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San Francisco

Author Topic: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations  (Read 75158 times)

Offline Aine

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #255 on: May 31, 2011, 04:30:15 AM »
*snuggles Mij*

You're the krazy glue that holds us all together.  Just let me know when you update and I'll try to do the same. :D

Offline Fyrchick

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #256 on: June 01, 2011, 12:47:43 AM »
I'm getting all verklimpt!
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

Offline synobal

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #257 on: June 12, 2011, 11:55:38 PM »
Hey Mij where are the latest logs for the game I want to find that joke that Filii made the other day and everyone got a good laugh at. I'd like to nominate it for the awards thingy (I've got like 2 days to do so)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 11:59:16 PM by synobal »

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #258 on: June 13, 2011, 01:14:29 AM »
All the session logs are kept in sub-folders under the main folder.  I name them according to adventure, so "DFRPG_01" is our first adventure, etc.

I leave the main level for "overall" stuff -- maps, character sheets, etc.

Don't forget that MediaFire only shows 20 entries per page by default, so you might have to go to "page 2" to get what you want.

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Offline Fyrchick

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #259 on: June 16, 2011, 01:25:21 AM »
Congrats to Mij- GM of the Year!!
Which we already knew, of course.
Even though you try to blow our characters up.
Or get arrested.
Or turned into some kind of White Court snack.
Or killed.
And I still can't talk about the weird moaning noise from the Chinatown thing.

But after a year I STILL have no idea what will happen next and thats the coolest.

So thanks DUDE>  :-*
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

Offline Aine

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #260 on: June 17, 2011, 04:35:02 AM »
Congrats to Mij- GM of the Year!!
Which we already knew, of course.
Even though you try to blow our characters up.
Or get arrested.
Or turned into some kind of White Court snack.
Or killed.
And I still can't talk about the weird moaning noise from the Chinatown thing.

But after a year I STILL have no idea what will happen next and thats the coolest.

So thanks DUDE>  :-*

GMs don't kill characters, characters kill themselves. Especially ours.

Congrats MIJ!

Offline synobal

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #261 on: June 19, 2011, 01:56:18 PM »
GMs don't kill characters, characters kill themselves. Especially ours.

Congrats MIJ!

I keep telling everyone that explosion was an accident!   :'(

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #262 on: June 23, 2011, 03:21:29 AM »

We’ve finished up our second adventure together, and frankly, I'm amazed that you haven't thrown me under a bus.  I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am with San Francisco, because I’ve had a truly amazing amount of fun!

I know I went over this in the chat room the other night, but as a reminder, with the end of our second adventure, I’m declaring a Significant Milestone.  That means you may do ALL of the following (the third only applies to the spell casters):

1. Add one additional skill rank. You can increase a skill by one level; add a new skill at the Average (+1) level; or just “bank” it for later.

2. Choose ONE of the following Minor Milestone benefits:

  a.  Switch the rank values of any two skills. Example: switch your Discipline and Might skills.
  b.  Replace any single stunt. Example: replace Guide My Hand (Conviction) with Blend In (Stealth).
  c.  Purchase new stunts or powers, assuming you have refresh available.  I don’t think anyone can actually do this.
  d.  Rename one aspect. Example: rename "TACT ISN'T MY STRONG SUIT" to "MY MOUTH IS A LOOSE CANNON". This typically isn't a whole new aspect -- think of it as a refinement of an existing aspect.  But I may be open to new aspects.  Bring me your idea, and we’ll talk about it.

3. For spell casters, you may reconfigure your focus and enchanted items and slots.  Please see me about this for help if needed.

I also wanted to thank everyone for giving me such good feedback from our adventures so far.  It really helps me in crafting where we go from here.  You told me you were interested in continuing a couple of the plot lines that we’ve had in our first couple adventures (but haven’t really finished yet); that you wanted more interaction between the players; and that you thought it was time to meet more of the NPCs in San Francisco.

Happily, I think I can do those with this next adventure.  However, I’d like to have some in-game time between the adventure we just finished (which took place in late August / early September) and the next adventure (let’s go with January).  As such, there are some hanging plot lines I’d like to wrap up.  I wouldn’t want y’all thinking I’m hiding things from you (or at least, not these things).

So with that in mind, I propose the following for wrap-ups:

DOWAN -- Your adventure finished up well, and I don’t think we need any further explanation for it.  You should be thinking about what focus item(s) you want to make during this time.  Get me ideas as soon as you can.

EDWARD -- After the Ghoul Caves, you called in sick so you could go home, take heavy drugs, close all the shades, and try to sleep off the headache and partial deafness.  Otherwise, you pretty much returned to business as usual.  As with Dowan, I need any ideas you have for focus item(s) you want to make during this time.

FILII -- After the Ghoul Caves, you returned to the Mission, where you put in a report with the Elders concerning the probable fate of Brother Fereggi.  You presented the tabard you had found, and were told they would relay their condolences to the Order of Malta.  You also put in a report on the Ghoul Cave adventure, which interested the Elders considerably.  They said they would need some time to digest your report.  Finally, you took the journal Edward gave you to Brother Bernard, who declared the book “FASCINATING!” and promised to try to get you a translation of the contents.

JACK -- After the Ghoul Caves, you went home, where you immediately examined your detonator.  It was indeed working, so you’re a little mystified why the explosives you left in the Ghoul Cave before exiting didn’t seem to go off.  However, you decided that’s a mystery for another day.  Instead, you want to focus on getting some training for your new sword.  Mr. Yamato lives up to his promise, and gets you the name of a local martial arts instructor who also offers sword training (among other weapons).  His name is Sato Hisoka, and he has a small dojo in Japantown.

TORY -- Your plot line also finished up well, except that you were to report to Kenichi “the next morning” for a new assignment.  You indeed went to the meeting, where Kenichi told you he was most impressed with your handling of this assignment, and that he hoped you would be willing to take on additional, similar assignments for him in the future.  However, at the present he needed some time to consider all the ramifications of what you had found out concerning the vase and the FBI agent.  He promised to contact you when he has more for you to do.  He also admonished you to keep this particular assignment, and any future assignments from him, just between the two of you.

If anyone has any troubles with those, please let me know.  They are laying the ground work for the next adventure.  Also, assuming you don’t, I need to find out what EDWARD, FILII, and JACK plan to do with the gold they took from the Ghoul Caves.  Are you planning to sell it?  And if so, how?  To a pawn broker, a museum, what?

Again, thanks for a wonderful almost-year of gaming.  I look forward to the next adventure, and our one-year anniversary!


[Edited to correct milestone type]
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 02:08:34 AM by Mij »
Your Laundry skill is Poor (-1), and the difficulty here is Great (+4) owing to old machines, poor lighting, and panty-stealing neighbors.  Roll the Fudge Dice, please.

Offline Fyrchick

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #263 on: June 23, 2011, 03:36:46 AM »


Tricksey, Mr. Mij. Very tricksey.
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.

Offline synobal

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #264 on: June 26, 2011, 06:54:02 PM »
Well Mij I'm not certain but it's depending on how much money two handfuls of gold coins are. I'd guess I'd take them to get Appraised by that one pawn broker that I shan't mention by name. Sell most of them and keep some for emergencies.

Then Jack would take the money, and buy the needed tools to make his own rounds for all his guns. My idea is Jack can have Filii bless the load of his shotgun shells prior to pressing them, that way next time he faces something really nasty he's got a bit more damage possibly.  Jack did pay attention to the effects of holy water on those ghouls and he liked what he saw.

Depending on how much money there is left over he'd buy document forging equipment, some concussion grenades and then likely some sort of vehicle. He's got plans for that.

Let me know if any of this is a problem.

Also I've spent the rest of Jack's skill points, upgrading his Weapons, and Discipline skill.  The updated Character sheet can be found here. Let me know if there are any issues.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 11:11:49 PM by synobal »

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #265 on: July 04, 2011, 08:14:10 PM »

Our third adventure has started, and things are already complicated!  Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

And for those who haven't yet finished up their character updates, please get them in to me as soon as you can.  Thanks!

See you on Tuesday!

Your Laundry skill is Poor (-1), and the difficulty here is Great (+4) owing to old machines, poor lighting, and panty-stealing neighbors.  Roll the Fudge Dice, please.

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #266 on: July 27, 2011, 04:27:26 AM »

I'm really enjoying our latest adventure, and also the conversations I've been having with several of you concerning some changes in the play style.  I'm trying to introduce more Fate Point exchanges into the game, and you've had some good ideas on making it happen.

Keep the ideas coming, and we'll see how things go on Sunday!

Your Laundry skill is Poor (-1), and the difficulty here is Great (+4) owing to old machines, poor lighting, and panty-stealing neighbors.  Roll the Fudge Dice, please.

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #267 on: August 01, 2011, 02:08:37 AM »

I'm really pleased with the new forum look, but unfortunately the chat rooms are unavailable for a while here.  That means we need a new out-of-character chat and dice rolling room until the forum chat is ready.  Synobal found what seems to be a good alternative at http://rolz.org/group.  You need to enter a Nickname (use your usual so I don't get confused, please) and use "DFRPG" (without the quotes) for the Room Name.

Try it out and let me know if you can't find it or have problems.  If it works for everybody, we'll use it until the rooms here are back up.

Your Laundry skill is Poor (-1), and the difficulty here is Great (+4) owing to old machines, poor lighting, and panty-stealing neighbors.  Roll the Fudge Dice, please.

Offline Mij

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #268 on: August 08, 2011, 06:26:05 AM »

Everyone seems to be OK with the new dice rolling room, which is good.  I don't know when the chat here will be operational again.  Thanks for being flexible about this.  I could do all the rolling for you guys, but I'd rather not.  I think it's better when we can do our own rolls, and also when everyone can see the result.

Your Laundry skill is Poor (-1), and the difficulty here is Great (+4) owing to old machines, poor lighting, and panty-stealing neighbors.  Roll the Fudge Dice, please.

Offline Fyrchick

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Re: Undertown RPG ~ San Francisco: Shaking the Foundations
« Reply #269 on: August 08, 2011, 10:35:02 PM »
The Rolz room is working fine- just takes a few to get used to it. The roller is nicer to me there anyway, so I don't mind!

You worry too much, GM of the Year.  :o
When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.