I asked the Mods, privately, repeatedly how to get DragonFire to stop stalking me without causing an issue. This was after trying confronting him via PM, ignoring him, and trying to deal with him in the threads. None of the Mods ever answered me. None of the Mods ever answered my inquiries into whether or not it was okay to open a chat room, or whether it was okay to advertise the chat room on the forum. As a matter of fact, every PM I have sent the Mods since I "donated" my art, only to have that ignored, too, has been, quite simply, ignored. Regardless of how seriously you take stuff here, I guess sooner or later you get the hint that your presence is no longer desired.
1) Notice who is still on the boards, and who is not.
2) I save the PMs I receive (sadly, they system doesn't auto-save PMs we send). We've had entire discussions about things. You even thanked me at one point and said that upon rereading posts you saw where I had tried to warned you about something.
3) I answered about the chat-room...it's cool, it's just not involved with the site.
4) Aside from a piece you did of me, I personally haven't seen any of your art.
5) While I can't speak for the other, once a situation is cleared up, unless a pattern emerges, I put it out of my mind. For instance, I did not recall you were the one who made the other adorable Toot Toot costume for the DBPro contest until I went back to check my PMs, another series where we had many back and forth PMs. (I also don't remember the incident Blaze mentioned above with her.) What this boils down to is that grudges aren't held, and if your presence was no longer wanted here, #1 above would not apply.
6) Like I told a friend of yours (and looking at my PMs, I see I told you as well), we don't see everything on the boards. We actually likely don't see MOST of what's on the boards, and as Iago said, rely on the Report to a Mod button. As such, other folks getting away with murder is because we are unaware of it (or it's being misread by the offended party, which happens). However, just because they did it and got away with it...due to the mods being unaware...is not a pass for someone else to do the same. When we're made aware of it, we do something.
7) There's no favoritism or persecution. People who get perma-banned, aside from trolling accounts or spammers, are given many many chances, and people we like...some of which are even personal friends or on the Beta list with us...get slammed to the mat if they break the rules. Furthermore, if any of the mods step out of line, the other mods would do the same to them.