Author Topic: Princeps' Fury a Bestseller!  (Read 5913 times)

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Princeps' Fury a Bestseller!
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:03:11 PM »
Congratulations to Jim!  Princeps' Fury, fifth book in the Codex Alera, rocked the bestseller charts this week! 

It ranked:

#10 on the Boston Globe's Hardcover Fiction list
#13 on the New York Times' Hardcover Fiction list
#13 in Publishers Weekly, and
#56 on the USA Today List (which merges all books--fiction and non, hardcover and paperback)

The paperback of Captain's Fury is #22 on the New York Times' Paperback Fiction list.

To celebrate, we now have desktop wallpapers featuring Steve Stone's Princeps' Fury cover art!

 Download them here in about every desktop size imaginable:


Tina Smith of Dog-Eared Books, host of the Princeps' Fury Virtual Signing, wishes fans to know that they have twelve autographed copies of Princeps' Fury still in stock.  The books are $25.95 plus shipping, same as the virtual signing prices.  If you're interested, e-mail her and she'll send you a link where you can pay.  Act now!  Those twelve copies will go fast!

As always, you can purchase Jim's books from a number of online retailers in a number of different formats from the Store!

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