Something else I've been thinking about lately is that the concept behind a free tag is that your character has discovered (or created) an aspect and as the only one adjusted to the change in circumstances gets a temporary advantage. This may or may not apply to the wizard boosting ritual, limiting the amount of free tags he might receive from the spell. Consider that the first time the wizard busts into a conflict and is "Surprisingly Fast" or similar he would definitely get that temporary advantage as his opponents are not expecting this. However if he does this every day for an extended period of time it's likely to stop surprising the enemy as word gets around that the character uses his magic to achieve supernatural speeds.
Of course this is all just my read on a situation and I'm not certain that it's something that even should be represented mechanically. An aspect should be an aspect every time, or it becomes a little unstable as players search for "more effective" aspects. Likely if I had a player who used said ritual daily after a point I would tell him that at this point the aspect is not really appropriate for what he wants and that he should really just pick up Inhuman Speed, with the excuse being that he has focused his magic on creating this power in himself.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling. I just remember this kind of daily wizard boosting ritual being discussed some time ago and I've found I've developed a few more thoughts on the subject since.