Author Topic: Harry's Stats plus Assorted Other Stat Revisions (Small Favor through Cold Days)  (Read 224462 times)

Offline vultur

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I'm of the opinion that she seems underpowered (though not by much: I just think she should be able to throw down with Eldest Gruff).

If you use DMW's Eldest Gruff stats from this thread*, she can - quite successfully. Their base Evocation is comparable - he's 13 shifts offensive and defensive with fire, while she's 13 offensive and 12 defensive with fire.  But Lea goes first (Inhuman Speed gives her Fantastic initiative; he has no Speed and Good Alertness) and has better Toughness and Recovery (his are only Inhuman).

*yes, I know I once posted stats for EG that were significantly nastier, but I now think DMW's are pretty much exactly correct. Back then I probably would have given Lea 18 shift rote Evocations or something.

Offline vultur

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I dunno about Muse's Gift. Couldn't she get the same result just by rolling a Performance maneuver without a stunt?

Um...good point. She could just establish an aspect and let the artist tag it, yeah.

I'm thinking maybe she could give artists the ability to take Sponsor Debt for art rolls.

Ah - that's perfect! I'll edit that in.

Offline fictionfan

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Name: Nicodemus Archleone

High Concept: First Among the Denarians
Trouble: Pride Goeth Before Everything
Anduriel’s Host;
Been around for a Long, Long Year;
That soul which has the greatest Punishment;
Try Not My Patience;
I rejoice over the corpses of Knights


Fantastic: Contacts, Lore, Weapons,
Superb: Conviction, Deceit, Presence, Resources,
Great: Alertness, Athletics, Discipline, Fists,
Everything else defaults to Good.


Takes One To Know One (Deceit) (-1)
Filthy Lucre (Resources) (-1)
Linguist (Scholarship) (-1)
Riposte (Weapons) (-1)


Marked By Power [-1]
Refinement [-8]
Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
Sponsored Magic: Hellfire [-2]
Wings [-1]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Toughness [-2]
Supernatural Recovery [-4]
The Catch is holy stuff [+2]

Item of Power (Barrabas Noose) [+1] effecting;
Physical Immunity [-8]
The Catch is the Noose Itself [+2]
Refinement [-3] (+3 Control and Complexity for Entropomancy)

Total: -38 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Earth, Water, Spirit); Power (Spirit +2), Control (Spirit+3, Water +1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Summoning and Binding +1, Entropomancy +3, Transformation and Disruption +1); Complexity (Summoning and Binding +4, Entropomancy +6, Transportation and Worldwalking +2, Transformation and Disruption +5)

Focus Items:
Barrabas Noose [+4 Complexity with Entropomancy]


Mental: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Physical: OOOO(OO)
Social: OOOO (+1 Mild Consequence)
Armor: Infinite, 1, or by spell or item effect.

Nicodemus's mystical abilities are assumed. He's never actually demonstrated any per se. But then, he hardly needs to in combat, and someone did the heavy lifting on the curse the Shroud was supposed to enable. My interpretation is that it was Nick. I made him only decent at Evocation to explain why he doesn't use it too much, though personally I tend to think his shadow attacking people is his own version of that. Still, it's not that effective in the grand scheme compared to some other Denarians' magic, so crappy at Evocations he is (relatively speaking).

The noose has a +2 Catch solely for availability, since it's definitionally available to anyone who wants to use it.The Entropomancy Refinements are to enable the Barrabas curse (it'd probably give someone sans Thaumaturgy Ritual - Entropomancy and one Refinement, staying the same level of focus Item), and he curses with flare with that thing (16 shifts off the top of his head...never mind if he puts some effort in).

The physical defensive stuff is assumed since the noose makes them irrelevant in many ways.

I'll probably be statting up Tessa, Rosanna, Thorned Namshiel, Deirdre and Magog as well. I'll also think about doing Saluriel and Ursiel. The other Denarians are (effectively) nameless thugs with Great skills in combat (and Intimidation and Lore) and Inhuman to Supernatural physical stuff plus a Creature Feature or two. They're frightening, but not really in need of full sheets per se. Well, ignoring Lasciel anyway...and her we've never seen in action so her stats are highly speculative.

I think he should have Demonic Co-Pilot.

Offline Mr. Death

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The way that power works doesn't make sense with the Denarians.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

Quote from: Cozarkian
Not every word JB rights is a conspiracy. Sometimes, he's just telling a story. The C-Team Podcast

Offline blackstaff67

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I can't recall Nicodemus wielding any Hellfire.  I think that's why he relies on others for magic.
My Purity score: 37.2.  Sad.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Well, uh, hello to anyone reading this. I've been away from these boards a long while, but I'm starting a new Dresden Files game in about a month (which always makes me more inclined to return to a forum), and these forums seem to have slowed down to a point I can easily keep up with them. So...I'm back for at least a while.

I'll probably be updating the builds in this thread somewhat based on the rules in The Paranet Papers (mostly, adding supernatural or Mythic Mental Toughness as appropriate, but a few other things seem likely to get adjusted as well), and have already changed all the links in the first post so they work with the new website.

EDIT: Added Mythic Mental Toughness to The Merlin, Eldest Brother Gruff, and Cowl and Inhuman Mental Toughness to Morgan. The other Senior Council members, Grevane, and Corpsetaker, will be receiving some as well, though I'm still internally debating amounts (the Senior Council will all have at least Supernatural). Luccio, I'm pretty sure, lost a level of this in the body swap. I'm still considering whether that leaves her with Inhuman (meaning she had Supernatural before), and whether Peabody's mind manipulation may have damaged her a bit, dropping it down to nothing even if that were the case.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 11:05:51 PM by Deadmanwalking »

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I have now added Mythic Mental Toughness to the Senior Council, The Archive, Eldest Brother Gruff, and Cowl.

Corpsetaker, Thorned Namishiel, and Nicodemus have been given Supernatural Mental Toughness.

Grevane, Morgan, Tessa, and the Summer and Winter Ladies have all been given Inhuman Mental Toughness, as (on reflection) has Luccio.

Of all these, I've only added a Catch to Nicodemus. The rest I don't think we have evidence for.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Hey, long time no see.

Any plans to make some post-Skin-Game character sheets?

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Hey, long time no see.

Yeah, it's been a while. Helping my players make characters has really been getting me back in the mood for this game specifically, though.

Any plans to make some post-Skin-Game character sheets?

It's entirely possible. I don't think most people's stats changed too much in there, but there are exceptions (Butters leaps immediately to mind), and little adjustments can matter, plus I could stat up Goodman Grey (not that he's that hard to do). I'd need to re-read the book to do them accurately, but that's no bad idea given that I'm starting a DFRPG game.

I may do some generic sheets as well, the Fomor and their minions didn't look quite right in terms of skills (and will feature heavily in my upcoming game), so I revised them, which is sort of inspiring me to do more stat revisions (or, in many cases more like clarifications) for generic foes like random Ghoul thugs or White Court Vampires and the like. I mean, this thread already has one generic stat block, I could throw in a handful more, and I don't imagine it would be more than a handful or two...

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Looking over the Paranet Papers more, plus reviewing my own builds, has resulted in me rewriting John Marcone quite a bit and Lara Raith slightly.

So that's a thing. Feel free to check them out.

Offline Ghostfreak

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Is there a chance you will be doing Goodman Grey and Ascher(not sure if I spelt the name properly); the lady who killed her rapist with fire magic? If so I look forward to the new updates whenever you get the chance to do so. Happy holidays to you and everyone that is on and off the boards at present.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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I'll definitely be doing both of those when I do Skin Game updates on Harry and company. When that will be is perhaps a bit more nebulous, as I still need to re-read the book (and am inclined to re-read more than just the one...I may even re-read the whole series), but it'll happen at some point in the next while.

I should also note that, upon reflection, I'm inclined to agree with the Paranet Papers version of Harry Dresden to the extent that I now really do think Harry should have higher Presence than I've given him by even Small Favor, and higher Contacts by the point he's at now. I'll thus be adjusting my build of him (and progression breakdown) slightly at some point (quite probably along with Murphy and Thomas)...but that definitely needs to wait until I've re-read some books as well.

And I agree entirely with the 'Happy Holidays' message. Happy Holidays to everyone. :)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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I may do some generic sheets as well, the Fomor and their minions didn't look quite right in terms of skills (and will feature heavily in my upcoming game), so I revised them, which is sort of inspiring me to do more stat revisions (or, in many cases more like clarifications) for generic foes like random Ghoul thugs or White Court Vampires and the like. I mean, this thread already has one generic stat block, I could throw in a handful more, and I don't imagine it would be more than a handful or two...

Very late response, obviously, but I'd be interested.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Cool. I'll do that in the next few days, then. I revised pretty much all the 'generic' mortals and a cross section of supernaturals that seemed sure to come up (I haven't done any Fae yet, and didn't do the Red Court because my game is post-Changes). They're basically all statted, I just need to format them.

Mostly it's pretty minor stuff like making them follow appropriate skill pyramids (which I know isn't strictly needed for NPCs, but my OCD compels me), though I did also adjust Fomor Servitors a fair bit (Superb seemed too high a skill cap for random mooks...I dropped them to Great and gave them Inhuman Strength to compensate, which seemed more accurate to me), and gave White Court and Black Court vampires a slight power up (Deceit at Great for the White Court and Fists at Great for the Black).

Offline Deadmanwalking

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High Concept: Fomor Sorcerer
Trouble: Mortals Are Beneath Me
Amphibious And Frogfaced
Shaper Of Flesh


Superb: Lore
Great: Conviction, Discipline, Intimidation,
Good: Endurance, Presence, Weapons,
Fair: Alertness, Athletics, Fists
Average: Contacts, Deceit, Scholarship,


Aquatic [-1]
Fomor Magic [-5]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Mental Toughness [-2]
Refinement [-1]
The Sight [-1]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]

Total: -12 Refresh

Focus Items:

Gnarled Staff (+3 Offensive Control with Fomor Magic)

Enchanted Items:

Enchanted Robe (6 Shift Block or Armor 3, 3/Session) (3 Item Slots)
3 Potion Slots


Mental: OOOO(OO)
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOOO
Armor: 1 vs. mental stuff, or by spell item or effect.

Fair Initiative, Good attacks at Weapon: 4 with staff, Fair attacks at Weapon: 2 unarmed, Fair to Good defenses, 7 shift Evocation offensively (4 without staff), 6 shift defensive item.

So, first up here's a Generic Fomor. They're built at Submerged and designed to be scary for people at less than that power level (particularly those with a skill cap of Great or so), and a decent but not really optimized threat. Their weird devices are assumed to be Potions (which, conveniently, means they can hand them off to minions). You can easily power them up if you want just by adding a level of Refinement or two (they can get up to 9 shift offensive Evocation and 10 shift defensive item that way)...but that's more extreme than generic characters should usually be.

Fomor Servitors up...probably later today, and other stuff to follow. I'll add stuff to the index in the first post in a while.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2019, 11:37:03 PM by Deadmanwalking »