Robert...Harry's apparent lack of a gremlin-field around electronics keeps coming up.
Here's my theory from another thread:
On the show, magic is less blatant. I'm assuming (the issue hasn't come up yet to explain it) that Harry's gremlin-field in the show only manifests when he's near something AND using magic, rather than an ambient field like the books. The candles are mostly in his lab, and I bet when Jim's blackberry goes bad in the show, Harry's working magic in the morgue.
This hasn't become an issue in the show as yet, so if I'm right, there hasn't been an opportunity to write dialogue for it. The average viewer doesn't need to know this right off, just the fans of the books.
So am I right in this...magic only screws with stuff when actually ACTIVE, rather than a general field of roll-the-dice around Harry? Or dead wrong?