Author Topic: Need a critique  (Read 1316 times)

Offline Terminalvelocityturkey

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Need a critique
« on: May 12, 2010, 04:50:16 PM »
  I have this fan fic that has been brewing in my head for a few weeks now and after a couple scraps at the plotline I have written down most of the first chapter. I was wondering if anyone out there would be interested in reading through what I have done so far and giving me a constructive opinion on the flow and such. If interested please either send me a message on here or you can email me at  Thanks guys! :)

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: Need a critique
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 06:59:41 PM »
I'm needing a break. I'll take a loook tonight if you like.  Only time for a short fast read, if that's okay?  check your e-mail..
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