Author Topic: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?  (Read 9309 times)

Offline beachhead1973

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2010, 09:43:30 PM »
You will need players that 'buy in' to the FATE system.  I've seen big time Munchkins love the system though because they get to 'game' it while role-playing hard.  Others, meh, don't like it at all since you have to accept your character having problems to get the juicy FATE points.  Honest conversations about this will go miles and miles to seeing if they would even want to play this game.

That is the System for the Dresden Files, yes? See, THAT makes sense to be, a trade-off.
Send a daytime hunter after him.

He takes double damage from sunlight and fire :)
Use the Kincaid approach

We blow up the building
we pour gasoline on the ruins and light them on fire.
Then we blow up the building again.

lol, yes. don;t tempt me.

Offline GrimGent

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2010, 07:53:33 PM »
pre-vampire telekinetic abilities and pyrokinetic invulnerability.
If it's any consolation, this bit at least isn't valid by the WoD rules as written, since it would involve stacking two different character templates (Psychic and Vampire). Instead, by RAW, the PC should have lost the Merits for the psychic powers when he became a vampire, and (at the GM's discretion) the player might then have recovered some of the experience points spent on the old abilities as bonus XP towards similar Disciplines.

Offline beachhead1973

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2010, 08:27:18 PM »
Well that is a fish of a different colour!

Me and my expert-GM are looking into this and trying to find a way to save the campaign, if at all possible.

Offline svb1972

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2010, 08:38:35 PM »
Well that is a fish of a different colour!

Me and my expert-GM are looking into this and trying to find a way to save the campaign, if at all possible.

How did your expert-GM miss these blatant characters?
or wait.. is he the one who made the cheaterang vampire?

Offline beachhead1973

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2010, 09:11:30 PM »
no, he's an expert cause me knows the basic system best, still mystified by combat though.

and he has a aversion to "GM-says-so" rulings and anything that seems like it is "Ruining The Game" for the player. So if you say to him "it's legal, I have lots of experience with thie system, I can do this, the rules say I can". He just shrugs it off.

When I GM. if i don;t like the rules or if they seem stupid, I change them, but even i have my limits.

Offline bestial warlust

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2010, 09:24:12 PM »
Hmm I've been running a long term Mage the awakening game 2 years and found combat easy. We'll be putting aside the mage game for a break to play some Dresden. I'm still stunned by the amount of xp given out that's pretty crazy. You can't really phase out one for the other as the power levels are way to different.  But the Dresden RPG does a great job of getting that urban fantasy mix going.

I would say just try it as is don't try and cram the Nwod into it. That won't work to well.

Offline JustinS

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2010, 10:08:32 PM »
Have you thought about doing a flashback? You can't kill them, or do any permenent damage, but you can make them work for a win at a much lower power level...

Offline beachhead1973

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2010, 11:49:07 PM »
Hmm I've been running a long term Mage the awakening game 2 years and found combat easy. We'll be putting aside the mage game for a break to play some Dresden. I'm still stunned by the amount of xp given out that's pretty crazy. You can't really phase out one for the other as the power levels are way to different.  But the Dresden RPG does a great job of getting that urban fantasy mix going.

I would say just try it as is don't try and cram the Nwod into it. That won't work to well.

well when E-GM was running it, we kept asking him what was realistic, he kept adjusting it.
Have you thought about doing a flashback? You can't kill them, or do any permenent damage, but you can make them work for a win at a much lower power level...

nah the game more or less "Began with the inroduction of the PCs into the world of the super natural (TM)

Offline void

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2010, 12:14:26 PM »
Honestly, it sounds to me that a) the group didn't all come in with the same expectations, and b) nobody is making sure everyone has at least basic competence with the system.

This is a bad combination for any group.

As others have said, the best thing would be a fresh break, but make sure everyone understand what you're doing, first. If you guys do transition to Fate, the fact that character and city creation is collaborative will help a lot.

Your OMG PWNZ0R player and GM also need to understand that if one character is outshining the others in effectiveness or narrative weight consistently, something is very wrong.

Tabletop roleplay is about collaborative storytelling. Nobody at the table is more important than the others, ever.

Offline svb1972

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2010, 12:51:47 PM »
That's note entirely true.

If you have a game where
1 or 2 players consistantly give you 2-3 page backgrounds sometimes longer, with multiple potential story hooks.
and you have 2-3 players who give you 1 paragraph backgrounds that consists of.  "Me cool"

I can tell you whose getting more face story time.

Offline void

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2010, 12:58:25 PM »
That falls under 'something very wrong' in my book. If they aren't seriously participating, then they either need to be coached heavily, or eventually set aside.

Offline svb1972

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2010, 01:00:52 PM »
You coach as much as you can.

But sometimes, when they're your friends, you just make do.

You don't set aside friends just because they're not as stellar roleplayers as some others.

Offline beachhead1973

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2010, 01:28:54 PM »
The plan right now is to finish this arc, then, if you want to look at it that way, convientiently, I am leaving for course. I have preordered the Dresden books. So if required that seems like a natural break to me.

Offline svb1972

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2010, 02:15:15 PM »
Good luck!

Hopefully your group will enjoy the cooperative almost Ars Magica feel to the DV.

Offline dreadviking

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Re: advice on phasing out WoD in favour of the Dresden Files?
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2010, 02:18:19 PM »
I'm only familiar with the OWoD, but.... damn... Even with the broken ass power levels possible in that game that character is waaay off balance.

Advice: Fight fire with fire, build a badass NPC, kill the bastard, have him start a new character. Can't come up with a badass, borrow Kincaid from Dresden, Alucard or Paladin Anderson from Hellsing, or Dante from Devil May Cry, file off the serial numbers (or not, your choice) and pound him into the ground. Then set his ashes on fire, then put the fire out with holy water.

Good advice: Read the rulebooks, point out the rules that this guy is breaking to him, and ask him nicely to create a new character more in line with the rules. If that doesn't work, the good advice varient on the advice is, if this guy is so badass, he's GOT to have stepped on at least a few toes, even dead guys will have sires, childer, what have you, group a few of them together with the specific purpose of taking the guy out.

Best advice: Find a system all of you can learn together and start a new game from scratch, if its really about the role-playing you'll get a few converts.

My $.02... well, with the length of the post, more like a buck fifty...
