It occurred to me while I was posting in the "Balance" thread and I started to write it. But then I
realized it may deserve a thread of it's own since if anyone cares to expand it send the thread sideways.. Anyway, here goes;
Here is the thought I just had, "could a coin possession go wrong?" I mean, say Rudolph did pick up a coin, but because of his mental/emotional make up instead of making him a useful Denarian, it just drives him insane and increasingly paranoid? Or more likely, say he merely came in contact with a coin like Harry did? Being a wizard and finally set straight by Butters that Sheila wasn't there, Harry figured it out and coped with the whispers in his head. But there is no Butters to tip Rudolph off, and I doubt he believes in the existence of of fallen angels entrapped in coins that can then posses the human that they come in contact with. So here he is, hearing voices and increasingly paranoid, and for whatever reason the shadow of the fallen holding the coin cannot get through. It could maybe influence him to blow Murphy away, but that is about it. Does anyone else think this is possible?