Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 200411 times)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I decided to see what I would do for The Merlin's powers at a refresh level of 36, here is what I got.

Personally, I don't see the need for Sponsored Magic. And the skills seem excessive. Aside from that mine won't be likely to look too much different.


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I only upped the cap of his skills to 1 higher than your example of Listens to Wind, I figure that the Merlin would have access to one tier higher on the skill chart, as far as sponsored magic, he needs a way to cast wards at evocation speed.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Donald Morgan

High Concept: Acting Captain of the Wardens
Mercy Has No Place in the Law;
Combat Veteran;
Children Must Be Protected;
Zealotry in the Cause of Justice Is No Vice;
Student of Luccio;
Merlin’s Ally;


Superb: Conviction, Weapons
Great: Discipline, Intimidation, Lore
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Endurance, Presence, Rapport,
Fair: Contacts, Deceit, Empathy, Fists, Investigation,
Average: Burglary, Resources, Scholarship, Stealth, Survival,


Riposte (Weapons)


Inhuman Mental Toughness [-2]
Refinements [-10]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]

Total: -20 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Fire, Earth, Spirit);
Power (Earth +3, Fire+1)
Control (Earth +4, Spirit +1, Fire+2)
Control (Divination +1, Wards +1); Complexity (Wards +2);

Focus Items:
Warden's Cloak (+2 Defensive Control and Power for Earth)
Sword (+2 Offensive Control and Power for Earth)

Enchanted Items:
Warden’s Sword (2 Slots)
Ring (6 shift Block or Armor 3, 3 times per session) (4 slots)


Mental: OOOO (OO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

Again, very small modifications. I refined his Earth Evocation a bit, to the point where he can manage 10 shift offensive or defensive Earth Evocations. Though all that goes down to 8 without Focus Items. I also gave him Riposte to reflect his training with Luccio and general sword skill, and a defensive item as he seems too savvy not to have one. The man is hardcore.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 06:47:17 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I only upped the cap of his skills to 1 higher than your example of Listens to Wind, I figure that the Merlin would have access to one tier higher on the skill chart, as far as sponsored magic, he needs a way to cast wards at evocation speed.

Uh, Listens To Wind caps out at 6. Your Merlin goes to 8 and has three skills there. For comparison, the official version caps at 7 and has one.

And I don't see any reason he needs to be able to do Wards at Evocation speeds. He was in a battle between, well, armies when he did his Army-Stopping-Ward. Battles take easily long enough to pull off conventional Thaumaturgy.


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Uh, Listens To Wind caps out at 6. Your Merlin goes to 8 and has three skills there. For comparison, the official version caps at 7 and has one.

And I don't see any reason he needs to be able to do Wards at Evocation speeds. He was in a battle between, well, armies when he did his Army-Stopping-Ward. Battles take easily long enough to pull off conventional Thaumaturgy.

Ahh, *ahem* yes, your right, I dont use the name of the ranks, I just use the value of the rank. I usually have to look up the rank name to find the value, and I was off by one, :P.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Arthur Langtry

High Concept: The Merlin
Plans Within Plans;
Necessary Measures;
No Compromises On The Laws;
Politics Is My Favorite Game;
Practicing Wizard When the Hills Were Young;
Power Beyond Measure;


Epic: Discipline,
Fantastic: Conviction, Lore
Superb: Contacts, Presence,
Great: Deceit, Intimidation, Resources
Good: Alertness, Empathy, Rapport, Scholarship,
Fair: Craftsmanship, Burglary, Investigation, Stealth,
Average: Athletics, Endurance, Weapons, Survival


Leadership (Presence) (-1)
Occultist (Magic; Mortal Magic) (Lore) (-1)


Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
Refinements [-32]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]

Total: -47 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit);
Power (Air +6, Earth +1, Spirit +4, Fire+2)
Control (Air+5, Earth +1, Spirit +3, Fire+1)
Control (Summoning and Binding +1, Conjuration +1,  Divination +1, Veils +2, Wards +3, Transformation and Disruption +1, Transportation and Worldwalking +2);
Complexity (Summoning and Binding +3, Conjuration +3, Divination+4, Veils +5, Wards +6, Transformation and Disruption +2, Transportation and Worldwalking +4);

Focus Items:
Staff (+1 Defensive Control and Power for Air, +4 Complexity for Wards)

Enchanted Items:
Robes Of Office (12 shift Block or Armor 6, up to three times per sesion)[8 Enchanted Item Slots]


Mental: OOOO (OOOOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Armor: 3 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

And here’s the Merlin. He can throw 12 Shift Offensive Evocations and 13 Shift Defensive ones (appropriate for a master of defensive magics), but where he really shines is Thaumaturgy. He has a Minimum Discipline and Lore of 8 for every kind of Thaumaturgy there is. Much more for Wards, Divination, and Worldwalking, and a bit more for Veils.

He can burn 1 Fate Points and spend 3 Exchanges at absolutely no risk or Stress or two Exchanges with a bit of risk and quite a bit of Stress (two 3 stress hits), and create a Complexity 18 Ward with no preparation whatsoever in the minimum Thaumaturgy time-table for that.  This is what he did to stop an army once. He may’ve tossed out an Evocation Block first, then given it duration (Block 13 for 13 exchanges, 2 Exchanges worth of work), to give himself some time to Ward properly.

I basically modified the Merlin slightly so he’d follow the skill pyramid (which got a bit odd towards the bottom, I‘ll admit, but making him physically sneaky actually makes sense), and added about 15 levels of Refinement. He's also got a couple of Mortal Stunts that seemed necessary and appropriate.

EDIT: Upgraded his Robes, as his defenses seemed a tad anemic given the description of being vastly more powerful than other Senior Council Members, and added Mythic Mental Toughness.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 06:46:01 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Ebenezar McCoy

High Concept: Senior White Council Wizard
Trouble: God Help Me, I‘m the Blackstaff
Master of Harry Dresden;
An Honest Day’s Work;
Patient Teacher;
Respected Scholar;
No Time for Bullies;


Fantastic: Conviction, Lore
Superb: Discipline, Endurance,
Great: Alertness, Contacts, Intimidation, Presence,
Good: Athletics, Deceit, Empathy, Rapport, Scholarship,
Fair: Burglary, Fists, Investigation, Stealth, Survival, Weapons,
Average: Craftsmanship, Driving, Guns, Might, Resources, Performance,


On My Toes (Alertness) (-1)


Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
Refinements [-28]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Item of Power: The Blackstaff [-4]
Sponsored Magic: The Blackstaff [-2]

Total: -48 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit);
Power (Air +1, Earth +1, Spirit +5, Fire+3)
Control (Air+2, Earth +2, Spirit +6, Fire+4)
Control (Summoning and Binding +1, Divination +3, Wards +1, Transformation and Disruption +4, Transportation and Worldwalking +1);
Complexity (Summoning and Binding +2, Divination+5, Wards +1, Transformation and Disruption +6, Transportation and Worldwalking +2);
Crafting (Strength +3, Frequency +2);

Focus Items:
Staff (+1 Offensive Control and Power for Spirit)
Metal Ring (+1 Defensive Power and Control for Spirit)

Enchanted Items:
Metal Ring (12 shift Block or Armor 6, up to three times per sesion)[4 Enchanted Item Slots]


Mental: OOOO(OOOOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOOO
Armor: 3 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

McCoy manages to almost equal the Merlin in Evocation, though only through the use of a Focus Items, he can do 12 shift effects either offensively or defensively with those, and 11 Shifts without.

This is McCoy sans the actual Blackstaff, since we have no idea what it does. Though I did include it’s cost on his sheet, assuming it’s about as potent as a Sword of the Cross. He’s a specialist in the kind of Magic that destroys people, places and things on a grand scale, as well as Divination.

In terms of skills I kept his rep as a spy and assassin in mind and gave him some of those skills at modest ranks. He actually has more skill points than the Merlin, they’re just spread around a bit more. I also arranged him into a skill pyramid, which wasn't hard per se, but not that easy either.

And I've revised him slightly to be in line with my other revisions on the Senior Council. Also, I've added a Stunt to increase his Initiative. I also upped his Crafting to make his defensive Item better (befitting a really front-line combat Wizard).

EDIT: Added Sponsored Magic, updated the Blackstaff to have a -4 cost, and added Mythic Mental Toughness.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 06:56:43 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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hey just wanna pop in here and say you are totally doin awesome with these characters ;D and i also wanted to ask if you care if i put up my own version's of some of the characters? One of my favorite things to do is stat up characters and ive done some pretty interesting(in my opinion) write ups on lots of characters including cowl(my hero). So if you dont have a problem with it ill try to put some up here if you do thats no problem either ;D
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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hey just wanna pop in here and say you are totally doin awesome with these characters ;D and i also wanted to ask if you care if i put up my own version's of some of the characters? One of my favorite things to do is stat up characters and ive done some pretty interesting(in my opinion) write ups on lots of characters including cowl(my hero). So if you dont have a problem with it ill try to put some up here if you do thats no problem either ;D

Nah, go right to it. Anyone who can take criticism is welcome to post a character here. Heck, a bit more cvonstructive criticism would make me ecstatic.

In other news, I've rearranged Listens-To-Wind very slightly based on having built other Senior council Members. I dropped his potion slots for enhanced Evocation. He's now a bit closer to in their league (11 Shift evocations instead of 10).

Offline Vash the white

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nice job on mcCoy! your all doing a great job!, :)
and cowl i would find it very interresting to see your take on characters too :)

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Martha Liberty

High Concept: Senior Council Wizard
Friend of “Joseph” and McCoy;
Combat Wizard
Information Specialist


Fantastic: Lore,
Superb: Conviction, Discipline,
Great: Empathy, Intimidation, Presence,
Good: Athletics, Contacts, Endurance, Resources, Scholarship,
Fair: Alertness, Deceit, Investigation, Rapport, Weapons,
Average: Craftsmanship, Fists, Might, Performance, Stealth,


Interrogator (Intimidation) (-1)
Finely Tuned Third Eye (Lore) (-1)


Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
Refinements [-28]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]

Total: -43 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit);
Power (Air +1, Spirit +3, Earth+5)
Control (Air+2, Spirit +4, Earth+6)
Control (Summoning and Binding +1, Conjuration+1, Divination +2, Wards +1, Transportation and Worldwalking +1);
Complexity (Summoning and Binding +5, Conjuration +4, Divination+6, Veils +1, Wards +2, Transformation and Disruption +1, Transportation and Worldwalking +3);
Crafting (Strength +3, Frequency +2)

Focus Items:
Bracelet (+1 Offensive and Defensive Power for Earth)

Enchanted Items:
Something (12 shift Block or Armor 6, up to five times per sesion)[5 Enchanted Item Slots]
5 slots worth.


Mental: OOOO(OOOOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 3 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

Martha Liberty’s specialties in both Evocation and Thaumaturgy are completely unknown, so I’ve arbitrarily made her a crafting specialist and Water Mage. Why? Because I could, and the Senior Council didn’t have either. She’s quite a skilled summoner as well.

She’s got 11 shifts of Evocation going with her Focus Item, and a whole bunch of rather ridiculous Enchanted Items to throw around.

Based on new information, I've redistributed Martha's specialties somewhat and given her an extra level of Refinement (bringing her on par with Listens to Wind). She's apparently a Divination specialist with contacts throughout the Nevernever, so I upped her summoning and worldwalking slightly, her Divination by a lot and weakened her in other areas to compensate. She's still got some crafting focus and pretty serious conjuration skills, though. I've also switched her element to Earth, since why not, and I didn't want her to challenge Listens-to-Wind in Water magic.

EDIT: Added Mythic Mental Toughness.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 06:57:59 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Jaroslav

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Deadmanwalking I love your work. :) If you take suggestions I would love to see you stat up Lara. I think she is stronger than how she's statted up in the book, but I don't think I could stat her as well as you could.
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Offline Deadmanwalking

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Sure, as soon as I've finished up the Senior Council. Though I don't think I'd actually change her too much. She's scary, but mostly because she's smart, not because she's got a whole lot of raw personal power. She's powerful, but we're talking around Harry's league here, not anything ridiculous.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Name: Rashid

High Concept: The Gatekeeper
Tall but Hidden;
Cryptic Wisdom;
Kind but Resolute;
A Contact on Every Plane;
Rumored Chronomancer


Epic: Lore,
Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline,
Superb: Contacts, Presence,
Great: Intimidation, Investigation, Rapport,
Good: Endurance, Scholarship, Stealth, Survival,
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Resources, Weapons,
Average: Burglary, Deceit, Empathy, Fists,


Occultist (Outsiders; Signs of their Presence) (Lore) (-1)


Mythic Mental Toughness [-6]
Refinements [-28]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Supernatural Sense [-2]
Worldwalker [-2]

Total: -46 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Water, Spirit);
Power (Air +1, Water+3 Spirit +5)
Control (Air +2, Water+4 Spirit +6)
Control (Summoning and Binding +2, Divination +2, Wards +1, Veils +1, Transportation and Worldwalking +3);
Complexity (Summoning and Binding +4, Divination+5, Wards +3, Veils +2, Transportation and Worldwalking +6);
Crafting (Strength +1)

Focus Items:
Bracelet (+2 Defensive Power and +1 Defensive Control for Spirit)
Staff (+1 Offensive Power and Control for Spirit)

Enchanted Items:
Robes (12 shift Block or Armor 6, up to three times per sesion)[6 Enchanted Item Slots]
4 more slots worth. Potions not uncommon.


Mental: OOOO(OOOOOO) (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Armor: 3 vs. mental effects, otherwise by spell or item effect.

The Gatekeeper is terrifying. I made him more knowledgeable than the Merlin, because if anyone should be, he is. I specialized him in Spirit as suggested, and made him capable of 12 shift Evocations with his Focus Items. Thaumaturgy-wise he’s a specialist in Worldwalking and a bit of Summoning and Divination to round him out. As statted, he’s the second most potent member of the White Council, and that feels more or less correct to me.

And having read Cold Days...Rashid is a bit more perceptive than previously indicated and has been adjusted slightly. So, minor changes. Glad I specialized him in Divination was totally a good call. Also, a mundane Stunt has been added. It seemed...appropriate.

EDIT: Upped his Conviction, moved around a few Specialties. He's now a 13 shift Evocation guy, or thereabouts. Also added Mythic Mental Toughness and upgraded his Robes and Bracelet.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 07:02:45 AM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Jaroslav

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Sure, as soon as I've finished up the Senior Council.
Thanks. I couldn't ask for more.  :)
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