Author Topic: Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?  (Read 2905 times)

Offline void

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Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?
« on: April 11, 2010, 06:07:58 AM »
I was poking at the Toughness powers, and tripped across this phrase under Mythic Toughness' musts: You must have a permission that grants this ability.

I've read through the chapter, the index, and done some searching throughout the PDF... I can't find anything else that matches up to this rather particular phrasing, neither in the other Toughness abilities or anything else Mythic.

Is this an artifact from a previous version of the rules text, or am I missing something?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 07:23:17 AM »
There were indeed "Permissions" that had to be taken to acquire Powers in previous versions of the rules, so I'm guessing it's an artifact of that.

Offline LCDarkwood

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Re: Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 10:28:19 AM »
Yeah, Permissions were sort of a midway point on the way to our final, blanket ruling on qualifying for powers. Permissions were a fancy way of indicating which character types qualified for which powers, which we then generalized to, "they have to clearly derive from your high concept aspect, whatever it is". And then we solidified the templates and types to provide more guidance.

The idea being, it has to logically track. So, if I'm an Emissary of Loki, the trickster god, probably I could see my way into illusion-based sponsored magic or glamours, any powers that help me with deception, and that kind of stuff. But Mythic Toughness probably isn't going to happen.

Offline Sebastian

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Re: Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 10:56:56 AM »
Yeah, Permissions were sort of a midway point on the way to our final, blanket ruling on qualifying for powers. Permissions were a fancy way of indicating which character types qualified for which powers, which we then generalized to, "they have to clearly derive from your high concept aspect, whatever it is". And then we solidified the templates and types to provide more guidance.

The idea being, it has to logically track. So, if I'm an Emissary of Loki, the trickster god, probably I could see my way into illusion-based sponsored magic or glamours, any powers that help me with deception, and that kind of stuff. But Mythic Toughness probably isn't going to happen.

Or transformations. :)
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Offline void

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Re: Mythic Toughness -- Must have a permission?
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 01:10:09 PM »
Okay, cool. My world is right again. I hate feeling like I've missed something. :)