This year's annual meeting will be held in the sanctuary of the Fayette First Christian Church. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m., and Jim will be available for book signing afterward. As always, the meeting is free and open to the public. Address for the Fayette First Christian Church is 307 N. Church Street, one block north of the town square. Folks may call the library at 660-248-3348 for more information.
New York Times best-selling sci-fi/fantasy author Jim Butcher will be the featured speaker at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library on March 4 at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary of the Fayette First Christian Church. The meeting is open to the public.
cool. thank you!
Gas for an 8 hour road trip: $130.Food: $40Book for signing: $30.The look on Jim's face when he realizes your entire family drove 8 hours to meet him for 37 seconds. Priceless.
Only thing you forgot were the hotel expenses, but that's just about right. I'm exceited. I just have to make sure to remember to pack the book for him to sign.
That WOULD be pretty embarrassing to get out there and forget the book.Ah hotel rooms, yeah, so 16 hour round trip?