against the warring factions of Heaven and Hell, Sal must cling to the one thing in his possession that both sides disdain:  his humanity.  

SKILLS (+30)
Great: Athletics, Weapons
Good: Conviction, Endurance, Fists
Fair: Alertness, Lore, Discipline, Presence
Average: Contacts, Empathy, Might, Rapport, Stealth

Wall of Death
Disciplined Artist (Use Discipline for Art with +2 for Painting)

Cassandra’s Tears 0
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Speed -2
Inhuman Toughness -2
Catch True Magic with Restricted Access (Keys of Solomon)
The Sight -1

What do you guys think?  
Edited to change Name.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 10:35:45 PM by HumAnnoyd »
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 09:55:01 PM »
Umm...  You can't be Uriel, at least not and stay canon.  Uriel makes appearances in Small Favor and Changes, he's an Archangel and Heaven's spook/black ops guy.  Also per the novels, Angels are pretty much entirely composed of Soul/soulfire.

What might make a better option would be to play a Scion, child of an angel and a human.
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 10:06:14 PM »
Oh, forgot that it was Uriel that got an appearance.  Damn. There are so many angels and so many different interpretations of them.  But whatever.  I can change the name and keep the portfolio.

I understand that Angels are composed of Soulfire.  Being mortal could either be a punishment by God or could even have been his choice.  Either way it could make for an intriguing mystery for a GM.   A scion would work I suppose but that would take away the mystery behind his circumstances and would change how he would function as a character. 
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 10:11:42 PM »
And then there's the fact that a lowly black vampire is over 20 refresh. Angels are supernatural heavyweights.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2010, 10:15:58 PM »
And then there's the fact that a lowly black vampire is over 20 refresh. Angels are supernatural heavyweights.

Well, yeah.  But he isn't a full Angel anymore.  He has been made flesh and has a bare pittance of the power he once possessed. 
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2010, 11:43:41 PM »
One aspect I'm using for an NPC in my game is "Truly Ancient Magic" - allowing compels and invokes for her magic being just plain different than what modern practitioners are used to dealing with.  I imagine a slightly re-tuned version of that could work for you - maybe something like "Remnants of Ineffable Power" or "I Still Hear The Celestial Song", either of which could be used (among other purposes) to invoke or compel just how alien your powers are compared to what mere mortals can deal with.

Or, for a totally different approach, you could mis-quote Kinkaid: "As Mortal As Anyone Else" - now wouldn't *that* confuse any wizard trying to look at you with the Sight?
Or even something like "Form Follows Soul" - someone looking at you with the Sight just sees... you.  No mystical symbolic version.  No glowing halo and wings.  Just you - because that's the form your soul is in right now and there's really nothing else for them to see.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 03:08:00 AM »
I like it.  That is pretty much what I was shooting for.  Wizards might sense that there is more to him than meets the eye but they can't figure out what.  I wonder if a Soul Gaze would work on him? 
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2010, 06:41:24 AM »
If anything it'd work all too well...he's all soul. So either you'd see nothing different about him, or you'd be soul gazing an honest to goodness (heh) angel...which would hurt the eyes I imagine.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2010, 05:33:41 PM »
In Supernatural seeing an Angel made that psychic's eyes burn out of her sockets.  That might be a bit too extreme.  I think I would just want people to just see him and not his true nature.  Not without having to work for it that is.
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2010, 12:28:52 AM »
Harry Dresden, a quite strong wizard, got a glimpse into the soul of a Denarian in the control of a coin-imprisoned Fallen. Not directly into a Fallen and not a free, full-strength Fallen.

In his Sight the head of the angel was still as vast as a hill and his command of "Get Out" threw him out of the Soulgaze and knocked him on his ass. From an indirect look into an imprisoned, weakened angel.

Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2010, 06:53:03 AM »
Harry Dresden, a quite strong wizard, got a glimpse into the soul of a Denarian in the control of a coin-imprisoned Fallen. Not directly into a Fallen and not a free, full-strength Fallen.

In his Sight the head of the angel was still as vast as a hill and his command of "Get Out" threw him out of the Soulgaze and knocked him on his ass. From an indirect look into an imprisoned, weakened angel.

Hmmm. Good point.  Now I wonder what would happen if this character got a hold of one of the Denarian's coins.  Would it be a battle royal in his head with the Fallen or would he simply be immune?
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2010, 02:40:30 AM »
As the GM of the game this character is in in real life(really), I think your angel getting a hold of a coin would be very entertaining....

Especially since I'm considering my samurai, you might consider giving him some True Faith powers since he's a walking holy symbol. Even just Bless This House. But, I'm GM so I don't get to play for a few sessions at least so I get a totally separate character creation thing which probably suck.....but I volunteered and was nominated for the job so that's what I get to do. ANd I do have like 5 characters that I want to flesh out....

I think in a soulgaze you'd see an angel with...clipped wings like a bird that's gone through a jet engine and lived.

The Key of Solomon thing is cool. Especially since one of my co-workers likes to buy up every she finds on store shelves so stupid people can't misuse it. True Story....

BTW, THe Key of Solomon is not Restricted Access, it's public Domain, you find it on Project Gutenberg. THat's another +1 unless you are referring to some Dresdenverse style "Complete document" WIzards keep for themselves so they don't make the angels mad. FOr WIzards are squishy and taste great on toast...

Only other notes: your angel is a swordsman....and no flaming sword made of Holy Light and Brimstone? You don't need one but I'm just saying....  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
(June 2016 Campaign of The Month)

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Offline HumAnnoyd

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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2010, 08:07:08 PM »
I think in a soulgaze you'd see an angel with...clipped wings like a bird that's gone through a jet engine and lived.

That could work but I think it is really important for him to not be detected for what he truly is.  Otherwise every thing that has ever been pissed off by Seraphim will come looking to get a little payback.  And I imagine that list is a long one.

The Key of Solomon thing is cool. Especially since one of my co-workers likes to buy up every she finds on store shelves so stupid people can't misuse it. True Story....

I pictured the Keys of Solomon much like they are in Witchcraft.  They are a magical knowledge (with 13 different ones) that allows whoever possesses them to, among other things, control and fight Seraphim no matter what thier power level.  Just kind of threw it in as possible flavor.  Something that a Wizard could research if they knew he was a Seraph and use it against him but maybe isn't common knowledge.

Only other notes: your angel is a swordsman....and no flaming sword made of Holy Light and Brimstone? You don't need one but I'm just saying....

He does have a sword but to avoid detection and because he isn't a full Seraphim anymore he hasn't reached that level yet.  Also I have now made it a bit nebulous whether he served Heaven or Hell in his past life so I am not sure if the True Faith powers are appropriate until that question is resolved.  I updated the original post to reflect my current ideas.
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2010, 08:16:00 PM »
Here is the most current version of the character.

TEMPLATE: Exiled Seraphim
HIGH CONCEPT: Mortal Seraphim Outcast
TROUBLE: Caught Between Heaven and Hell

ASPECT:  This Sword is a part of me
Invoke:   The sword is a regular long sword that does normal +2 damage.  Having it helps Sal control his darker impulses.  Also can be invoked for intimidation and maneuvers.
Compel:  It can be taken or damaged.  It can also get him in trouble with authorities in the wrong situation

 As a baby Sal was left on the steps of St. James Cathedral and was raised in an orphanage.  Despite being a very bright and artistically gifted young man he was beset by nightmares of blood and constant visions of the supernatural that left him moody and disconnected.  Despite his peaceful nature he struggled with a righteous fury that threatened to overwhelm him when faced with acts of evil.  While he was in high school he severely injured three young bullies and left a fourth in a coma when they tried to beat him up.  He has never forgotten what can happen when he gives in to his anger. Father Atkins at the orphanage gave him a long sword and encouraged him to train with it.  The sword felt completely natural in his hand as if it were a missing piece of his soul.  Training with it helped Sal learn discipline so he could better control his impulses. 

ASPECT:  The Right Man in the Wrong Place
Invoke: This aspect would work like the Spiritual Guidance effect of Guide My Hand power. Pg. 187
Compel: You are actually in the real wrong... wrong place. Or you are called to deal with something that is VERY inconvenient or during a bad time.

When Sal came upon a couple being attacked by a Red Court Vampire he leapt to their defense without hesitation and defeated the monster barehanded all the while screaming battle cries in ancient Aramaic.  For the first time in his life he was able to truly unleash himself and that filled him with a joy that terrified him.   Strangely he is always around when dangerous supernatural factions threaten Seattle.  Sal works as a bartender at the Rat and the Raven in the U-district.  The bar has gained a quiet reputation as a place one can go if they have problems that the mortal authorities cannot handle.

ASPECT:  More Human than Human
Invoke:  When viewed by the Sight or other mystical senses Sal appears very much like a normal, if especially gifted, mortal. He is sometimes discounted as a threat because he seems so normal.
Compel: Supernatural creatures are drawn to him. Predators think he would make a particularly tasty meal or instinctually hate him and want to destroy him. Others find him mysterious and seek to unlock the secret of his past. Mortals with the stain of guilt on their souls feel uncomfortable in his presence sometimes lashing out.

For years Salvador Delgado, orphan, struggling art student, bartender and defender of the innocent, has known he is different.  He had no idea just how different until battling a fallen angel and discovering that he once was a Seraph. His Divinity had been stripped from him along with his memories and he is now mortal. But who did he serve?  Heaven or Hell?  Facing the warring factions of Angels and Demons and hated by both sides for reasons he does not understand, Sal must cling to the one thing in his possession that both sides disdain:  his humanity. 

ASPECT:  Righteous Wrath
Invoke:  To tap into his Seraphim Heritage when faced with the supernatural providing him with the strength or insight he needs to triumph.
Compel:  Sal's nature makes it difficult to walk away from confrontations. And once it comes to blows his fury is difficult if not impossible to restrain.

ASPECT: (Bartender at the Rat and the Raven)

SKILLS (+30)
Superb +5:
Great +4: Athletics, Weapons
Good +3: Conviction, Endurance, Fists
Fair +2: Discipline, Lore, Presence, Rapport
Average +1: Alertness, Contacts, Empathy, Might, Stealth

PASSIONATE ARTIST (Use Conviction for Art with +2 for Painting)

CATCH Spirit Magic (Ritual or Evocations) with Restricted Access (Keys of Solomon) +2
Works as Arcane Senses (Pg. 174) but always on. 

Mental (4): OOOO)
Physical (4 +2): OOOOOO
Social (3) OOO
Armor, Etc: Armor 1 against all physical stress
Total Refresh Cost: -7
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Re: Exiled Seraphim Character
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2010, 08:25:59 PM »
For the Aspect where you have "(Bartender at the Rat and the Raven)" how about something like "Tell me your Troubles". As a bartender, people feel comfortable telling you things while they are being served drinks, but you're not always comfortable with what you hear.

Just a thought, it can be rounded out more as the character creation phase of the group continues.