Here's what I've been working on so far using what I've read here in the RPG forum and looking off Harry's character sheet.
Character: Ash Sutek Aken
Inspirations for said name
Ash-egyptian god of oases/nature
Sutekh-another name for Set god of desert/storms/darkness/chaos
Aken-egyptian underworld god/ferryman
Template: Focused Practitioner(May have to be upgraded to Sorcerer since he does dabble in necromancy)
High Aspect: Ghost Busting P.I.
Trouble Aspect: Straddling the Veil
Phase I: Grew up son of Kesi Aken, she was a 2nd generation egyptian immigrant who held tight to her beliefs and who had been a minor practitioner. Raised by her alone as his american father had died before he and Kesi could wed. At the young age of 6 he began to see his 'invisable friends' causing him to become isolated from other children and relying on the spirits and his pets for companionship.
Phase Aspect: I watched too much Beastmaster
Phase II:Grew up apart from others all his life, his animals and the spirits around him his only friends and his mom his only family. He was bounced from therapist to therapist until his mom realised that the 'invisiable friends' he'd known all his life were actually ghosts and spirits and as an adolescent he began to show signs of having a bit of magical ability. Trained with a local ectomancer for a bit. Moved on best i could went to college in Chicago, where his mother was killed on Halloween. Becomes determined to never be caught unprepared and helpless again. He gave up attempts at a normal life and dropped out becoming a paranormal private eye.
Phase Aspect: Where was he keeping that?
Phase IV:TBD
Phase V:TBD
Ghost Busting P.I. (That's Paranormal Investigator)
Who ya gonna call? No, seriously who ya gonna call?
Invoke: Your years of living alongside the spirits have made you more in tune into the things keeping them bound and you are better at dispelling or helping spirits move on that most.
Compel: Your years of living along side the spirits make most people think your a little nuts, always talking to the open air around you. You also take the needs and feelings of the spirits as seriously as the living and may decide the best thing for them is to stay put.
"Straddling the Veil" I see dead people...
Invoke: Allows easier, more clear communication with the spirits of the dead and also allows increases strength of beings raised from the dead while near this practitioner.
Compel: Brings unwanted attention from Wardens, or tempts practitioner to resort to black magic.
I watched too much BeastMaster
I like animals better than most people.
Invoke: Allows you to communicate your desires more easily with animals even if they are untrained. This is however more of an empathic understanding than true communication.
Compel: Due to empathic nature of this aspect sometimes a message or warning is misconstrued. Also animals seem to sense this ability and often approach you at inopportune moments.
Where was he keeping that?
Your person is often compared to a clown car. You always seem to be pulling out some inconceivable object.
Invoke: Allows you to produce an item in your inventory even if you've been thoroughly searched.
Compel: If ever required to completely disarm the time taken is far longer than what is the norm. It can also sometimes take multiple attempts to produce the right item. (I.E. Your attempting to pull your hidden revolver and instead pull out a knife or a tome.)
He has a whole big story behind him but that may work better as a fanfic later.

And yes the Halloween when his mother died is DB.