That's just...wrong.
All else being equal, a 1kg object imparted with the same energy as a 10kg object will travel at 10 times the velocity, and both will possess the same momentum
Ok, I feel the need to express my inner engineer.
Momentum is mass times velocity (p=mv).
Energy is half mass times velocity squared (E=0.5(mv^2)).
mass ratio condition: m2 = 10 * m1
equal energy condition: E = 0.5 * m1 * v1^2 = 0.5 * m2 * v2^2
0.5 * m1 * v1^2 = 0.5 * m2 * v2^2
m1 * v1^2 = m2 * v2^2
v1^2 / v2^2 = m2 /m1 = 10
(v1/v2)^2 = 10
v1/v2 = 10^0.5 ~= 3.16
v2 = v1 / 10^0.5 ~= 3.16
p1 = m1 * v1
p2 = m2 * v2 = (10*m1) * (v1 / 10^0.5) = 10^0.5 * m1 * v1
p2 = 10^0.5 * p1 ~= 3.16 * p1
So the more massive object would have only a bit more than three times the velocity, and despite this would have more than three times the momentum, given equal energy.
Belial's statement was also incorrect, by the way. An object with one tenth the mass but the same momentum would need to have 10 times the velocity. While velocity is squared in the energy equation, mass is still a factor, so you end up with 10 times the energy for the smaller projectile.
And now back to your regularly scheduled thread.