Author Topic: Just beginning a campaign...  (Read 3884 times)

Offline Thrythlind

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Just beginning a campaign...
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:30:01 PM »
...with some friends, and I believe we've screwed ourselves up royally.

for whatever reason, in building the city we now have (Byzantine, Turkey):

Queen Mab and Queen Titania around for "games"
A Danarian demon at a cursed church
A gateway to the underworld guarded by Charon (an inherited position)
A cult trying to rouse up enough hatred and racism in the world so that they can harvest that power and let the Outsiders in
a nuclear weapons de-arming/disposal facility
a college somehow littered with magical texts and items with people who are smart/talented enough to activate them but ignorant enough not to realize they're real

as for characters we have:
the pharoah reborn (scion)
a half-ogre who was supposed to die as part of an agreement (was resuscitated by science)
a wereraven thief whose gotten Loki mad at him
an ectomancer death seer who's the half-Greek daughter of a Japanese woman turned mob boss and assassin's guild founder
a sorcerer
a True Believer monster hunter family man
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Offline The_Pentagram

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 10:25:54 PM »
Sounds like your characters will constantly be near death or pissing off some BBEG. Very Dresden.

Offline Thrythlind

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 10:30:07 PM »
Thrythlind Stories and Games: http://Http://
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Offline Jaroslav

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 11:01:24 PM »
I bet your groups going to have a lot of fun with that city. But I have to ask, what's Pharaoh doing in Turkey.  :D
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Offline Thrythlind

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 11:05:19 PM »
I have little to know idea, so far my character is connected to the Changeling and the Monster Hunter

I know particularly that at one point the Monster Hunter first tried to kill my ghost whisperer and much later came asking for help.....

I would love to have been a fly on the wall of that second meeting
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Offline Odd Man Out

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 11:26:38 PM »
You may have stacked a few too many big names to be around on a semi-regular basis. That having been said, if you keep the powder keg that city looks to be under control people'll take notice.

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 11:28:48 PM »
all I brought to matters was the college and the mob-boss/assassin guild founder....

think the rest happened while I watched people list names as a joke and everybody (self included) said, "sure, that would be cool"....

it's like the train wreck you don't see coming
Thrythlind Stories and Games: http://Http://
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Offline luminos

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 01:12:59 AM »
That looks like it will be a lot of fun.
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Offline SoulCatcher78

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2010, 11:32:56 AM »
Sounds like it might be a train wreck but it sure wont be boring.  You might drive yourself crazy if you get to many plots cooking at the same time (if it's a sandbox and all of these things are possible all the time).

Offline Papa Gruff

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2010, 11:40:45 AM »
You may have stacked a few too many big names to be around on a semi-regular basis. That having been said, if you keep the powder keg that city looks to be under control people'll take notice.

That was my first thought too, but I guess you can make it work. Personally I would consider to take Titania out of the mix. She doesn't seem to be the sort that throws herself directly into the mix much. On the other hand the queens are plot devices that can throw all sorts of things at the players if they are pissed off enough.

Altogether a fun scenario. I'd like to see some feedback how this comparatively large (compared to mine) group works out for your game, as I sometimes struggle to make things work against my two submerged PC players.
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Offline Crion

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2010, 03:41:50 PM »
The only issue I see are the Faerie Queens. The rest of this list is looking rather interesting and entirely doable, and should lead to a list of rather strange misadventures. Just my thought on the matter.

Honestly, I'd like to hear more about how things go story-wise, as it seems there can be quite a bit going on in one fell swoop. And I'm with Papa Gruff; I'm curious how things go with that many PCs and various templates being used.
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Offline Thrythlind

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 06:33:38 PM »
I'll try to keep up, I'm missing the first actual game session due to house-sitting and taking care of brother's animals...but will try to keep up afterwords

also, we're all chest-deep, not submerged

and apparently the Queens are around in order to run some sort of faerie "games" guess the fae equivalent of olympics

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Offline Thrythlind

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Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 06:52:58 AM »
since y'all asked me to tell you how things were going

well, the true believer monster hunter changed out his deal prior to game start and after I posted, he's now just some sort of supernatural magnet

and apparently, thanks to him, I'll be getting looked at as a lawbreaker

the orc delivered what used to be a car, which was supposed to have some contraband in the back which he hadn't looked at, arrived in absolutely pieces (so far, he's destroyed both cars he's grabbed within a session of grabbing character has decided he's not allowed to drive her 1920s model T) and had none of the items it was supposed to contain.  He was walking along elsewhere and stumbled upon some guy in an ally with guards talking about a delivery car that arrived without the items it was supposed to contain (the wereraven had stolen them...none of us know this).  

The orc decided to walk up to them and reveal he was the driver and ask if there was anything wrong.  The thugs were rather confused as to why he was just walking right up to them and were on the verge of believing him about not having anything to do with the missing items until he mentioned something about a guy picking up the car and tossing it (prior to my first session, uncertain of the details).  They tried to grab him and beat the truth out of him (Supernatural Toughness and Recovery) and he decided they weren't being civil and decided to leave....

in one of their SUVs

later, he found a box and was going to leave it alone until the GM compelled his BUT I'M THE HERO aspect and heroes of the story always open mysterious boxes

in box he found a tome...which he decided to open

hello Necronomican (apparently a different one from that which the White Council printed into uselessness)

it was on the verge of taking him over (and giving him a temporary phobia of worms in the process...moderate consequence) when the Mouthpiece of Fate(Nico), the Monster Hunter(Michael) and the Pharoah(Ramses) popped out of the Nevernever from a sewer grate, which landed on the book and knocked it away from the orc (Chase)

they figured out what the book was and put it back in the box without touching it, I walked by at this point heading from my apartment where my character's idiot brother had decided to move in along with delivering an ultimatum from Yakuza mom.

They were talking about books and don't touch and Chase was babbling about worms

Jocaste's comment "Do I even want to know what happened?"

We had a small discussion, I gave them some information I got from a ghost priest regarding the monster we're trying to track down (the EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE compel for that being that I had to agree to "kill the priest"...there is a Denarian controlled cursed church in the area, so I'm thinking it has something to do with that...hoping...really, really hoping its a bad priest)

said information "Brightest light has the darkest secret" referring to where we'd find our Black Court vamp in the financial district

I was suggesting we go investigate when they mentioned something about needing to save a friend's life...apparently, while we were separated, they called the sorcerer(Max) (he and the wereraven - Munin, were missing this game) and their call to him got interrupted by some explosions.  They went into the faerie for some reason and ended up talking to Maeve...who somehow sent them back in time so that the explosion hadn't happened yet.

but somehow while Chase was being mind-raped by it something like either the Lost smoke monster or the presence from Evil Dead that traces Bruce Campbell around got summoned

never saw what it looked like in the darkness and I didn't feel like opening my sight

with the sorcerer not at this game session, I was the only caster

so, I was using my defensive flute item to block attacks for a bit (successfully block something like eyebrow worms coming out of a face in the book...think snakecharmer...but with eyebrow worms) while our mouthpiece of fate went mind to mind against the book to make it show him how to get rid of the monster chasing us...the orc, Chase, was driving the car and the monster hunter and pharoh were fighting the thing behind us...throwing stuff and the like

the wereraven had flown off somewhere, apparently with all the items these cultists were looking for in order to cast some spell, for which they needed the book we had

after blocking, I cast a spirit spell to make the world react violently to the outsiders, basically giving them the aspect THE WORLD OBJECTS TO YOU in order to make it easier for Nico to banish them after he forced the book to give him the page for the right spell....and claimed mastery over it, but that was in his head and we didn't hear it

the monster was banished and the book was put back in its box...and a bit later we realized that we were driving through a killzone due to the fact we were still driving around with a guy who'd stolen a SUV from gangsters who worked with an outsider cult

Chase decided to speed up and get out of there and we started getting fired on from...well...everywhere

Chase decided he needed to get cover and drove into a building (he seriously needs an aspect "CARS DO NOT SURVIVE ME")

said building had a workshop full of propane tanks the largest of which burst as we entered and as Nico (compel of "INCONVENIENT TIMING") was firing a shot gun...

the explosion pushed us back out into the street (in one piece surprisingly) and I spent a fate point to put an aspect on the scene WHERE THERE'S FIRE THERE'S SMOKE giving us a heavy covering of smoke so that the baddies had trouble hitting us.  Various other people went about fighting the cultists....Ramses was knocking down buildings, for instance (Supernatural Strength)...I went off and hid somewhere out of view and drew a circle (there was a reason despite lack of supernatural attackers here)

Chase....stayed in the SUV....and somehow got it working again...(needs another aspect "CARS WORK UNTIL THEY'RE IN PIECES")

I spent my action casting a single round zone effect to startle people around us with a zone aspect of THERE ARE FACES IN THE SMOKE by asking the local spirits to go around and spook all the people around us

most of our people recognized right away that they were figments, Nico tried to shoot one, thinking it was attacking him...all the bad guys around us starting shooting wildly

This spell was SUPPOSED to last one round...ONE round

Michael decided to invoke his SUPERNATURAL MAGNET aspect in order to get the Dullahand to manifest (the Dullahand is an "agent of death" who is frequently after Chase, because Chase has been close to death and brought back several times) in order to give him the book and get rid of it (assuming that the book is something which is escaping proper destruction and thus in his purview)

In response to Michael being a SUPERNATURAL MAGNET, my spell goes crazy and the ghosts stop being merely ghosts and instead manifest as full dead spirits from beyond the river which start attacking people....the Dullahand shows up to punish me...slowing down time around us while he does this (think Lucifer's arrival in Constantine)


Chase drives the SUV into Dullahand, the SUV gets tossed upside down and explodes...Chase catches fire

Fortunately, I am still in my circle so, I'm not just immediately killed.  Nico and Chase managed to convince the Dullahand that I wasn't at fault, that I'd contacted local spirits and then something else happened not at my bidding (I'm blaming the book until such time as I figure out about Michael), but the Dullahand refused to take the book

In a fit of Pique, Nico used his Mouthpiece of Fate bit to pronounce that the Dullahand would "regret this decision until the end of time".

and the Dullahand made us aware that our brains had been toyed with so that we'd forget about the wereraven

Which strikes me as something very bad for us.

my character was suffering a "fuzzy minded" mild consequence and had the 2, 3 and 4 boxes of my mental stress track filled, so I it took me invoking me MOB BOSS'S DAUGHTER aspect in order to avoid freaking out completely and leaving my circle...all my attempts at explanation came out kind of like "But I didn't...I brought ghosts...I don't know how to summon the real dead...I just called the ghosts"

or more like "Buh...I...uh..the...I didnna"

anyway, time started again, the dead spirits that erupted from my insane spell were going around attacking everybody, so I used my Electrum Bell (1 use enchanted item, zone weapon attack on spirits in the area, stunning them) which caused the spirits to vanish...along with all the smoke

and then we got the hell out of there...

btw, this was all happening near the Sorcerer's home so that explosion they'd heard on the phone earlier was caused by them

we grabbed Max (sorcerer) and got the hell out of there to head to Ramses place to recover

Meanwhile...I'm sitting her thinking:

someone may have shot someone else due to my FACES IN THE SMOKE spell or the crazy version afterwords

at least one cosmic entity thought I'd summoned the dead....

I'm suspecting that I'm going to have....Warden issues....

and that's where we left off this session (some of this is from previous session, wherein a White Court vampire tried to eat me and I wasn't allowed to obliterate him)


aspects invoked and compelled (mentioned or otherwise)



Me - TOUCHED BY DEATH, SHEPARD OF THE DEAD, ATTRACTS THE WRONG ATTENTION, EVERYTHING HAS A PRICE, MOB BOSS'S DAUGHTER, DANGEROUS FAMILY MEDDLING (I spent about 9 fate points and ended up with 2 left at end of session...I have an adjusted refresh of 3)


« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 06:54:33 AM by Thrythlind »
Thrythlind Stories and Games: http://Http://
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