Since, as Starjammer said, Resources is supposed to be disposable income, I never really had a reason to deal with it like that. If someone has a high resources skill but lives in a dump, I'll just assume he's living like that because he doesn't need much and saves all his money. Or he doesn't have much in general, but he knows ways to get things really cheap (compellicious). Or if it's the other way around, high lifestyle with low resources, then all his money is simply tied into his assets. High resources in that case could also mean that the assets are his resources, of course.
Mainly I'll only ever think about it, if it promises to be interesting. The wizard who is paid by the mob certainly has a pretty luxurious lifestyle, but there's a lot of complications there as well. If it never ties into the story, it doesn't really matter if he is living in rags or riches.
Is this a general question or are you trying to solve something specific?