Author Topic: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?  (Read 11081 times)

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2010, 09:27:07 PM »
It might be interesting to try to use the system for Sanderson's mistborn setting.
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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2010, 10:11:45 PM »
Yeah, I second both the Nightside and Mistborn settings. I could also see it used for lots of other urban fantasy settings. Like the Kate Daniels setting, or Nocturne City.


This would be awesome for the Dante Valentine Setting.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 10:28:39 PM by KOFFEYKID »

Offline Falar

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2010, 06:11:46 PM »
I definitely have an inkling for a Firefly game in this system, especially after the way of looking at it that DFRPG brings as opposed to SotC. I was trying to do a Fate based version of the system at one point, but I was doing it based on Spirit of the Century and it didn't work quite so well as the Dresden Files RPG version would do.

I would probably add in a Secret aspect to the High Concept and Trouble aspects because, as the Cortex version of the game indicates, secrets are important to how the game works. Or have that as a suggestion for another option for the Background aspect. Something that you define with the GM that's between the both of you and will come out to the other players in play. This might be handy for character's like Shepherd Book. Unless they want to do an open Background aspect, which would be more appropriate for characters like Wash.

It would actually slide over pretty wholesale other than changing up a few of the skills and having a lack of supernatural powers in most, if not all, cases. Have a free pair of stunts and then be able to pick up up to Refresh/2 more stunts. Freedom is very important in the 'Verse and ain't something you should be able to give up without talking your GM into it.
Lead Creator of Terror in the Twin Cities - winner of the 2010 Borden DFRPG Award for Best Location

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2010, 12:53:53 AM »
I'd like to see any write-ups for:
The Night Side
Full Metal Alchemist
Last Airbender

I'm still working through the rules so I can't chime in with anything else right now...  ;)

Offline Moriden

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2010, 12:58:48 AM »
I dont really think youd have to change anything mechanically for the nightside setting. its already a very over the top dramatist feal to it. the laws may or may not apply, i could honestly see an argument for either. you'd stat the droods as people with items of power, john tailor is a scion of lillith, walker is an emissary of power etc etc.
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2010, 01:06:14 AM »
Personally, much as I love the Nightside, I don't think the DFRPG is the system to use to reflect it. The Nightside is too high powered a setting, too over-the-top for this particular iteration of FATE (which is much more gritty) to properly reflect. I'd use a higher powered game like Nobilis or Mutants and Masterminds if I was going to do the Nightside.

Offline Moriden

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2010, 01:10:50 AM »
Nah, nothing has the same ... completely narrative driven mechanics, that fate dose. the power levels are easy enough to do by just allowing higher refresh, though if you really look at the numbers im pretty confident i could stat most of the main charter's for less then 10 refresh [at least for there first appearances] keep in mind that john tailor has had about as many books to grow as harry Dresden has. Most of the "really baddass" npcs in the nightside are extreme specialists and that makes it much easier to stat them.
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2010, 01:22:46 AM »
How, precisely, would you stat John's gift? Which, by the way, not only allows him to find anything, but to kill anything (up to and including deities) as well. More or less instantly. And has been with him since his first appearance. Or his bullet-stealing trick? I could likely manage the second, but the first is...difficult. You could probably do something with the Sword of the Cross's "I Am Your Catch" as a basis...but it's still going to be really expensive to buy as an ability. Even one costing Mental Stress. And very jury-rigged to say the least.

But the most damning point (for me) is the opacity of the system. Why x costs 3 and y costs 8 is not inherently clear (and in many cases isn't a coherent plan, just the result of playtesting). That makes statting up a lot of the Nightside really hard.

Now, this isn't a condemnation, and I'd bet money all of the info needed will be in the generic version of this edition of FATE, but it wasn't needed for this game and, that being the case, it's not here.

I'd absolutely use the DFRPG system unaltered for other urban fantasy (True Blood and the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs leap immediately to mind) but the Nightsde are EPIC!!! Urban Fantasy, with ebverything dialed up to ELEVEN!!1!!1 (And that, too, is not a condemnation, I love them for it) and that's outide the RPG's capabilities without so much house ruling you'd be better off using another system (adding Aspects to Mutants and Masterminds is pathetically easy and likely what I'd do).

Offline Moriden

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2010, 01:43:01 AM »
Personally i think that fate is the only rule system that is over the top enough, id use cj carella's witchcraft[in one of its half dozen flavors] for nearly any other urban fantasy setting.

Quick and extremely dirty
  John Tailor
The sight -1
   Find anything -1 supplemental stunt to the sight
        Allows harry to use the sight from a birds eye view and hone in on anything he can name / identify. [this could also simply be a divination spell that uses the sight as a focus]

Lilithian sponsored magic -5  [similar to soul-fire] explain how much it hurts him to use, and how he can use his "gift" to damage anyone. as mentioned previously most bad asses in the nightside as super specialists, meaning that even gods aren't likely to have much other then there shtick, thus a good solid strength 12 or so hit after weakening them will likely put them down, which is entirely possible at the end of a novel when john has a handful of fate points.
   Rote Got your bullets creates a 6 strength block verse all guns in the area. or creates a sticky aspect on the scene Out of bullets. when he uses this "trick" to attack people ie steal there fillings, its just a strait weapon 6 attack that isnt ever used to inflict "serious" injury's.

Inhuman recovery -2 gets from diluted werewolf blood latter on.

This is extraordinarily sloppy and meant only as a five minute mock up, Im not really sure how we have so completely different views, but yeah in my opinion fate is an extremely over the top system that's not gritty or realistic at all...
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2010, 01:52:23 AM »
Let's just say I both disagree and find that the Powers and Dominations in the Nightside are a bit sturdier than you do, and leave it at that.

Offline Moriden

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2010, 02:03:41 AM »
Fair enough, was in no way trying to pick a fight.

I do strongly recommend cj carellas witchcraft [Armageddon, all flesh must be eaten, buffy,terra primate] though its in my top 3-4 favorite systems. Elegant simple, balanced, and designed specifically for urban fantasy games.
Brian Blacknight

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2010, 02:11:51 AM »
You know what RPG setting would probably work pretty well with DFRPG?

Blogging his way through The Dresden Files (currently on hiatus).

Offline Falar

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2010, 02:18:55 AM »

As for going with a more over-the-top take to Fate ... seriously, dudes ... take a look at Spirit of the Century. It is the same basic system with other trappings on top of it. It is a good gorram over DFRPG in general grittiness. They have some ridiculous powers too. Heck, you start out with a BASE of five stress and can get more. Not to mention that there are stunts that makes stress ROLL DOWN instead of ROLL UP.

Seriously, track down some info on it. You can go way, way, way in any direction with the basics of Fate.
Lead Creator of Terror in the Twin Cities - winner of the 2010 Borden DFRPG Award for Best Location

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2010, 02:24:58 AM »
Oh, absolutely! I expect generic FATE, whenever it comes out, to be my go-to game for the Nightside. But SotC lacks detailed rules for supernatural powers, while DFRPG lacks the prerequisite level of over-the-topness...and mixing and matching the two is tricky at best. Hence my unwillingness to do that setting in this system at the moment.

I should also note that I agree with most of the other suggestions being pretty damn good fits. Just for the record.

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Re: Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2010, 02:37:47 AM »
A few modifications and you could run some wicked Harry Potter games.  :P