Author Topic: Traitors  (Read 4926 times)

Offline Mira

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Re: Traitors
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2020, 09:24:02 PM »
*Reads first post*
*Ctrl+F to see if Mira mentions Murphy as a traitor*
In seriousness, I think there are generally a lot of good thoughts in the thread. But my vote is Chandler, all the way. I find it a bit too suspicious that the guy who screws around with time remains the only "young" warden free during the Purge in Changes. I can see him developing quite a God Complex.

  I am not saying it will happen with her, however the Murphy/Lasciel nightmare still lingers in the mind.  Also I can see her misguidedly betraying Harry because she thinks she is helping or saving him from what she fully doesn't understand.  She tends to trust her own judgement above all else, now her run in with Nic may have changed that, we will see.  All I am saying if it turns out that way, it would be the most painful thing that could happen to Harry let alone a lot of her fans.

Offline Kindler

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Re: Traitors
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2020, 09:36:04 PM »
Haha, I know, I was just poking fun, because I could almost smell it coming.

Offline Snark Knight

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Re: Traitors
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2020, 01:44:41 AM »
Although I think she could still end up playing for that team, she could well be recruited. They already have tried to recruit Dresden several times, perhaps they will keep trying or perhaps not. In any case I think there are a lot of disenfranchised people who see the White Council for what it is.

I could see her allying with them if she didn't know they were the organization behind the attempted hit on her in WK or Madeline's treason in TC. With the way they're structured, Lara could think she's making a good bargain with someone in another nation, and not know they're connected to Cowl & co. through the Circle / BC cabal.