Author Topic: The Coins and Demonreach  (Read 4842 times)

Offline Mira

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2021, 04:28:57 PM »
As for the OP -
I believe that the Fallen could be contained in Demonreach. If he can contain a god he can contain an Angel, and there is apparently things far worse than Ethniu in Demonreach. However, I suspect that the Coins would always end up free.

And since there are worse beings on Demonreach, who theoretically could end up with a coin, not a good idea at all to store them there.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2021, 01:40:32 AM »
And since there are worse beings on Demonreach, who theoretically could end up with a coin, not a good idea at all to store them there.
Exactly, provided those being were mortal enough to end up with a Coin. I think that's part of how it works.
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Offline Avernite

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2021, 08:05:36 AM »
I believe the whole genius of Demonreach is that it CAN contain the otherwise uncontainable. But, Angels do operate on a special level, across multiverse, and I have my doubts Demonreach could contain that.

One possibility I see is that it will serve as a special timeout. As in, Kemmler was Warden once, maybe he found a stash of 5 coins and set them free, and if Harry stored coins in Demonreach, his successor would probably inadvertently throw them out somehow. We know timeouts apply to the Fallen, and to an eternal being, what is a decade or 5? It'd suck if it's apocalypse-now, but it still is just the once.

And in that sense, I think the lack of blood is indeed important - if Harry can't stash them in crystal, any Warden could easily pick them up, no skill required. Though we know a Warden could even release those properly trapped, it seems harder.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2021, 11:18:36 AM »
I think Demonreach already stores multiverse-spanning beings.

Logically, the Coins will only get stored if Jim thinks that's a good story line. But I highly doubt it.
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Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2021, 09:06:17 PM »
Since for some reason humans taking down the evil option makes things fall apart in Dresdenverse it almost certainly won't happen.
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Offline seanham

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2021, 12:23:24 AM »
What about not putting the just coins in Demonreach but putting the host with them. If I remember correctly, the Fallen always have their coins on them. So if Harry can get some of Nic's blood, then he could theoretically trap both Nic and his coin in Demonreach. However, the KotC might not like that because them being locked up eliminates the possibility for them to put down the coin.

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2021, 01:42:52 AM »
The problem with that is that from what Jim's told us it's much harder for Demonreach to hold beings with Free Will for very long, and the Host of a Denarian counts as such- after all, that's kinda the point; piggybacking off of the free will of their coinbearers is what lets Denarians cheat the restrictions on them acting.

Offline Yuillegan

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2021, 05:58:42 AM »
The problem with that is that from what Jim's told us it's much harder for Demonreach to hold beings with Free Will for very long, and the Host of a Denarian counts as such- after all, that's kinda the point; piggybacking off of the free will of their coinbearers is what lets Denarians cheat the restrictions on them acting.
Really? Should mean Thomas can get out then. It's an intriguing idea that Demonreach can't hold beings with Free Will for long.

Do you remember when he said that?
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Offline TheCuriousFan

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Re: The Coins and Demonreach
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2021, 06:18:21 AM »
Really? Should mean Thomas can get out then. It's an intriguing idea that Demonreach can't hold beings with Free Will for long.

Do you remember when he said that?
Priscellie: Are there any being Demonreach is incapable of holding?

Jim: Demonreach is incapable of holding, at least forever, any being with free will. So Demonreach can't keep Thomas there forever.

Priscellie: Oooh. Does the Brit have free will?

Jim: That is the question then, isn't it? That is a fair question.
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