Neither am I; as I mentioned upthread my issues with it have been pretty trivial. Maybe it's one of those "anything popular must be bad" things.
Same for me. The only problems I have is that it will do things that I don't know about, nor know how to use. Often I find myself doing something that takes forever while I mutter to myself, "I know it can do this, but I don't know how to make it do it!" I love find function, replace function, and tracking. What I'd love to learn is how to compare two documents and have it show me the differences. I know it can do it, but... Well, it just gives me a headache. I'd also like to search out grammar errors; like click a button and have it scroll to them automatically. I'm sure it can do it, but I haven't figured out how.
I was thrilled to have discovered how to use page break, and there can't be anything easier to do. It only took me ten blankety-blank years to learn it. I'm old enough to automatically drop two spaces in after a period. Thankfully, I've worked my way out of it, but I was inordinately proud when I figured out that I could search for double blanks.
AND if you are sweet enough to try to teach me, don't go too far our of your way. I also can't seem to learn anything unless I stumble across it on my own. OTOH, if you know how to turn off the grammar underlining for contractions, such as I'm or they'd or hadn't, that would be freaking awesome.