IT's not the sex...I just hate it when people twist the characters for those sorts of stories.
The only thing worse is when the really, cool, strong, and awesome guy/girl shows up to save the day, and they have the same name as the author.....
In the publishing trade, those are called "Mary Sue" stories, and sometimes, they not only have the same name as the author, but also a highly stylized redrafted description of themselves; for instance...Dan Lister, short, bald, semi-portly Butcher-board smartypants, writes a story about Batman and Robin being saved by a non-canon character who's 6'4", broad-shouldered, hyper-athletic and smarter than Einstein and MacGyver combined...who just happens to be named Dan Lister, nicknamed "Tribblechomper". After saving the world, Tribblechomper gets a free access pass to the Batcave from Batman, who reveals his secret identity to Tribblechomper, who is clearly smarter, stronger, wiser than Batman.
Now, take that little story premise, put it between two slices of bread, add some mayo and mustard...and you have a fine example of a baloney sandwich.