Listen to some Dragon Force, they are kinda hard rock/fantasy. My most recent group has gotten to the point that they dread the opening chords to "Storming the Burning Fields" as it means they've just managed to step into something they probably shouldn't have. You might want to check out their "Once in a Lifetime" or "Valley of the Damned" for a generic theme type song. Their music makes a good background to a game I've noticed, as it is relatively fast paced, and people seem to pick up their pace when playing with it in the background.
Also try and find some Heather Alexander, as she has some nice fantasy themed music. Stormbringer, King of Elfland's Daughter, and Wanderlust might make good opening tracks.
Blackmore Night also might be worth checking out. They've got the whole fantasy/middle ages thing going on.
For something with a more Urban and edgy sound Tapping the Vein makes IMHO good scene music for something that is taking place in a club etc.
More mainstream, well there is always Evanesence and Loreena Mckennitt.
It might help if you mentioned what style of music you are looking for. I've got a rather large collection (missing just Rap/Hip Hop) that I can flip through.